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First post - BA Terminator inside...


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Hi all, my first post here after lurking for a couple of weeks...


I recently got back into the hobby after about a 7 year break, as one of my friends started work at our local GW store, and bought some of the great, new, plastic terminators. I've got most of them painted up now and have since bought an assault squad, a rhino and a tactical squad to assist my old BA force.


I'll be liberating more and more models from my Mum's attic in time, as I recall there being a small Sisters force up there as well as some other stuff...


Anyway, without further ado, here's my BA Terminator Sergeant, my first attempt at painting again after a long break!





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i'm really liking that mate! and welcome of course! :)



great job on the painting as you have been out for so long, only thing i would say is maybe give the armour a red wash/ink , as it looks a little pink but maybe thats the photo, i say this as i recently had a group of pink bezerkers' lol!


You making an army? whats the plans?



- tal

Thanks, I'm looking forward to becoming more active on here!


I think the shot does kind of, bring out the pink tone, but I see where you're coming from. I'm very much a fan of darker toned marines and especially BAs.


My current force consists of:


1 Terminator Captain with powersword and Storm bolter

5x Terminators inc. the above. and an Assault cannon (I plan on painting up a heavy flamer mini. to use too, as I hear they are very effective under the new rules)

5x Assault Marines with CC weapons and Jump packs.

2x 10 man Tactical squads with Missile Launcher and flamer


5x Veteran Marines (Don't know how I will field these... but they are painted with vetern style helmets...)


7x DC

1xDC Rhino


I plan on purchasing a Dreadnaught and a Landraider Crusader in the near future...


How does that sound to you?

Sounds really good to me mate. Coming back to the hobby for the first time in a while gives you a great opportunity to sample all the really cool models they have brought out lately.


In terms of the vets have you seen the new sternguard set? maybe you could use them for those?



looking forward to seeing more of your stuff, keep us posted! :)




- tal

Thanks... My only concerns about the force are it's minimal ranged anti armour weapons, but hey, when your up close and personal what does that matter? :)


I have painted up the rest of the Terminator squad since that pic. so whenI get home this evening, I'll be sure to post pics!

Hey... I finally got round to snapping a few shots of my terminator force leader... just been working on him for the last few evenings.


I've tried to go for a very dark, ancient look to his armour. I want my force to be painted in such a way that the most venerable and experienced marines are kitted out with darker armour and the newer, fresher marines are in a more vibrant colour. Thusly, this guy should be in some of the darkest armour, closely behind the most venerable dreads.


Either way, what do you think?





Great looking armour! really like it, more than the first pic i think, especially around the legs and arms i think if you made the shoulders and the rest go from black to red like that i think it would make the vets stand out a bit more from the others in terms of your idea.



As for the cloth i think you need to add a few more levels to your highlighting, just to blend the shades together, same for the face i think,


Great looking model though and that armour is looking especially good


Keep up the good work!


- tal

Great looking armour! really like it, more than the first pic i think, especially around the legs and arms i think if you made the shoulders and the rest go from black to red like that i think it would make the vets stand out a bit more from the others in terms of your idea.



As for the cloth i think you need to add a few more levels to your highlighting, just to blend the shades together, same for the face i think,


Great looking model though and that armour is looking especially good


Keep up the good work!


- tal


Thanks! I think the harsh flash on the camera I'm using is blowing out the definition of the highlights a little, but regardless, I have added another level of highlight to the nose and brow of the mini.


i love the termie armour is ther any chance of you doing a tutorial for it, or wip shots if you have them?


cant wait to see more of these BA


I can certainly do a tut. for it, it's really very simple to achieve. If someone could point me in the direction of a suitable place for such a thread, that'd be cool?


I'm heading down to GW in a while to pick up some new foundation paint and some more washes to try and streamline the painting process,

Ok this is gonna get a bit image heavy!


Firstly... My almost finished Terminator squad... Just gotta brush up some details on them...




Here's a bit of detail on the standard troopers....





Here's my Captain/Lord again... Getting there... dropped in some detailing long into the night last night...








This is the Gamesday '98 special Marine Captain... I'm building him up a a Veteran Sergeant...






These are the dudes that He'll hang with on the table... The other 4 were painted a long time ago... Pre-break...




This is an old-school style Marine I painted way back when the current Marine Minis were first released...





Let me know what you think!

great stuff mate, that captain is coming along really well, and so is that vet! although his armour does seem different to the captains, is that on purpose with your idea on the brighter armour being for the younger marines?



- tal


Thank you again!


Do you think I've got better or worse? :(


I tried to get it fairly close, but i tend to paint models in pairs so the exact shade of the armour is really hard to control... For me anyhow...

they are looking good mate,



what you should do is write down your techniques, and the amounts of paint used e.g , 1 part black, 1 part water, 3 parts red,


You gotta work out how much a part is too lol, making it specific to you.


and you have got to keep it the same if you want a consistant paint job. i know from experience! ;)




also on you white cloaks i would add a tone of gray between the black of the recesses and the white of the highlights, just to smooth the transition



Keep up the good work dude




- tal

Well, I visited my Mum last night and ventured into the attic to dig out some models...


I discovered,


1 Marine captain in power armour, storm bolter and powersword


About 5 or 6 metal marines


Some old unpainted devastator bodies that I don't think I'll be using, (if anyone wants then, drop me a PM)


5 Seraphim


7 or 8 Battle Sisters including one with a multi melta, one with a heavy flamer and one with a normal flamer


A Canoness


An Immolator, but it was a little worse for wear, so I don't think it'll see the table again...


A preacher with a chainsword.


More importantly... I found EIGHT Death Company... Wow. That means I can build them up with jump packs! I'll have 8 with and 8 without!

  • 3 weeks later...

An update of sorts... I've been buying a few bits and pieces... Here's a little sample...






Tactical Squad to ride inside I'll get painting these guys as soon as I've based up the AoBR tactical squad and Terminators because I'll prime the lot at once.




And finally, for now... My AoBR Dread, work in progress...








I've distilled the red painting technique down to, mechrite red base, devlan mud wash, pinpoint badab black wash then a slight highlight...

they look awesome man. Only critique would be on the robes. Might can try to give more layers to the shading. when you go from Black to Pure white they almost look striped.


Keep up the good work, cant wait to see more.


Cheers, I'm gonna try and mellow the transition a little... not sure how though. I may just repaint the whole robe...


Great stuff mate,


I really like that Rhino, the dirty effect really works, same with the red parts of the dred, make sure you put a bit of battle damage on the black arms to, too bring it all together




Keep it up!



- tal


Yup, I'm a fan of the "used" look nowadays... Makes the models look more substantial. I'm gonna do some work on the black on the dread tonight, a couple of coronas should see me through that.


I bought yet more models though. I really should have got a land raider crusader, but instead I went for the Vanguard Assault Squad.


My painting list is now;


2 x 10 man tactical squad

1 x 5 man terminator squad

5 x vanguard assault squad


8 or 9 Death Co. need repainting, along with their Chaplain...


I'm very tempted to just play them using C:SM instead of the BA codex which would lead me to not bothering with the DC, but, I'm not certain...


and to finish up a fair amount of the bits I have posted here...


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