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As I did with my first squad, I’ll briefly summarise the conversion work underneath each picture. Regarding the photos, I’ve kept them quite small, but if anyone wants more detail I have double size versions of each shot which can be uploaded.


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Elias Fallax, Plague Champion




- I have avoided the typical power fist choice for this champ – I also decided to go with a bolter rather than a plasma pistol (15 points well saved I think). This also means I can use him as a normal PM if I want to bypass a champ altogether.

- The scythe is made from the Icon Bearer arm with the shaft reduced in length and the blade made from one of the horns from the Tzeentch icon (sliced and filed into shape), then doused with fine sand.

- The head is from the command sprue, but with the two forehead horns cut off and replaced by guitar string tubes – these connect into a tank attachment to his backpack (I think this is an old vehicle accessory, can’t remember)

- A slight belly bulge has been added with green stuff, incised with the mark of Nurgle.


Plasma #1



- A rather simple model really – a horn from the champion helmet is breaking out of his shoulderpad, and a Night Goblin spear has been added as a trophy spike.


Plasma #2



- This guy is slightly more dynamic – I felt like making his plasma gun temporarily one-handed to vary the pose a bit. He holds a decapitated head (an Ork accessory) in the left hand; either representing a Blight Grenade, or simply a gruesome toy!

- The head is from the pre-2007 mutations sprue, with a bit of extra green stuff.


Fratri Maculosi - Plague Marines







- sword from the command sprue, weathered with a knife.



- horned head from command sprue, with horn replaced by green stuff.



- horned champion head, with all horns cut off and one re-attached in central position.

- Metal knife is from a Night Goblin champion

- Trophy rack from Khorne Icon



- Axe from plastic Ork kit, with a Chaos spike forming the lower shaft.



- Plague Marines don’t need a separate icon bearer, but I added the Nurgle one to this guy because it looks so awesome (definitely the best of all the god-specific icons). This was also a cool chance to replace the normal skeleton head of the icon with the Guardsman skull from one of the other icons!

- Head is from a Space Marine sprue, unchanged.


So there we go…just need to base them properly now. I guess I have lots of painting to do, when I find the time!

Really great stuff, I can't wait to see it painted. :D


The only thing that bugs the HELL out of me is in your first model "Elias" the space marine helmet on the base is untouched, no battle wear and tear, nothing, I think this calls for something, maybe even some nurgle corruption? :D

What is that powdery stuff used the scythe and some of the bolters to give it that diseased look? I like the deceptively simple looking conversions, makes me want to make some plague marines of my own now.


It's fine sand and PVA glue.Here's and article on the GW site about how it's done: PM details

Fair point; I was just going to paint it weathered, but I could add a bit of green stuff. I'll probably just drill a bullet hole in it actually, that is the lazy man's way :P


Fair enough, I was under the impression these were ready to be painted, a few bullet holes wouldn't be too bad, possibly some GS'ing but bullets work just fine. :FA:

Yeah, I just can't be bothered to crack out the Green Stuff again basically - I'd end up throwing the unused bits away so I can't be arsed. I've drilled and knifed it instead (plus all their bases have been textured now)


Funny you should mention that. A friend of mine has been working on a heavily converted DG army for several years now, with tons of scratch sculpted stuff. He simply takes those little blobs of GS left over, rolls them into little balls, and lets them dry. Those little balls of dried GS get reborn as scratch sculpted NUrglings after a little work. They look really good, too.

Wow, now that's an interesting suggestion. I admit I have cut down on waste, because now I only slice tiny bits of putty to mix at a time, so if there is any left over it is only about half the size of a pea. Nonetheless, I suppose I could roll the remnants into small balls to use as pustules or bubbles... if I was feeling extremely stingy!


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