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[Artwork] Some Marines...

Imperator Sam

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Second thread.

I've been tryign to use more dynamic poses, and have been looking at a lot of other fan and GW concept art to try and make my marines look better. Don't know if it is working...

This was before my "dynamic" phase, but i like his face .


This one was based of a GW concept drawing, I need some feedback on the hood, chest, face, and robes. If the Chest is messed up, which I think it is, I'm thinking of putting the chapter symbol up in the corner on instead. I think his robes look like they are all going in the same dirctions, and I would appreciate (sp?) some advice on how to get folds to look more natural, if anyone has links to such arcane knowledge. If I get enough feed back, I *might* finish this one up in pen and possibly add a background.gallery_38652_2651_931361.jpg

C+C desperatly sought.


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Unfortunately, art critique is hard to give, because no amount of advice can 'improve' how someone draws.


The best piece of advice I can give you is: Always ask yourself, "When I look at the object in front of me, and I look down at my paper, am I seeing the same thing? And if not, what can I do to my picture to change that?"


Outside of that, there's really only practice. One thing I would suggest, print out that picture you based the second drawing on (I know which one it is, too. It's the concept art for the Tyrannic Veterans off the Games Workshop UK site.), and line it up with yours, and ask yourself what went right and what went wrong. Then go back and try and adjust it based on that.


And just so you know I'm not a crackpot, I'm a professional cartoonist, illustrator, and graphic designer currently working on a BFA in Cartooning and Illustration. :)


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