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Dreadnoughts with Seismic Hammers

paranoid hal

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As any THOR abiding citizen I love Hammers, I'm new to the game have have read in the SM codex that a dreadnought can have a seismic hammer this appealed to my norse sensibilities . i was just wondering wht one of these looks like, any pics or info would be much apprecaited


cheers battle brothers

to ODIN we call!!!


*no need for sterisks, its the same as saying it. max_dammit*

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I think I may have just found the basis for Forgehammer, for a project I'm planning, I'm glad I found this thread! Will they be made in plastic for the new Imperiam "Dreads", coz if they are, I'm going to ensure I get one (with Dread) for my Angron Daemon project!
  Brother Nihm said:
Think souped up Thunderhammer, mounted on a Dreadnought.


Like this (link)


  Brother Nihm said:
There's pics in the rumour section, but you can also see it here: link (bottom of the page)


Well I looked at the link, but saw no actual hammer on the Dreadnought pictured, just something that appeared to be an oversized powerfist... Am I missing something, or is that actually the Hammer itself? Is there any way of making a version of the actual hammer like the one shown on the metal Chaos Dreadnought in plastic form with out too much conversion?


Only like I say, I'm looking for ideas to make a Hammer weapon for a project I have planned in the future.

Actually your all wrong Im afraid.


The Seismic hammer was origionally made by space wolves. It was refered to by the title of the sacred shotgun-frost-thunderhammer, and was used by great heros to smite many a foe. Later the Iron Priests adapted this design when the Venerable Brother DepthCharge fell in battle and off the face of fenris so that he might use it in a dreadnaught. Feeling that armor 12 was simply to low for DC, they upped it to 13, an exceedingly lucky number.


However this was all relatively recent, and as such their are no venerable Ironclad Dreadnaughts.

  Grey Mage said:
Actually your all wrong Im afraid.


The Seismic hammer was origionally made by space wolves. It was refered to by the title of the sacred shotgun-frost-thunderhammer, and was used by great heros to smite many a foe. Later the Iron Priests adapted this design when the Venerable Brother DepthCharge fell in battle and off the face of fenris so that he might use it in a dreadnaught. Feeling that armor 12 was simply to low for DC, they upped it to 13, an exceedingly lucky number.


However this was all relatively recent, and as such their are no venerable Ironclad Dreadnaughts.


It all makes sense now! But that means Ultrasmurfs stole it from DC... I call a Great Hunt to find DC and return him to the Fang!

  Bran Scalphunter said:
  Grey Mage said:
Actually your all wrong Im afraid.


The Seismic hammer was origionally made by space wolves. It was refered to by the title of the sacred shotgun-frost-thunderhammer, and was used by great heros to smite many a foe. Later the Iron Priests adapted this design when the Venerable Brother DepthCharge fell in battle and off the face of fenris so that he might use it in a dreadnaught. Feeling that armor 12 was simply to low for DC, they upped it to 13, an exceedingly lucky number.


However this was all relatively recent, and as such their are no venerable Ironclad Dreadnaughts.


It all makes sense now! But that means Ultrasmurfs stole it from DC... I call a Great Hunt to find DC and return him to the Fang!


*Smacks his Stein hard into the table* By RUSS! Tis the only right thing to do. Let us go to Ultramar, To Maccragge! To retrieve our fallen comrade!


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