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Inspired by Doctor Thunder


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Following the postings of Doctor Thunder, I have been inspired to try and create a female marine. First attempt is a marine scout conversion, shown here with her Rogue Trader (Played as an Inquisitor) and squadmates.




The head swap was a straight cut and did not need any green stuff. I have a head available for a power armoured female marine, so I will try and get a picture up when I get her head attached.


Till then, Newtype

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Very nice, Newytype. Good choice of head. ;)


Since you're doing a head swap, you'll definately want to give her makeup so that she won't be mistaken for a male.


Here's a really good tutorial on how to paint female faces with makeup. Helped me a lot.


Thanks for the comments folks.


The women's head came from a miniature by Reaper, part of their 'Warlord' line. At about the same heroic scale as GW, she was just the right proportion. The other figures are metal scouts with berets made from green stuff. Easy as heck to do as well. My Trader/Inquisitor is all plastic. His helm is a Korn Marine helmet with the wings cut off, which I liked for the Boba Fett look. The sensor mast is a piece of very fine drill bit with a camera eye stuck on.


I made up, or, DIY'd my own Marine chapter called the 'Black Razor'. I've built my army up more to an idea than anything. Right now I'm redoing all my figures to give them a more stealthy look. All black with tuquoise eyes and maybe a symbol.

I'll post what I have thought out in the DIY forum. Anyway i'll get more pics up as I take them.


All I've got so far is that my Trader/Iquisitor is a former techmarine, now ronin. He has assembled his staff/crew from other misfits and aliens through his travels, and moves around looking for lost technologies. One step ahead of the Adaptus Mechanicus and Inquisition.


Till the next post then.


Thanks for the suggestion Dr. Thunder, I will have to try the makeup tutorial. Anyway I have got my next attempt up to the head stage. Nothing more yet. Behind her is a squad I may put with her.


First up is her:




As you can see just a body and head. The figures in the background might be her Command Squad or Honour Guard. Don't know yet. Here is a picture of the squad by themselves.




Since I did these Marines long ago I am going to have to rediscover what I used for the camouflage by trial and error.


In regards to the berets. I put a small blob of green stuff on top of the head, then pushed it over to one side. The band was done with the edge of a x-acto knife and then it ws smoothed out with a brush. If you have a picture of person wearing a beret as you try it, you should get the look right with a gentle hand. Try it out.


Till the next post, Newtype

Great work Newtype, looking forward to what else you can come up with. I was so inspired by your work that I thought I might pick up a box of scouts to try the conversions myself. Unfortunately the new plastic scouts by GW have suffered from GW's patented beefication and have seriously square jaws, small eyes and huge bulging arms. No amount of conversion work is going to make those look anywhere near female.

I hadn't given thought to a female chapter. I have thought of it more as a one off piece in a larger work in progress. I think I took this route because I prefer simpler conversions. And I also like a cleaner line. But that's just me.


I may try a few more head swaps with the metal scouts. We will see.


Till next time, Newtype

Hey Rindaris, these links should take you to the image of the miniatures I used for the heads. Yes, I had to sacrifice a whole figure for the head. But then we've all played Dr. Frankenstein at some time of another.


I used this one: Scout head from this one


and this one: Marine head from this one.


Look though the Warlord series, as I've seen some figures that would look great on a scout or marine body.


Till next time, Newtype


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