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International Inquisition Day - October 31st!

storm bringer

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Ok, so there may be things that you agree with and things that you disagree with but I think it's worth asking the question 'are there things that i would like to see improved with C:DH and C:WH?'

Regardless of anything else the response to the 'road to petition' thread proved that there is a feeling of disatisfaction with the way things are going for the =][= and the GK's especially. It's looking like this is part of something bigger, BoLS has even given it a mention on their front page so I'd have to say that it's something worth putting some support behind, so rather than critisising and talking the content down embrace the spirit of what is trying to be acheived. Concentrate on the potential and get involved.

In everything else in life I see letter writing as an important part of making a change. With all the things wrong with the world, mobilization for change is generally a good thing. If you were writing a letter about being concerned with their increased reliance on items manufactured in China rather than in the UK or the US (specifically printing and peripherals - the models are all still made in the UK and US), I would say "here here" and readily print out the letter and post it.


This, however, is about creating an air of legitimacy to being a cry baby. I'm sorry, but that's how I see it.


We know:


a) GW maintains on a relatively consistent 4-6 release cycle


:devil: GW are increasingly creating plastic replacements for metal models


c) GW has repeatedly reinforced that Sisters are part of the core armies.


d) Every core army will get their moment in the sun eventually.



We all know the score, so be patient and wait for your moment in the sun like everyone else and find a real cause to champion. Sorry to rain on your rather unnecessary parade.

GW has repeatedly reinforced that Sisters are part of the core armies.

and this is based on what ? both inq codex were 3ed tested . they arent even mentioned in the BBB .


Every core army will get their moment in the sun eventually.

thats unless GW does the same with inq dex as with squats or 13th company or LatD or armored company etc . For GW both inq dex represent fring lists [the DH specially wasnt even desinged to work as a stand alone codex] . Sure GW may one day re work the inq dex [or parts of it like sob] but that just like the plastic models arent even planed for the next few years .

I have done my letter. I agree with charred heretic and have cut out the paragraph about prices. But I am convinced that we should put forward our views or nothing will ever happen. This is first ever post on this site although I have been reading it for some time. I play daemonhunters and although I have a good track record against daemons I might as well give up against everything else.
  xnickbaranx said:
In everything else in life I see letter writing as an important part of making a change. With all the things wrong with the world, mobilization for change is generally a good thing. If you were writing a letter about being concerned with their increased reliance on items manufactured in China rather than in the UK or the US (specifically printing and peripherals - the models are all still made in the UK and US), I would say "here here" and readily print out the letter and post it.
Ok, so opinions are like the proverbial. Everyone's got one but you see the thing is that just because you don't agree with someone else's opinion means they're wrong. I respect the fact that you feel that the written word is a good way of expressing an opinion, I agree with that concept completely and to some extent that's why I agree with the OP. However I don't agree with the following statement;


  xnickbaranx said:
This, however, is about creating an air of legitimacy to being a cry baby. I'm sorry, but that's how I see it....

.....We all know the score, so be patient and wait for your moment in the sun like everyone else and find a real cause to champion. Sorry to rain on your rather unnecessary parade.

This, I'm afraid to say is somewhat unnecessary. If people care about it then they should be allowed to voice their concern. It's no less valid than complaining about chinese manufactoring practice if it matters to those who see it as a problem.

If you don't agree that's fine, that's your right, but remember that same right entitles others to express their concerns over issues that they care about and that affect them.

  xnickbaranx said:
Sorry to rain on your rather unnecessary parade.

/completely disagree


The only requirements for the effort to be legitimate is to 1) be a customer, and 2) have an opinion.

It's that simple.


In the case of DH (and to a lesser extent WH), it is easy to make a case that their rule-sets are being maintained with less than due-diligence. This is not too much to ask.

  xnickbaranx said:
In everything else in life I see letter writing as an important part of making a change. With all the things wrong with the world, mobilization for change is generally a good thing. If you were writing a letter about being concerned with their increased reliance on items manufactured in China rather than in the UK or the US (specifically printing and peripherals - the models are all still made in the UK and US), I would say "here here" and readily print out the letter and post it.


This, however, is about creating an air of legitimacy to being a cry baby. I'm sorry, but that's how I see it.


