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My continuous DA WIP's

Alys Dwr

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Hi all,


I keep starting WIP threads of different units and they just fizzle off into the warp when i get lazy, but no more! (hopefully)


I'm going to try and keep tabs of my army, most of which is built and half painted, so not too much work to do - mostly squad markings and eyes etc. After i failed didn't quite finish the liubrarium challenge earlier this year i kinda stopped painting. Since then i have only painted a dread (and that's only 75% done) and the free AoBR models from white dwarf. But now i'm cracking on to get my marines into a finished state and building a few more bits and pieces to refresh things a bit. Now, please bare in mind that i'm in my 3rd year of uni so this could drag out a bit as i have an ungodly amount of work to be doing.


First off, here is a picture of said drednought:


I'll finish painting him soon i hope.But at the moment i've decided to sort out a second command squad for my army, one to jog about with my Chaplain as he cracks heads and shouts abuse. No standard barer here, just wanted 5 men with the apothacary - the only unrobed model as he got fed up of the dry cleaning bills:


The flames licking from the end of the flamers are made from a twisted bit of tissue with a drop of superglue for strength. The chap on the left is base coated as i wanted to see how the flames came out to start with, not too bad i think. Just some minor limb repositioning elsewhere, but the apoth has had a leg rebuild so that it looks as if he is about to run a heretic through; not obvious from this pic but i'll get a decent one up when he's base coated.


Comments (good or bad) are more than welcomed, i'd go as far as encouraging them as they encourage me!



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Great stuff!.. well, not too much for the command squad yet, but I've never thought to have a guy holding a flame thrower like that! Great idea.


I'm really liking that dready too! The DA symbol on the arm is greatly executed. I have trouble painting it free hand, let alone on two different leveled surfaces. I like the use of a regular shin guard too, not the fancy new ones.

Cheers both. The freehand is something i'm working on - the symbol on the left shin has worked very nicely. I pained that one as a solid piece for each wing and then put the divisions on with a line of black then DA green. The one on the shoulder still need tidying up around the edges.


The green is 2 coats of DA green over black, highlights are in a home made colour. I had a half pot of DA green, put maybe 10% skull white then a bit of badmoon yellow and shook like mad. It's a bit darker than goblin green


I've started painting the vets, black base with bestial brown on the robes, Apoth was codex grey and has had 3 layers of white. I'll get some more pictures up later.


Other things to expect

- 10 man dev squad, not sure about weapons at the moment.

- rhino with fully hinged doors

- predator destructor, this one is built and painted up to DA green but that's all.

- techmarine with servo harness and servitors, one servitor painted 90% already

- (possibly) a scratch built interrorgator chaplain, i feel the urge. The one i have now was awesome when i built him, but i feel i can do better now.

- (less likely but still possible) a new company master. Same reason as the chaplain, that and he's a midget for some reason.



lol, he might do, but the fact that he can't hit a barn door at point blank range doesn't help him any. When i built him i used one of the robed bodies from the DA vet sprues (to odd one out) and it's a little shorter than the rest. Yes he has a wingy hemet, but ignoring that he is about 3mm below the average marine. His base is glued to a 2pence piece to boost him a bit but he's still shorter.


I was prety set on 2 plasma cannons but not sure about the other 2. I have one 2PC 2HB squad which is good against most infantry. I've been thinking 2 missile launchers for their versatility, las cannons are nice but i'd rather give them to a tac squad and combat squad them, saves the price of a power sword.



picture for tonight! Robes are almost done, worked up to bleached bone through layers of drybrushing. I like the texture this gives the cloth robes. The apothacary white is almost there. just a few more coats of white then some shading to do. Areas for further painting will be re done in black before i continue.





noticed a few patches of bone in the recesses of the robes, i'll tough them up tomorrow. The apothacary was several coats of white, dipped in black wash (mug half filled with water + a few drops of black ink) then left to dry, before whiting up the large armour plates. the joy of several thin coats is that if you start at one foot and work your way around, by the time the head is done the foot is dry for the next coat.


