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shadow guard diy chapter,new crusade,pic page 3 C+C please


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Love it, just the right amount of drab and flashy. They're blue, but the gray helps to take away the smurf effect of straight ultramarine colors. The gold is a good secondary color as well. The only thing that seems out of place is the red. The eye gets draw to that first instead of the blue gray, kinda makes the weapons look bigger than they are when combined with the gold, but that could be the perspective
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  • 2 weeks later...

finally some more progress ,


still no highlighting done , ill get to that eventually







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  • 2 weeks later...

hi everyone , i am now looking for a name for these guys ,

as there colors are quite similar to eagle warriors http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Eagle_Warriors .there will be some link to the eagle warriors once i sort out the fluff for them ,

i am thinking about using these http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...otCatGameStyle=

but now need a suitable name, ANY IDEAS?

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So are you looking to take them as a successor chapter? Because the Eagle Warriors them selves are successor chapter of the Ultramarines. So if you take them as a successor, you can name them just about anything.
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but now need a suitable name, ANY IDEAS?


Here are three that just came into my head:


Iron Scars

Sons of Helios


Have you thought about what kind history/style they are based Off? That can always add to the naming cause.

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  • 2 months later...

well i am finally back home ..

i did a little painting and such while i was away but didnt have that much spare time , anyway heres a quick update






still no highlighting on anything other than the tabbard and seals , also i havent painted his eyes in yet

i also see they are a little dusty from being packed away ill give them a good clean before i take anymore photos


i have about 6-7 marines in various stages of completion , ill get a squad shot up as soon as i can , i want to sort out the lighting first

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i am not really at this stage planning these for active army , its been ages since i played but i still love painting and modeling , these are for a diorama ,


so what do you all think , any ideas , constructive criticism?

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These guys are cool. Usually lots of gold turns out really gaudy, but you seemd to have pulled it off okay. I think guns should be gunmetal, but you've done them well. Shadow Guard is a cool name. Try writing a history first, and then draw real life parallels to that, and get your name from there (so if thier world is aztec-ish, have them named Jaguar Warriors. Poor example but hey).
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here another wip guy ,





his left arm is from the old metal master of the ravenwing i think , it matches that torso perfectly


not sure about what head he will get yet , what do you all think?

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The Shadow Guard definitely suit the scheme in my opinion and its a interesting name. They are looking really good thus far especially the gold which brings out the model. Excellent job barry_hhh and looking forward to more.
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  • 2 weeks later...

here is a wip dred to go along for the ride.

coming along slowly.





a few touch ups left on the legs , otherwise all done apart from highlighting and weathering

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  • 3 months later...

Finally i have had some time to work on more of these guys , i have 12 mostly finished ,the only thing ill go back and do is the eye lenses so they dont look so flat ,


then onto basing , once i decide what style , i have tried both desert and some sort of underground/cave setting to see what they look like, i will make a display board for these guys as i usually do once i get some more time ,

for some reason the red highlights hasnt shown through very well ,,



also what kind of base/display board do you think would fit these guys ,








HQ3 / with desert base?



Banner Bearer/Bearer of the squads honours - i thought the massive banner was silly so i converted this one ,



Bad photo of lascannon












bolter / cave terrain idea ,









modified bolter




the dred is still in the paint shop ,,,


Please C+C



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