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Novamarines WIP


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First new army after starting up again.. Planned to make a crusade army based on chapters linked through deathwatch members.


Was originally planning to keep this army small before starting another chapter (small = AoBR only + deathwatch conversion) - however you need 2 troops selections at least, I lucked out and found one tac marine from the old Battle for Macragge set (so I could technically split into two 5 man bolter only squads using the extra + dw vet as a sergeant) but also bought one of each box of scouts (Scout pics coming when finished modeling extra camo cloaks) and a librarian to be able to round out to 1000 points. (Plus the Novamarines fluff mentions variant psykers so had to have one)


Most everything from AoBR is stock so won't bother with pics until painted. I do however have some pics of my deathwatch conversion (the first of many!).






Uses the dw bolter, helmeted head, metal shoulder pad + Asmodai's power sword arm + plastics.


ps. lemme know if i need to reduce the size of the pics.

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Some pics of my captain, with base colours





Nice start on the Cpt., this model is interesting with all the details and options of painting, so I am waiting to see how others pick the highlights and really bring the piece to life. I think you are well on the way.


Only comment would be the chalky look on the blue shoulder pad - from your primer?


Can't wait to see this team come together.

Just placed 3rd in a mini tourney.

Also scored 7 points in a 'tale of 4 gamers' type competition.


Need decal solvent to add chapter decals to tactical squad.

Planning to paint the AoBR dread and a scout squad for next month's TO4G.


Will try to get some more pics soon.

  • 4 weeks later...

OK, i'm back with some photos/updates.


First the updated Captain piccy..



Next some tactical squad shots.. I tried to use model parts to unify these guys. For eg. all the bolters have either a scope if they go in the ranged/heavy combat squad or straps if they go in the close/special combat squad. Have one extra bolter guy and with the deathwatch sergeant could actually take as 2 5 man squads (no special/heavys).






Finally a couple pics of the dreadnought. I especially like the crushed tree under his left foot.




C&C welcome

  • 3 weeks later...

Some of the pics have been updated - look at earlier posts.

Including some close ups of tac squad & better dreadnought pics.


Some new pics.


Just missing 5 other scouts and a libby.



Including bonus AoBR termie from WD converted with Heavy Flamer (in progress) as well as objective marker.



A painted shot of the deathwatch guy. Still to highlight armour and do power sword plus last bit of heraldry.



The ranged scouts. Bolter with GW camo cloak body can be used as regular bolter scout, sergeant with bolter or telion.


Some close ups of the crawling scout I made with the extra body. Not the best but definitely gave me some ideas for other stuff.



  • 2 months later...

Apologies for the delay on this - I have taken to mostly updating my blog (since it's a single update)

But as I'm done with these guys for now (except for scratch-built drop pods and I owe myself some cheap scouts as a reward for winning a local Tale of 4 Gamers competition) I figured I'd pop the last update from my blog here.


First I'll link my Index Astartes created for the Tale of 2HD Gamers competition @ Two Headed Dragon.

IA: Novamarines


Here are the results from the Tale of 2HD Gamers, I'm in bold.


Final standings;

29 Tristan - fully paintedx4, 7 games, 2 wins, 3 objectives, best paintedx2, 2 terrain pieces, written fluff - complete

24 Thomas - fully paintedx3, partially painted, 3 games, 2 wins, 2 objectives, best paintedx2, 2 terrain pieces - complete

6 Ian - fully paintedx2 - incomplete

5 Ken - fully painted, 2 games - incomplete

4 Josh - fully painted, 1 game - incomplete


For reference (Grey Knight)

16 Karl - fully paintedx4, 2 games, 2 wins - complete



Finally, here's a link to the whole kit n kaboodle on some scenery.



Really enjoyed this competition, and am glad that I got my AoBR stuff painted quickly. Moving on now to Space Sharks.


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