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C+C Please?


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I'd love some comments and criticisms of this new paint scheme for my army which I've titled "War Spectres." The concept is to attempt a cold, menacing look. I did NOT do highlights in the sense of the "light halo" method. All I've attempted to portray currently is a spectral-esque mood.


Sorry for the poor pic quality - battery on the camera was dying and I wanted some C&C before I continue with more tests. The bleached bone may or may not stay on the gun, though I like the contrast it adds to the chest eagle area.





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Thanks for the replies.


jester262- I don't have any power armour pics. The army itself is going to be Deathwing oriented, so my test mini naturally had to be a terminator. Many moons in the future I may have a PA guy, but not until I at least get some termies done.


Scar Weaver - The 'detail' is lacking on this mini simply because the overall "test" was the main armour. The gun is messy, the chest eagle isn't as dialed in as I wanted, but with test guys, you have to draw the line somewhere. ;)


Thanks for the kind words thus far, it really changes the desire to paint when you have a color scheme you're happy (and proud) about!

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Thanks again to everyone with comments, good or bad!


(I cannot stress how much of a motivating factor it is to paint when you come up with a color scheme that you LIKE)


Rezeki - What did you have in mind with the powerfist to differentiate it? Paint the entire fist a different color, more highlights?

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Night spectres seems a bit lame, considering there are night lords and 'night' seems like such an overused or kinda boring word for an WIP army.


I like spectres on its own, war spectres has a nice ring to it.

But, I quite like battle spectres, or... death spectres?

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  • 6 months later...

So here are a few pictures of a couple finished War Spectre Terminators using the Forgeworld shoulder pads..though I wasn't able to get the Crux Terminaturs photographed before the camera battery died and my lighting is less than ideal (shadows...)









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