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I was looking and from what I understand a landspeeder squadron is 1-3 speeders and ANY speeder can be upgraded to include (one) Typhoon Missle Launcher. At heavy 2 with a 48" range, these would then have an effective range of 60". I would think I could avoid infantry fire relatively well with that kind of mobility and range. If you ran a squad of 2-3 speeders that would be 4-6 missle shots of either 1"blast templates, or krak. Also you have the added option of running either a hb, mm, or a heavy flamer on the speeder. I am thinking of kitting up my speeders with TML and HF's. 270 points for 3, but it allows alot of mobility, a LONG range, AND the ability to move up and shake and bake some hordies.


Maybe yes?

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Five long fangs with 4 missile launchers- 188 pts. Screenable, splitfire, five wounds, can use cover.


Two landspeeder typhoons- 4 missile launchers, two heavy bolters- 180pts. Not screenable. Deepstrike. Mobile. Armor10 vehicles.


Id say the typhoons are actually more vulnerable then the long fangs. I know alot of people will disagree with me on this one, but Id actually rather have the 4 ML LF squad then the speeders.... to many people see an armor 10 vehicle and go "Fresh meat" as opposed to the long fangs... where they have to prioritize against 15 man bloodclaws.

The thing about the long fangs vs the Speeders is 12 inches of range and the ability to move and shoot on the same turn you move those said 12".


Plus one wound on the long fangs typically = pack leader going bye bye (at least from the posts i've read about long fangs, im a new wolf pup so im still learning) and no more split fire. In a squadron the Speeders can actually ignore stunned results so that would allow you to move a speeder under fire to a safer position should it be available.


Also AV 10 is weak, but AV 10 sitting 48" away is pretty strong, and Long fangs are vulnerable to being tied up on CC.


However,I don't necessarily disagree with anything you said, i'm really playing a bit of devils advocate for the purpose of discussion and to help wrap my head about some list ideas.


Something else to consider is the fact that the speeders are fast attack FOC vs Heavy, that could allow you to pop in 2 vindis and a whirlwind or two whirlwinds and a vindi from the heavy FOC slot. I am really thinking about including a set up like that to go with this.


Also if you look at speeders in a vacuum, then you might indeed think fresh meat, but if you put some other targets with an AV value in an opponents face then they have to decide what to shoot 1st? Anything able to hit the speeders sitting 48-60" away is going to be AT weapons if they want to waste those shots on my speeders then so be it. Anti AT can be hard to come by for some armies.


A Ven Dread is a staple HQ choice for me, and if you include an Iron Clad and a whirlwind or two then you have more targets to worry about that can sit back from a long distance and drop shots on your head.

How are you ignoring stunned results? Id love to figure that out since Landspeeders dont get extra armor.


The Heavy vs Fast is a good point.


As for target priority I usually will hit a speeder first- easier to take it out of the fight, and then I have one less vehicle to worry about.


As for the pack leader, actually when I run a 4 ML squad I usually take a LF or two before the pack leader, then him, then from their.... *spreads hands*


Ill note they have a 48" range wich means enemy will probly need antitank fire to kill them too. Ive thought about a pack leader with a stormshield... but it seems alot of points to drop on them.

Pg 64 of the BBB. Damaged Results against squadrons:


"Treat all immobilised results as Destroyed(wrecked) and all stunned results as shaken."


It only applies to squadrons of more than a single model though. But like I said 2 speeders with a TML would qualify.


I'm used to eating immobilised results as destroyed from 4th ed. Plus with TLOS it is possible with some terrain set ups to obscure the speeder to gain a cover save.

So it's a landspeeder cyclone now!! Rule changes bah!!!


Got my Black Reach 5th Ed at work still lists the typhoon missile


Am I missing something - Not sure how you get 4-6 missile shots from 2-3 speeders - one shot per speeder twin linked so re-rolls yes

but one shot per speeder unless they change that as well while I wasnt looking.


What next the landspeeder light drizzle where some disgruntled BC takes a leak over the side



  deedark said:
Am I missing something - Not sure how you get 4-6 missile shots from 2-3 speeders - one shot per speeder twin linked so re-rolls yes


Cyclone Missile Launchers are Heavy 2 in the new SM codex, btw I put them on my WGBL and WGBG and they rock :rolleyes:

  Godhead said:
I am thinking of kitting up my speeders with TML and HF's.


I just wanted to make one comment on this discussion, and that is to recommend against this combination - these two weapons are in opposition regarding purpose and employment. Stick with the Heavy Bolters, whose 36" range will allow you to stay a reasonable distance away. Heavy Flamers would be fine on a Land Speeder, but not one with the Typhoon Missile Launcher.





The reason why I was considering the heavy flamer/TML combo is that if I intend to stay as close to max range to utilize my TML then I wouldnt see much use from my Heavy bolters either, if I should need to make a run late in the game to contest an objective, then 2x or 3x flamers could quite possibly clear defenders off of it. And since the heavy flamer is free as well it isn't hurting anything. I need to get some games in to play test.


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