We know:


a) GW maintains on a relatively consistent 4-6 release cycle


:) GW are increasingly creating plastic replacements for metal models


c) GW has repeatedly reinforced that Sisters are part of the core armies.


d) Every core army will get their moment in the sun eventually.



We all know the score, so be patient and wait for your moment in the sun like everyone else and find a real cause to champion. Sorry to rain on your rather unnecessary parade.


First things first, calling other members 'cry babies' is bordering on a troll, so we can cut that one out for a start.


On another note, you may feel that the written word can make a difference on big issues. But that does not take away a person's right to use those words to change the smaller things around him. The paying customers have a right to voice their opinion regarding a hobby that they, we, are passionate about.


If you have something constructive to add, like suggestions on how to make correspondence more successful, feel free to help your fellow Frater.

I'll do it, editing the pricing query.

(and ask for a FAQ for clarification on Grey Knight Terminator's True Grit, (now the FAQ's have been edited, removing alot of rules clarifications) and adding a clarification request on Yarrick's force Field wouldn't hurt - e.g. is it a exeption to allocating wounds, where you allocate hits and reduce the strength, or is it fairly pointless)


I beleive they're going to combine them in the IG codex that's coming soon.


I also know (after interrogating one of the authors) that Vraks III will have inquisition units in it.


After interrogating him on Vrak's III for a while I asked if there will be new Inquisitorial units,

"There will be new daemonic units and models, (I could see that from the concept sketches and art being showed). I can't say exactly what's going to happen, (sic. for the inquisition) but you won't be dissappointed"

I then asked "Will there be new forces deployed on the planet to counter the daemonic incursion?"

"I couldn't really say, but think about how the Imperium would react to that, and draw your own conclusion" - with a large smile

I then asked if there'd be a new inquisitor like Inquisitor Lok

"I couldn't say" - But there was a cheshire cat smile, a raised eyebrow and a turn of the head. (I feel he was telling me yes, but can't obviously say that)

I asked if there'd be new vehicles

" I wouldn't know" - a less enthusiastic smile.

Will there be super heavy vehicles?

"I don't think so" - Slight puzzlement that i asked such a stupid query.

  stayscrunchyinmilk said:
I'll do it, editing the pricing query.

(and ask for a FAQ for clarification on Grey Knight Terminator's True Grit, (now the FAQ's have been edited, removing alot of rules clarifications) and adding a clarification request on Yarrick's force Field wouldn't hurt - e.g. is it a exeption to allocating wounds, where you allocate hits and reduce the strength, or is it fairly pointless)


I beleive they're going to combine them in the IG codex that's coming soon.


I also know (after interrogating one of the authors) that Vraks III will have inquisition units in it.

Yeah, the Vraks stuff does look pretty good but it is worth pointing out that it is a Forgeworld IA publication and as such means that not everyone would agree for a player to use IA GK units in anger (similar to the dread +psycannon) because they are non C:DH.


I'm also of the same opinion that inquisitors will be included in the forthcoming IG codex and that they will become the choice for non GK/Sister players, however I'm not quite sure how or if they would also include PE's & arcos in that codex for inclusion in an inquisitors force.


However all this is pure speculation as we really don't have anything concrete to go on although I will be interested to see if Vraks does add or give anything back to the GK's in terms of rules.

Ditto for me. I would strongly encourage people to write their own letter, too. There's nothing at all wrong with the form letter provided here, but individual letters will warrant closer inspection by GW.


Good luck, everyone!


GW has stated on multiple occasions that WH and DH are at the very bottom of their priorities. From a numbers standpoint, they are the least played 2 armies in 40k, even lower than Dark Eldar, and they aren't even store stocked anymore!


The only reason that orks were FINALLY updated is that there was indication that they were the next tyranids, lots of sleeper fans that would have played if the rules did them any service. The fact that their 3rd edition codex didn't have a weapons chart, or that it refrenced non existant hull down never mattered. Marketing research had everything to do with that.


GW has stated that they are slowly phasing out large scale metal model production in favor of plastics. In the cases of Orks, chaos and SMs there wasn't a completely new revamp of the actual models. It could be said that daemons were an entirely new plastics range, but they are used in 2 games at once.




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