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A couple of doodles

Pig Of Sparta

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Did these while i was bored at work and thought i'd share them all with you.






obviously the scale and perspective are slightly off on the bolter, and the marine is probably not to scale either, but let me know what you think. i thought about maybe adding a chainsword in with the bolter, if i can get the hang of the GIMP program.

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I'll bite the bullet and give you my two pence...


The bolter looks good and I personally wouldn't add to it. If you want to add a chainsword, why not draw another bolter with it added?


With the marine, the first thing that strikes me is that the marine looks too tall. I recall that in manga you can use a proportion of 8 heads to make up the total height of a man so that's something to keep in mind. You might also look at the width of the backpack as it looks too thin and the feet look a little large compared to the hands.


Overall a good start; just keep practising.

gr8 work mate just a few things


the handle on the bolter is a little thin, but apart from that its pretty kick ass.


the second thing is the marine and i agree with JetfireUK it is a little tall and the backpack as well is a little on the thin side. but keep it up looking foward to seeing the finished products. keep it up mate..

Thanks guys, I agree with you on the back pack, but i don't wanna bulk it up too much. And thankfully you never notice my error on the fore grip of the bolter... i forgot to round off the edges :-(


you forgot to round off the edges?... I was gonna say its a little wonky lol... and the skull/wing on the front is too small


and what everyone else will say or has done already... to thin.... back pack and torso,


better then my drawing anyway! lol

great start

C&C: torso backpack as has been mentioned


the bolter, increase the grip size, and you might want to check your perspective, where the grip connects with the rest of the gun sits a bit too high, if you were to hold it, it would be slightly diagonal from the rest of the gun.

also the sickle mag sweeps forward a bit much, just less curving.


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