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Super Heavy Land Raider Exterminus Project Mk II


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how many total vehicles are needed?


Sorry I forgot to answer that question. It takes 2 Land Raiders.


As I have to wait for Dogma to finalize some updates, I've started working on magnetizing all the sponson weapons and doors. These Land Raiders will be completely modular.


This is my mock placement of magnets on the hull, there will be four magnets per door, so 16 for the tracks. (my Apple doesn't have flash, so I can't rotate this picture)




This is the mock placement of magnets on the doors, only two, so eight for all four doors.





This is what my weapon sponsons will look like. I had to glue it, because with the putty, you couldn't tell what was going on.




And the weapon mounts. The thing that allows the weapons to rotate and spin will have the top and bottom part of the cylinder cut off, and replaced with magnets. Its difficult to explain, but the picture didn't make any more sense.



Its a Friday night. I went out Trick or Treating for about 20 minutes...just to chill with my friends, not to get candy.

Afterwards, I attempted EVE. The game isn't FPS, and it wasn't as appealing as I wanted it to be.

Started modeling.


I magnetized the sponson points on the LRE, but I can't figure out the doors. The original way I had posted won't work. I'm working on the gun mounts now.





There is a nice amount of pressure. On the contrary to what Dogma had said to me in a AIM conversation, quote

I would probably put more magnets, I tend to overkill, but I'm thinking that the sponson is a significant amount of weight. I would think three per side... maybe even four


Some of the magnets that were too far from the wall, (look in the pic) I had to double in order to get the pressure right. I would have liked to double in some more places, but I'm out of 1mm thick magnets, all I have are 3mm...and I have about 12 left. I need more of both, as each weapon point will have 4 magnets each. (when I say weapon point, I mean the things that hold Lascannons/ Flamestorm Canon/ Hurricane Bolters)


I am quite pleased, though, I am going to need more of the sponson points, so I can field a LRE with 4 sets of twin-linked Lascannons. =-D

Thanks for the kind words Kanan. Thanks for the kind words EVERYONE! I don't get it often...and the one time I did, I forgot to thank you for it =-P


Kanan, side tracked.. My Tau Titan Failure. I was making a titan for my Tau army, and I went on a bike (bicycle) from San Francisco to Mexico, and never got back into the project.


I solved the gun mount problem too. I changed it. I need more magnets. $20+...


The plan is, (for my LRE, not necessarily Dogma's) to cut/drill off the thing that holds the Lascannons in place, and stick a magnet in it. Then one Lascanon (remember, its twin-linked) will have a magnet facing + out, and the other -. so then it will just slide right into the slot. So the thing that the weapons will attach to will always be mounted to the sponson itself, so I don't have to buy multiple sponson points. (If any of my terminology/ descriptions are confusing let me know) (I know that in the pics, the markings of + or - probably aren't right. They were for my reference so I knew what I was doing)







So. This is what it should look like. IN the sponson. I'm greatly pleased.






This is what it looks like out of the sponson. Also, greatly pleased.





And when you don't have the Lascannons mounted, you need to have a spacer (piece of sprue) so that the two weapons don't snap the glue bond holding the Lascannons to that top plate.




And I just tested, with only two magnets per side (On the inside mount to the LRE Hull), it holds at enough pressure, where if you shake the LRE, the sponson won't fall off.


Also, with the magnets, the Lascannons can swivel/ rotate much more freely.

Haha. I love LEGO technics. But the normal LEGO is much better! =-D


Dogma posted an update =-D (for the first time in..how long? I dunno, since February.) And its confusing me. He is trying to explain it...but I can't follow. Theres a gap between the track housings.


Working on the cosmetics still =-D


Edit!!! OH KNOWSS!!! I just realized I haven't been keeping track of time... For the sake of me... We'll say about 3 hours...because I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to magnetize..and then about an hour actually magnetizing, then doing it again.

Update!! 3:25:42 (thats not including the 3:00:00 I tacked onto that last post.


Gap...what gap? I overcame that gap problem I was talking about, with a length of sprue, and a 2mm thick rod. It was what I was origionally going to do, but I figured out how to measure it this time.


I spent a considerable amount of time re-fixing one of the back parts of my outer-left track. It was glued too closely to the hull.. (don't worry about what I'm trying to say, its fixed).


I spend another considerable amount of time removing flash from the tracks, and dry-fitting them on the LRE. (heh heh, I love LRE. =-D the way it sounds)... I then had to count the track links, because according to the old GW online fluff, theres 13 links between each eagle (including one eagle... ) So I did that...which took the LONGEST part. Then..I went and SCREWED IT UP!!! The bottom-inner-left...The links between add up to 9...which screws up the ENTIRE track. I had it set..but the way I was holding it was backwards, so I glued the two long parts in the wrong spots. (if you look at it, both the longs, left and right, are supposed to line up....(by that I mean the two black sections are supposed to be next to each other)).


Gap...what gap?



I've decided to not detail the interior. The tunnels for the side hatches.. (The four gun hatches...doors..) are going to be the death of me..so save me some painting (interior) and construction time. I'm forgoing that part.

rest? hellova??? typo. i think i know what you meant ~smiles~ its good to take a break and then get back into it later on. that way youll be fresh and look ast things in a different light. hope you can think up some more great ideas. and i hope life is going along ok. speak soon fellow Battle-Brother.


Sempre Fidelis

I HAVE to keep this thread at the top, by posting every little update there is!




I decided that I'm not going to be making a connecting tunnel between the track housings. So that means I'm skipping like...32+ steps in comparison to DogmaRaider's going-to-be-awesomer-LRE. The only problem with jumping ahead of DogmaRaider, is that means that I have to wait for him too...So he said he will be doing the top part of the track last...which is essentially all I have left to do... Horribleness. I don't know if I'll approach the top armor or not...considering he wants to thicken the LRE up anyways.


With that being said, I don't have to make anything on the inside look pretty, so its all going to be CRUDE!! =-D


With THAT being said, I figured out how I'm going to be magnetizing the doors.






I just bought 200 magnets of the same size that I'm using now for $17 plus $5 of shipping off eBay (KJMagnetics). They are great suppliers, check them out, and their website.


I expect them to be in by Friday, so I can work ALL weekend ( FOUR DAYS BABY!!)

I greenstuffed the corners of the plates (my terminology sucks =-D) So that there aren't any cracks visible. I'll sand them down when they dry, and hope that they don't peel off, or stay lumpy. The hard edge in the GS is where the outer track will cover it, so I don't have to file that part down.





I gotta keep this thread on page 1. =-D Either wise no one sees it.



As IamJacksUserName said...sanding and filing didn't work..So..next best thing? Cutting. I lined up my blade as flat as I could on the plastic, and just shaved away the Greenstuff....now I have LOADS of shavings on my floor...


Also, I got the floor plate put in. Its not glued yet...I used a 2mm thick piece of plasticard, and shaved down the edges a bit, as I think that the groove at the bottom of the internal track is about 1.5mm.. (I don't know, I didn't measure) then I cut two tabs from the front (if you look at the normal Land Raider floor, there is a piece that extends past the internal track...) (Worst termination ever.) It is made to be 5 'teeth' wide, measuring from the front hatch.


Edit: I forgot the pictures!





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