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An almighty battle....


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Hey guys,


My Emperor's Spears Vs WE's diorama is coming along swimmingly and i am just waiting on some materials so i thought i would share my ideas for my next project with you.


Last year my Dad asked for a chessboard for his birthday but unfortunately didn't get one so i thought i would make one for him this year!, i saw one a while back and always wanted to give it a go


The board will see those damn emperor's children pitted against a yet unamed chapter. I will however be writing fluff for them as this project progresses. Below you can see my ideas for colour schemes:




As you can see i have gone for a very promenant black vs white theme that you see with a lot of chessboards, i wanted the loyalists to look unwaveringly bound to the good of mankind with their gleaming plate, abundance of purity seals and very visable markings of the Emperor (which will be golden). I have used this however to portray in a way what the emperor's children used to represent with their proud use of the aquila and almost pompous demeiner.


The EC will however be covered in Slaanesh markings and not the imperial eagle at all, i have also moved away from the black/pink themes that you see alot of (personally i am not a fan) and have tried to keep it similar to their pre-heresy colour, although the armour will be an extremely almost black version of purple.


As for the modelling all pieces will be running towards eachother with no pieces in a stationary position, i really want to portray how much both sides hate eachother and love the idea that they are charging to rip apart the enemy. I am also undecided on a basing theme as of yet so any ideas would be helpful.


As for the pieces here are the ideas i have so far:


Space marine force:


Pawns - Tactical squad (all running, heavy use of bolters, no power weapons etc)

Rooks - Terminators (heavily adorned with a greater use of gold)

Knights - Assault marines (as they can jump over other pieces :P)

Bishops - Chaplains (only minimal parts of their armour will be black to keep the white theme)

Queen - Unsure as of yet but possibly a Librarian (with force staff covered heavily in purity seals)

King - Will be using Captain Lysander as a base but will be changed alot/ or The master of the recruits model also changed alot


Emperor's Children:


Pawns - Squad of noise marines (not to much noisey stuff though lol, also running, minimal use of 'trophies'

Rooks - Again terminators (sonic weapons as their main arsenal, heavy use of 'trophies'

Knights - Chaos raptors

Bishops - Sorcerers (unsure if i like the gw models for these so may convert my own)

Queen - The masque, Eternal dancer of Slaanesh

King - Chaos lord with jump pack (although he wont have a jump pack, instead he will have a speaker unit which is so powerful he will be floating on its energy)



This is just a rough outline and basic ideas for my project, as ever any ideas are greatly appreciated, criticisms too as they help just as much





- tal

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Alrite Tallis,

This seems like an awesome project and what you plan to do with each side is brilliant, one thing i would suggest, nothing bad, is reinforcment. space marine models are good for being picked up and moved around, but bare in mind in chess, people (like me especially) tend to keep their finger on the model/piece while they decide if their move is good or not, this will, over time, put allot of strain on the marines waists, not an issue with the metal models, but the tac squads, maybe treat them all as metal models, and just super paranoidly reinforce by pinning waists and arms as once again here is where the models will be picked up most, i know it seems exessive, but at least if you do over reinforce, you know that in a few months/years you wont have to go round with a tube of super glue and fix them up!

Good luck, bud, will be keeping an eye out for progress!


lord_bunny: yea my dad was the one who got me into it in the first place! lol collected bits of everything, back in the day and all that! so the chessboard should go down a right treat ;)



Hubernator: another good idea i hadn't thought about so thanks for that mate, i have never really used gloss, but i've heard that GW gloss is not that great, anyone got any ideas on a good alternative?




- tal

sir, this is a great idea, and if you dont mind I'd like to steal it and make a chessboard of my own :)

a rough planning of mine:

black legion vs. unknown white chapter


pawns: chaos/tactical marines

rooks: terminators

horses: assault marines/raptors

bishops: grey knight/possessed

queen: librarian/sorceror

king: captain/terminator lord


the terminator lord will be the classic metal one with a lightning claw and power sword and the captain the AoBR one

the libby and sorceror I will convert myself, the rest will be stock models


I'm also planning on making the table a ruined imperial city, with small bits and bobs scattered around (nothing too big of course, just enough to set the mood) with some very low ruins to the white side and corruption to the black side.


with your permission, I'd like to post progress on my own board here, naturally only with your permission


absolutely great Idea mate :)

An idea a had for one of my assault (knights)


Thinking about having him in mid air, sweeping down. he's not stuck together yet and also not the final product.






Any ideas for this guy would be great.




have been making progress will the tactical squad (pawns) too but am missing certain parts to finish them off, hopefully will be getting them today and then will post.




- tal

A WIP of my 'pawns' , bases have not been started but just to give you an idea, sorry about the crappy picture quality:











Also my 'knights', couldn't help but use this model just the way it was, and below is the previously posted assault marine just with a different jump pack:








- tal

What are you thinking of using for the bases? One idea, if you wanted to tie it more strongly into the chess theme, would be to do something along the lines of marble floors beneath their feet. Are you making the board as well or just the pieces?


Looks a treat so far mate. Fantastic concept. I am sort of on the other side of this project. My father hand made a chess set for me several years ago, each piece hand carved (all wooden). My grandfather then made the board with a drawer to hold the pieces. That set has a place of honor in my lounge room. I think your dad will love this project!

Cheers guys,


Voladilk: Thanks bud, yea my grandad is making the board too actually! i told him what the idea was, colours, measurements etc and he just said, ' leave it to me ' lol , Best kind of gifts are the ones our make yourself/ made for you.


As for the bases i am as of yet undecided, i wanted them slightly raise and flat, that marble idea would be great although i am unsure how to do so, any ideas?




- tal

The first of two chaplains (bishops)


I'm really happy with the pose on this model, think it looks really menacing and captures the spirit of a chaplain well, driving his men on with faith, i wanted to surround him with the aquila to show that the emperors always with him, there fore on the backpack to show the emperor looking down on him (guiding him) , crozius (for bringing the emperors might to the standing against him etc etc) , and on his chest (close to his hearts) , corny i know but i think it's pretty cool :)







Tell me what you think!! :)




- tal

  • 2 weeks later...

Came up with this test mini for the chaos side, was going to just paint it but thought i would use it to practice some modeling skills




And below is the colour scheme for the chaos side, (ignore the fact i painted it on a loyalist :))



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