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Vendred Old and Wise


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Is it of any use to for roling who start first in 5th ed. Some mission already mention like the person that deploys first move first kinda thing. Some mission player have to roll.. so how do we determine who goes first then and can we give our first turn to our opponent if we win our roll.
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This is a debated one... I say you do it on the initial roll, as it determines who goes first amongst other things... and that depending on how your group sees it for seizing the iniative... some think its just one or the other, and Ive heard a few comments that say not at all....


So Id say go for it on the first roll... if you think its cool, ask your friends about the seize the iniative.

In the deployment section on p.92 of the rule book it says in each box quite clearly- "The players roll-off, and the winner chooses to go first or second." And then in our codex it says simply under Ven Dreads special rules- "...[you] may re-roll the dice if the mission being played has a dice roll to see who gets first turn." So it seems obvious that if you are fielding ye oldy wise one, then this would be re-rollable. Actually i do believe GW have addressed this somewhere, just not sure where... :D
As far as RAW goes, it no longer exists. There is no roll to determine who goes first as such anymore, and so it is one of the casulties of our age.




This has been talked about numerous times and I'm 90% sure it's in our (5th ed. FAQ) sticky up at the top of the SW forum.


The reading is simple, players roll for deployment, the player that deploys first goes first and so on, plus seize the initiative is also a re-rollable, but isn't recommended if you re-rolled the first roll since our C:SW says "a dice roll" instead of multiple.

In the deployment section on p.92 of the rule book it says in each box quite clearly- "The players roll-off, and the winner chooses to go first or second." And then in our codex it says simply under Ven Dreads special rules- "...[you] may re-roll the dice if the mission being played has a dice roll to see who gets first turn." So it seems obvious that if you are fielding ye oldy wise one, then this would be re-rollable. Actually i do believe GW have addressed this somewhere, just not sure where... :P


This is how we've been playing it. It seems pretty cut and dry.....


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