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i got bored


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jumping on the current bandwagan of scratchbuilding superhevies im following in the footsteps of mr bulldog


the man is fantastic







c and c anyone?

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still no head on it, but there are three in the bin beside me :lol:

heads are hard


still it stands

and it looks great

well, im slightly biased as its my baby.

theres also a nice shot of my wip techmarine in there too






*edit* im having to comfort him as he's feeling inadaquate sitting one post above the wolflord:(

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praise from mfv:)

im honoured


i keep getting that, does he realy look that chaosy?

might drop the hand and go for the chainsword

although some imperialy/mechanicusy bits should help.

anyway,,, head for the fingers





not quite right,,, see?

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the heads just a mock up... i cant get the eye sockets to fold properly, might have to try and get some .5 mm plasticard:)

i have bass and guitar strings standing ready, brass rodd and tubing for the pistons,

and a water filter cartridge to provide rivits...

now all i need is a weeks holiday:


also is it just me? or does the head look far better from the side?

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