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Super Heavy Land Raider Exterminus Project Mk II


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So. I gather you've all seen DogmaRaider's Land Raider Exterminus, since the thread has some 4444+ views. When I saw it, on Librarium Online, I pretty much took over with questions =-P And I kind of felt bad about it, so I told myself I wouldn't take over his. I also said, that once he finished it, I would make my own, which he Okayed. BUT, he never finished, and he also lossed some parts in the process of moving or something... And with mine and my friend "Articwolf01" (Thats what he's known as in some places) have created our own chapter. The Royal Redeemers. And as the fluff writer for it, I gave us a Exterminus for our Command Squad.


Now, I just got back from Black Diamond Games, my local (though far away) games dealer, and picked up the new Codex, Land Raider Redeemer and a Phobos.


I'm now tied between the whole..."should I make the awesome Exterminus" or "should I make the two semi-equally as awesome Land Raiders"



ANY MORE UPDATES TO THIS LAND RAIDER WILL BE HERE. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t&p=2577003

Which is basically THE most updated the Land Raider has become, as of December...27th..or something. 2010.


With DogmaRaider's instructions, I did what he did in about a week, I did in 1:02:42 minutes. (I'm trying to time this to the exact) I've pretty much completed the track sections.








After a nice (and boring) pre-test for my math class. I decided to take a break before doing my AP US History notes...because those take a while. I logged in another 43:13:1 minutes...Confusing huh? I tried cutting the hatch covers out of 2mm plasticard, which I luckily have. I also found a "chisel" blade for an exacto-knife, which Dogma also used. =-D Lucky me!


I first had trouble with squaring up the hatch holes...as after cutting the first 4, the blade snapped! So I just used it as was, and hoped for the best. Barely finished, my blade had so many nicks in it, and I had to exert a lot of pressure to get a cut. My next problem was the plasticard cutting... according to Dogma, who I'm talking to right now on AIM, he has a table saw, or something, which gives him exact cuts and angles. Mine are all squiggly and unstraight.




I don't know any rules, or if Dogma has started writing any. They (hes making 3...2 right now, 1 for himself later, and my own) technically belong to him through design. So probably his through rules and everything else.


He could possibly let me help him with the rules, and if he doesn't feel like doing them himself, I'd be happy to do them for him. But like I said, they're his. (I just hope the transport capacity is big enough for my Command Squad (Chapter Master, 10 man Honor Guard, and a 5 man command(16 models total, though the Chapter Master might be in Terminator armor)))


And thanks Dogma.

Awesome project man. It looks great so far. I wouldn't worry about your edges too much as you can always touch them up with Green Stuff.


In terms of rules they only one that I'm completely set on is that the Exterminus has a transport capacity of 10 terminators or 20 standard marines; basically it doubles the transport capacity of the regular Land Raider. Haven't thought about the points yet.

Awesome project man. It looks great so far. I wouldn't worry about your edges too much as you can always touch them up with Green Stuff.


In terms of rules they only one that I'm completely set on is that the Exterminus has a transport capacity of 10 terminators or 20 standard marines; basically it doubles the transport capacity of the regular Land Raider. Haven't thought about the points yet.


Doh.... thanks Shortsonfire79.. that should be 24....

So! After 54:24:2 minutes, I got the spacers for the external track cut, and in place. This was a whole bunch of measuring, cutting, re-measuring, then adding some plasticard to get it right. My measurements are different that Dogma's because, he thinks, that the new models are different sizes..I don't know.


The white things on the tip of the second from the right's are plasticard that I needed to put there so that it would fit right




These parts are glued together now




The two tracks aren't glued together yet.


Now this looks interesting and I am curious to see how this turns out but why not take the two landraider bodies and widen the center? I guess I'm trying to figure out what the outside track set is to be used for? You could have then spaced out the the tracks section and used baneblade tracks to give it a bigger foot print.


This would have given you a more clean and compact look while still retaining the size to show its enlarged transport capacity.

I'm a little tired right now, so if my reply sounds rude, its because I'm iritable. Sorry.


After I started construction, I find that its not actually THAT much bigger that I thought it would be, which is kind of dissappointing. But its still nice and large.

Two Land Raiders are needed, hence the picture of the two boxes.

Its not my design, so I'm just following instructions, but the center will be widened. If you look at a normal Land Raider, the top, front hatch has 3 full "teeth" things, while this one will have 5. Dogma's origional plan for the external tracks were so that the tank doesn't look like a rolling coffin. And the externals do a good job of that. I don't really like the look of the Baneblade track (by its self that is, the tank is AWESOME!) and it probably isn't the same height as the Land Raider tracks anyways. Its not supposed to be compact looking, since its a Super Heavy.

I'm a little tired right now, so if my reply sounds rude, its because I'm iritable. Sorry.


Actually your response was nice and informing. I know when I'm tired I can be a bear to deal with. Anyway after I posted I should have linked you to the one I did that may have explained it better.

I'm still curious to see how yours turns out because I like the look of it and I might build one.


Anyway here is mine SkullBob Super Heavy Landraider


Its the size of a baneblade that was lengthened with COD panels.


Hope your build goes well and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Awesome! Replies. I love replies.


Custodian Athiair, there currently aren't any rules, because Dogma is planning to give them to his friend as Xmas presents, and he's making them modular, possibly using this method that I sent him, and we both think its a great idea. The only set rule, is that there is a 24-person transport capacity, double a Land Raider Phobos. He could possibly let me do the rules, or possibly not. I have some ideas written down.


Skullbob, I had to read your first post maybe..3 times? The first time I got upset, and slowly calmed down, and I didn't know how calm I had gotten.

That super heavy, AWESOME! From the front, it looks like a decked out/heavily armed Baneblade (heavily armed? heavierly armed.) The side is awesome too, the second pic, I thought it looked like a normal Baneblade. The back looks pretty plain, and the other side is what really showed me it looked like a Land Raider. Great work!


I've caught up with DogmaRaider now, as of 2 days ago, so I have nothing left to do, without exploring on my own, which I don't want to do, since I don't have the freedom of large amounts of $$ lying around. So I'm waiting for this weekend's update hopefully.


Heres some Fluff about my army that this tank will be going with! I'll be updating the fluff in a little bit


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