Tomorrow i shall do the re-blacking and get the base of the DA green done and maybe get them highlighted. Apothacary will get a bit of shading and black lining to finish the armour.


Firenze, here's my company master (quick picture, not the best) next to a tac marine. Look forward to seeing yours.




really nice work there. im liking the green alot. something im working at now, i want something not the same as the standard GW green scheme. something darker and more sinister. you have done a great job on the dreadnought. really really nice colour scheme. i do like the freehand too.

keep up the great work. oh and its great to see another DA painter/collector/converter. i salute you fellow Battle-Brother.



Thanks to you all for the kind words. I've been painting my DA since the codex came out but had seected it as my chapter a long time before. I was flicking through the 1999 Citadel Miniatures catalogu and came across the deathwing models and i was sold!


Anyway, it's almost 1am now and i felt like a quick update before bed. Haven't got as far as i'd have liked, instead of batch painting the robed vets i cracked on with the apothacary. Nowhere near finished yet, i'm playing around with the bottles to try and make them look fluid filled, then it's a tidy up job and the metalics (and his other arm) before a touch of weathering and blood spatter. I don't think white armour is going to stay clean on the battlefield!



Any and all comments welcome.



Ok dokey folks, quick question: Any ideas for painting the powerswords? I normally just paint them boltgun but i'm feeling like maybe trying NMM for them, at least on one to see if it works.


I'll get some updated pics up later, all the green is highlighted 80% of the way, the robes are done and the apothacary is getting there!




+EDIT+ for some pictures!

Here's a group shot so far. I'm aware they're rather rough looking, but they always do at this stage.



And here's the apoth as of this morning. Looking for feedback on the sword: it's not quite NMM but i think it looks rather nice. My first real attempt at wet blending, glazed lightly with UM blue and then given sharp white highlights around the tip. How does this look? Worth giving the whole squad? I think it makes a nice distinction between the powered weaopns and standard metalic bits on the marines themselves.




Here he is, along with one of the vets!



I think the apoth is easily at tabletop standard but there is quite a few niggly bits i can touch up later. The vet is 3/4 done, i just wanted a go at doing the whisp of flame!


C&C welcom (and encouraged)



The flame was done by painting it white then covering in watery bad moon yellow and then watery blood red as the tip. Swirled it about a bit and was happy with it.


My internet is down at the moment so i don't know how long it will be before my next update. I've started on my techmarine and servitors but i've missplaced a servo arm that i'd modified. Grrrrrr. It'll turn up some time. By the end of this week i want to have the vet squad done, the dread done and the techmarine finished. Oh, and i've started sorting bits for my interrorgator chaplain.



And the internet is fixed, woohoo!


I think i need to start finishing stuff one at a time. Here's the state of my techmarine and the first servitor which a painted about 6 months ago. Looking at them, the techmarine's chest armour is patchy and the details are nowhere near done. I love this model, one of the few GW has gotten in proportion!



Looking forward to seeing that cmmander. And don't be shy people, approaching 1000views here and i haven't heard enough from the cimmunity! Do i take that to mean my painting is so awesome/aweful it has gobsmacked you all? :)



I think it's time for a wee update. Haven't realy done much as uni work has been swamping me. However, the greenstuff has been screaming at me so i've started work on my interrorgator chaplain, and who better than Asmodai? The blob of green on the left is the rough leg robes done ish:



By the way he's going to be true scale/biggerised to make him extra imposing!


C&C welcome



Right sorry for the delay Dwyr had some stuff going on.


Master Firenze





Hey, it seems our commanders have both beaten up a terminator and 'yonked' his sword. That's a nice use of bits.


Cheers for the comments so far, with any luck they'll start pouring in now as my Asmodai is making some progress...


He's next to a standard marine for scale purposes. So far all but the feet, cion, grenades and back of his head is GS. The face took ages as i did one little bit at a time and waited for it to cure fully before moving on - didn't want to ruin what i'd started. Still needs the chain for his bling and i think i need to bulk out the top of the torso a bit but i'll see how it looks when i've knocked the arms up and dry fitted them. I've been tempted to try using plastic arms of various types but think i'm going to try sculpting some first.




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