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How to entertain the people


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Hello everyone,


Last weekend my regular opponent and me organized a couple of demonstration games of 40K at a gamesday (not like GW does) for a local gamestore. We both made up some fun 1250 points lists, and I fixed 2 new gameboards and FINALLY finished my City of Death box, so we had a nicely filled city. It drawed a lot of attention from the local people, and we had 3 fantastic battles. The first 2 ended in a hard fought draw, but the last game in a victory for Russ! We played a game of Annihilation, and in the last possible turn, my Venerable Dreadnought, who was stunned and immobilized managed to finish of one of the 2 enemy Dreadnought he was in cc with before being put to rest. Being inspired by such heroism, the Blood Claws charged the Dreadnought and smashed it to shreds with their 2 powerfists. Victory was ours! Killpoints 3-2 in our favor!


Before we were playing, we expected worried parents about the violent look the game might give to some people. So we made some flyers that show the other side of the hobby like the creative side like painting and the social aspect. But it turned out that our ‘’worries’’ were not an issue. The reaction we did receive aside from the ‘’WOW’s ‘’ and WAUW’s ‘’ was ‘’Hmmm that many dice for 1 game? Seems too complicated for me…”. Another funny moment was when a man who was observing us for a while stepped up and talked to us. He said; ‘’I bet you two are the only people in the Netherlands who play this game. Where did you get it, from a foreign country I bet?’’ Well, when we said it is sold by the local gamestore, and that there are more people who play this, he left us with a confused look on his face, and us with a smile.


Here some pictures of that day. Some posed for the show, some of actual battles:


You take the right flank, while I take out that Vindicator!



In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only COTTON WOOL FIRES!!!



Hold at all costs!



Hold your ground! Reinforcements are on route!!



Total chaos...



Awaiting the fangs of the Wolf...



Moments away from carnage

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Out of curiosity, howd you make that smoke? I can see the cotton, and the black coloring being really watered down... looks nice.


But I cant get that bonfire on the bottom without royally screwing it up and making it look gobby. Howd you do it?

Out of curiosity, howd you make that smoke? I can see the cotton, and the black coloring being really watered down... looks nice.


But I cant get that bonfire on the bottom without royally screwing it up and making it look gobby. Howd you do it?


Well, to be honest, I didn't make the cotton wool fires. They were made by the store owner, who used all of his girlfriends cottonwool make-up patches for our first Apocalypse game earlier this year. He made them fairly quickly, trying to keep up with the exploding vehicles. :P


I believe he sprayed them black, and then adding red and yellow paint on them. Fairly easy, but damn convincing! :wub:


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