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Unsure how to proceed


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Hi folks,

let me start by saying that I am very impressed with the skills of fellow painters. After 20 years I re-started this painting thing (my son is to blame), so it's been a while.

Water-based paint is entirely new to me, so I am experiencing a steep learning curve. Since 40K figures are new to me, I am not -yet- too knowledgeable about chapters and color schemes.

So I thought it best just to create my own scheme. What do you guys think?

Is it okay to paint Dark Templars in a custom scheme or schould I stick to "official" guidelines? I just am not too keen on dark paint schemes.



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Hell, you could paint them bright pink, it's your army


But story-wise, they aren't Black Templars anymore if you paint them blue, just some other chapter using similar iconography


the scheme looks nive and the paint job is really good!

Yeah totally, hot pink Black templers what has the world come too,


No you scheme is good, and as far as I know, you can totally paint them however you want and use BT rules, as long as you don't change anything mid game.

How about "Dorn's Templers" or Templers of (your last name) as a chapter name. Just a thought

Or you could say that your company had to steal armor off the dead, friend or foe. Kinda like Space Wolves. So that's why they have blue parts

And we're missing the obvious "Blue Templars" as a name for your chapter ^_^ Welcome to the B&C!


Games workshop encourages us to make the game our own, allowing us to use a set of rules from one army, paint them another colour and call them a successor chapter. Your painting looks darn good for such a long break from painting! I think the lower legs could do with an extra wash over the silver to bring them in line with the shoulder pads, but that's all i can think of right now.




PS: sorry i have to mention this, but my dad got into the game a little last year after a similar break (used to do D&D, AD&D etc) and he chose black templars, but called them 'Dark Templars' too. That just tickled my funny bone a bit.

Thanks for all the positive input. Much appreciated!

I am happy with my current color scheme and will go for a templar-like motiv. Probably something like Avenging Templars, Quested Templars, Crusading Knights, not sure yet.

I like the white helmets on veteran troops but am not to sure on my templar... What do you guys think? Maybe a metal look suits the theme better?

The mini is not yet finished and still rough on the edges. So don't let that bother you.



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