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WIP Angels of Absolution


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Good evening!


Thought I'd share some images of my semi-painted Angels of Absolution. These are the first minis I've painted after a 5 year gap from painting (though not the hobby) and were basically a practise run before I get started properly on my next project.


So... (hoping my computer skills are up to the task) below should be some poor quality images!














Also painted(ish) but not shown are 2 Whirlwinds.


These are very poor in comparison to all the other AofA I've seen on the B&C, but as they were my favourites under the 3rd edition I thought I'd give it a go.



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Thanks for the comments! I love the split colour scheme - best thing going for them in my opinion! I wanted something to tie in with my bone coloured marines and the dark purple bikers without being a totally different scheme - hence the halved scheme. In hindsight I would prob have done the marines in the halved scheme, termies in bone and the bikers still as dark purple.


Yeah.. the robes were just part of the crazy purple colour spree lol. I wasn't sure either. Black would be better methinks. For the bases I was going to go for a desert base, but with black trim.


And as for the drilling, I will give that a go! May aswell try out new techniques on this army as they are my testbed minis.


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