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New Space Marine Chapter

Tristan Hoag

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I am back after a long haitus - the Assault on Black Reach just makes it disgustingly easy to start a new Space Marine Chapter! I don't really have much of a backstory for these guys yet, I just knew that I wanted to try my hand at an army that is on extended campaign, with armor and paint is suitably battle damaged. The only additional parameters are: a focus on heavily armored marines (tactical & terminator - scouts will be rare just because I did an all scout army as my last army!) and everyone will have a helmet - it just seems foolish to step onto any futuristic battlefield with the most vulnerable part of your body unprotected! I am working on a tabletop paint job level - get them together and on the table quickly!


I have a terminator that was a test piece for the concept, and I have also converted the Captain... C&C welcome!




First the Terminator:




Then the Captain:




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