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paranoid hal

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HI guys


I sure my questions is answered some where here but i dont have the time to trall through the site lol, I'am also usless on abbreviasions so i cant understand half of whats being said lol.


I'm building a space wolf army and am looking to add an assult squad up untill now i have been basing every thing on the new C:SM but im sure i read some where that Space Wolves can have jump packs.


pls help me with this can i use them and if so how etc etc



much love

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Blood Claws are troops that can also count as fast attack by adding a bike or jump pack


You will find Blood Claws (BC) with jump packs expensive (much more so than vanilla marine equivalents) and I pretty sure not many wolfves players here fields them - I dont.


The Wolf Codex is your friend and you will need him to guide you towards victory (ebay will provide)



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Downside they are not as good as regular marine assault troops and much more expensive


Blood Claws are 3 for WS and BS


A blood claw on bike or with Jump pack costs the same about 8pts over a regular marine assault troop


To be honest for the cost bikes are better option



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more expensive points wise with lower WS so when they get hit they get hit by other marines on a 3+. Ok they do get to include more powerfist and power weapons than a normal assualt squad but some of the newer vet assualts squads can do that to (not read the ne SM codex yet)
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  paranoid hal said:
so why are SW assaults worse than normal marines ??????


The reasons are already explained by max... first in a jump pack squad for blood claws, you have a maximum of 8... 9 if you include a pack leader, but you cannot have an HQ join them with a jump pack (like normal marines). Their weapon skill is lower than normal marines, as well as their balistic skill... they cost 8 more points than a normal assault marine with a jump pack.


The bikes are a different story, they're cheaper than the SM bikers, and we CAN have HQ's and such riding around on bikes with them which is a big benefit. For the jump pack and the bikes they're the same points, but with the bikes you get TL bolter shots (TL helps being only BS 3), a toughness of 5 up from 4 for the jump packs (bike provides T5), and if they turbo boost on the bike they get a 3+ cover save.


The ONLY benefit of using jump packs for space wolves over bikes is the simple fact that they can jump over terrain and stuff no problem, the bikes have to ride around it... but for the most part the bikes have absolutely NO trouble boosting around the terrain double the range of a jump pack'er...


So what we're saying is don't get jump packs, stick to bikes, and you won't be sorry. :P

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Must agree with the others.


Jump packs for Wolves are useless. A complete waste.


Get some Blood Claw bikers... or better yet some Wolf Guard Bikers.


Not sure if anyone else has tried it yet... but here is a bit of something I have tried....


1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Bike with Wolf Pelt, Frost Blade and Storm Shield

4 Wolf Guard on Bike with Wolf Pelt, Lightning Claw and Storm Shield


You get 5 fast moving assualters with Power Weapons and a 3+ Invulnerable save


And with Wolf Pelts if anyone does get the jump on you, you still get that extra attack.


I have been using this recently with a great deal of sucess, alongside a couple units of Wolf Guard terminators with Pelts, LCs, and Storm Shields as well.


The Claws just seem wolfy to me, and the extra attacks are great... SS are deadly now.


Edit: Forgot to mention, I play mainly Apocalypse, so I have lots of points and HQs to play with, might not be able to get a lot of these in a Standard Game. (I play 5,000 points and have 20 WG Termies and 2 WG Biker Squads all kitted out as above now. 30 Models with 3+ Invulnerable makes for quite a powerful army.

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