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DIY marines - angels of censure.


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yeah as soon as i paint the banners, ill post pics of them.


got the models for the first 10-man unit done - the models i had made previously had p2x lasma guns and no heavy weapons (thanks to the now defunct traits), so i had to make a missile launcher and flamer.


here's a few pics to give you an idea of the unit (as always, excuse the pics, though black primed models dont photograph very well)


flamer dude pretty pleased with him - simpler enoug hconversion (2 corvus pads, and an elongated flamer made from the front of a cadian one and the back of a marine one, and the green stuffed tabbard made to match the plast one cast tpo the chest)



deathwatch dude the angels of censure have close ties to the inquisiton, so i thought i'd add in a few deathwatch marines. this is first one:http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq28/dichotomancer/HPIM1774.jpg


basic marine: i like these models holding little banners and penants and icons and stuff so youll see quite a few of them scattered throughout the army. the normal models have bolters and chainswords, due to the true grit trait the original army had ;)




the drop pod is coming along ok, though im sick of painting on basecoats. i got to 5 layers and decided to stop. so im onto the highlights now... though thats proving little easier. there's nothing wrong with it, but its taking ages. and i know theres another 3 i need to do

Simply Stunning, amazing work Synapse. 10/10

I think you should give the banner guy a Grey Knights spear-blade on the end of his banner pole and have him sticking a traitor marine ;)

I came up with a similar idea a couple of days ago, which made me decide to do a turquiose and bone color scheme over green and white. Your painting sets a very high standard.

Brother Vespasian

do you know how one can make a black marble?


i'd use charadon granite, with veins done by mixing that colour with various greys and/or bone colours of your choice, probably one set of veins in 1:1 charadon granite:fortress grey and 1:1 charadon grainte:bleached bone. green veins might also work well

wow those looks realy great! i have for a long time wanted to use the tuturial for "Parve Bases" but with Marble, could you maybe go abit more into depth on how you painted it? also how would go on high-lightning a base, i mearn it dosnt realy have any cornors or such :(

help realy appriciated!


Black Wolf.

made a pretty big bitz order over the weekend for BT tabbards and purity seals and stuff and picked up:



not my favourate way of spending close to €90, but i needed them to take part in the in-store tournament later on this month - the other models i can get by with using my other marine models counts-as for the time being.


not looking forward to painting them or assembling them, ome to think of it, and im wondering if i should paint them in parts to make it easier. ive never done this before and am wondering if its worth it - the interior will mostly be metal anyway apart from a few marble details (the deathwind launcher casing and the casing around the map bubble thing)



@: Blackwolf

a tutorial for the marble is available HERE

the bases are pretty standard GW fare - bestial brown --> overbrushed with bubonic brown --> drybrushed with bleached bone. with static grass and sponge added later

I have always loved your painting style. Your Pre-Heresy World Eaters are some of the best I have seen, and you are no producing another awesome set of models.


If you don't finish this army, necks will be snapped.


...Your neck. :wacko:

lol! i've been warned ;)


well i intend to use a 1500 point army of these guys in a big tournament in febuary/march time, so i should be ok to paint them.


to anyone interested, the list is:

  • Vulkan
  • 5-man thunder hammer/storm shield terminator unit
  • 5-man thunder hammer/storm shield terminator unit
  • 10-man sternguard unit (2 combi flamers 2 combi melta-guns) (drop pod)
  • 10-man tactical squad (drop pod)
  • 10-man tactical squad (drop pod)
  • 5-man scout squad
  • land speeder


in addition to this, i have another 1500 points of stuff including a land raider, FW veteran dread, 2 5-man vanguard units and another tactical squad (AS wel las the command squad i painted that i wont even be using in the tournament!)


theres a mini in-store tournament ina few weeks i plan on taking part in to test the army

Regarding your symbol issues, have you considered doing what the iron Knights do and have the symbol on a shield similar to the erminator's one?


The blending and marble effects on thse guys are simply fanstastic and awe inspiring. Keep it up brother. :yes:



thanks alot. thats a realy nice tutorial! one question thought - what do you mearn with "blending into the basecoat" ?

do you mix the wash with the basecoat - khomando khaki and then paint it over? i suppose that would cover the ores.

also how do you think it would look with varnish on to make it shiney?

  • 2 weeks later...


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