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Converting a Sorcerer

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As amazing as the chaos daemon princes are i can't stop loving lords and sorcs, so i find myself creating a rather large amount of them. The other week i finished up a winged khorne lord, so i decided my next project would be a sorcerer. Now, i use the word sorcerer loosely as i wanted to make a model that could be a sorc or tzeentch lord. I also wanted to have as many wargear options as possible on one model without having to magnetize it so it can be whatever i want in any given list. Here's a step by step of what i did with pictures.




First up, my humble and rather small workspace.




I started this project by grabbing a bunch of bits that seemed like they might be useful. Unlike some past projects this guy wasn't based on any specific kit or blister, and i liked the idea of making something mostly from scratch. Since i recently gave up on actually using possessed in my army i tore most of mine apart and that gave me a good deal of recycled possessed bits which are fun in any project. I'm sure people can recognize a good deal of those bits, such as Ahriman's staff and backpack and some bits from the terminator lord. Some of these bits weren't actually in very good condition, like my brutalized possessed body and legs and even the base had holes in it. A good deal of it was also primed already due to previous use either by me or the guy i got it from on Ebay.




I decide to start with the base. I'm not going for a super fancy scenic base or anything, but i do feel he should have something fancier than the rank and file, but small enough to still hide him behind tanks and the like. I start with covering the base with green stuff then i stick that chaos icon into it. The icon itself has an interesting story to it because i have no clue what it's from. Somone just found it on the floor at the game store and asked if i wanted it. Having him standing on the eight pointed star looks cool, but even better i can use it as a disk of tzeentch daemonic steed. Or i can just leave it as a nice base if the list doesn't have the points for that.




While the base is drying i lay out some other bits to get a final plan of what i'm going to use.




I've got a plan of what i want, so i get to building. Since i'm using a mix of plastic and metal bits i decide to pin everything. Ahriman's staff gets stuck on the end of an arm that once held a bolt pistol.




I decide to go with staff and sword. It works fine to represent a sorc, or a tzeentch lord with a daemon weapon.


The possessed sword is certainly a cool piece, but it sticks out a lot and tends to make models difficult to work with on the table. I like the blade of it, but i decide to turn it into a regular sword. I cut it down a bit and mount it on the dark angel's powersword arm so i can have him holding it up in the air. The cross piece bits are from a chaos obliterator.




The cross piece is a bit to big, so i cut one of the blades a bit shorter and turn it for a different look. I'm generally happy with the sword, but the handle seems a bit small in comparison to the rest of it. I'm thinking about changing it still.


I decide to use the small boney wings from the spawn box as well. They look nice and let me run him with wings if i'm in the mood. I didn't want to use the possessed winged backpack because that way i'd feel like i had to run him with wings, while the spawn ones can just be decoration. The spawn wings are also really easy to pin i found. (pictures were to blurry to be worth posting)


I also gave him the terminator lord loincloth and belt pouch from the chaos marine box. For shoulders i originally was planning to do somethinig fancy, but the wings would have gotten in the way so i stuck with the larger shoulders with a chaos star from the chaos marine box.


When i put his head on i made sure to put a bit of green stuff into his neck. The terminator heads sit a bit to low in normal torsos if you don't and i wanted him to have a bit of a neck.


Here's some pics of him finished.







Overall i'm happy with this guy even though there is some sloppy greenstuff work around the edges of the backpack. Once all the green stuff is dry i can clean that up with the knife though. He stands a good deal taller than a marine, but its all the wings, helmet spikes and weapons. So nothing that counts for shooting at him.


Let me know what you all think. I'll add more as i paint him.

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Thats a amazing conversion ( I don't know if you actually did much conversion, its just awesome looking) Do you think, that for a base like that, you could just grease up the symbol, and press it in, then once it dries, pull it out? For a cool effect?
Thats a amazing conversion ( I don't know if you actually did much conversion, its just awesome looking) Do you think, that for a base like that, you could just grease up the symbol, and press it in, then once it dries, pull it out? For a cool effect?


Thanks! I guess the main conversion was just the sword, other than that its just cool bits so i'm not going to claim too much credit.


For the base, thats actually what i did initially (water works). I decided to leave it in though so i could use it as a disk.


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