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Emperors Swords


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Well all of you with the current marine codex will see that this chapter is well dead. Seeing as I was repainting my old DIY chapter (funnily enough named the Emperors Swords) I thought I could prove that they are alive and kicking after they recieved their kicking. Without further ado here is my first WIP model:

Captain Octavian


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It's funny because the Emperor's Swords have been destroyed twice - they're destroyed by an insidious Alpha Legion plot in the Chaos Codex and now in the new Space Marine Codex they're destroyed again. Poor guys. (GW really needs some continuity at times!)


That said, this looks to be a really nice scheme - the effect on the power fist is really nice.

Yea, stick it to the man! ;) good on you for revitalising a chapter ;)


and i gotta say, its a very nice scheme - nice painting on the 'fist :)


in my opinion, Octavia sounds more like a womans / girls name, so i suggest you call him Octavian?


gotta agree, Octavian suits the mini better :rolleyes:


keep up the great work ironsons



The ending -a is commonly suggesting a female name/word, though not always. If you want to stick to Latin, it should be Octavius ^^


He looks good, though I don't recognise the model. Is it a conversion or some Games Day thing?


He's a Sergeant from the new(er) Mk.II Veterans box: linky-dink.


I see this force to be the survivors of the destruction at Besillicus so only will number around 50 - 100 models at the most and as such all models will have gauss damage done to them in a small way. Here is the beginning of my first Tactical Squad;

Brother Tiberius:


Brother Lucarian:


Brother Marneus:


C&C appreciated

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello a new update for ye, here I present you is my WIP for the Chapter Master for the Emperors Swords, Master Mathius in his terminator armour. I shall be using the marneus calgar rules to represent him but instead of power fists he will have dual thunder hammers which will obviously count as power fists and nowt else. So here he is:

Mathius front:


Mathius Back:


Hello a new update for ye, here I present you is my WIP for the Chapter Master for the Emperors Swords, Master Mathius in his terminator armour. I shall be using the marneus calgar rules to represent him but instead of power fists he will have dual thunder hammers which will obviously count as power fists and nowt else.


If you're gonna do that, my advice is to have shorter hafts on the hammers. It just looks very unwieldly when someone models their Chapter Master/Captian with two long-hafted thunder hammers.

  • 3 months later...

Hello now is the time for actual models. My assault squad is in various stages of building ranging from complete models minus jump packs to just legs (about 7 models :P )as it is a proper sized unit. Also pictured is my WIP librarian usng an old DA model that was realeased as part of a long forgotten roadshow. And obviously the obligatory Sicarius model. Enough of me chat heres some pics:

Assault Marine Seargent:


Oooops just realised quite a blurry pic I'll try to get a better one for ya.

Next is an assault marine with PP:


Next is my Librarian:


And Finally the torso of Sicarius:


More Updates Later!

  • 1 month later...


Sorry for the lack of updates I have been bombarded with work and school, but now that I am on my Easter Holidays I can get back to my army. I have signed up for the Call of the Imperium as a form of motivation to get this army moderately finished. I promised to paint two tactical squads, one of which is the AOBR squad and the other a mish mash of other kits, a full assault squad led by a sergeant with lightning claws and finally a librarian. The eagle eyed member will realise that the model I am using for my librarian is a limited edition DA model used for a roadshow which names eludes me. I am going to blag the DA insignia as my Librariums insignia as I didn't have the heart to change the model. Enjoy:





Sorry that the pictures are to dark the sun went in and its all cloudy now :drool:

  • 4 weeks later...


Here is my next update for the COI III and it appears to be going quite slow unfortunately so I've got to get my act into gear. Enough of my rambles here is the updates. First to be shown is the librarian and a tactical squad with an alternate heavy weapon. I have also put in close ups of the sergeant and the plasma gunner. Enjoy!!







Me again, here is an update of one of my Emperors Sword's tactical marines. You may look at him and question why a bog standard tactical marine has white shoulder pads well heres the story. When I first saw the fact that my DIY Chapter is now dead I thought I might as well have an army that has somehow managed to survive the onslaught hence the extensive battle damage. Well according to the fluff I am making up a marine will have the rims of a shoulder pauldron paintedwhite with each successive award and the marine in this situation has recieved two marksmen awards whilst defending a hive on the homeworldof Basillicus. So to further enhance this fact he will be armed with a bolter with a silencer and possibly another small weapon which may or may not be a nice looking combat knife. Here are the pictures.


sorry the pictures appear to be dark.


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