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Knights Vermilion Army WIP

Pig Of Sparta

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Ok, so I got my force commander (captain/chaptermaster) for these guys done a while back, and said that there'd be more to follow when i got my marines paint stripped. Well, i did that, got them primed and, despite the weather conspiring against me, and the highland climate causing my spraygun's propellant cannister to cool a lot quicker than i expected i got them basecoated today. unfortunately as it was my first attempt using the spraygun, most if not all of the mini's need some of the basecoat going over by hand... grrr! ho hum, thinned down mechrite red here i come.


in the mean time here's a couple if pics



two tactical squads



Sergeants and the rest of the tac marines



close up showing the results of the spraygun




as a result of the weather i'm now going to bascoat my sternguard vets by hand... i think.

I'll update this as and when i get things done, however if anyone fancies helping me by ocaasionally yelling at me to get on with painting these mini's be my guest, it'll be appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Verbal Update (no pics I'm afraid)


Finally got round to finishing the basecoat for my tactical squads, so I decided after reading through the sticky thread on Quatity has a Quality all in it's own that I would take Iamfanboy's advice and try painting all 20 marines one colour at a time, I want to get these finished so I can get on with the juicy reward models I've got for this chunk of the army which are my sternguard squad. After that I've got a scout squad and drop pod to paint, my rewards for doing this are telion and a forgeworld dreadnought respectively.

A tip I can give you if you still want the quality for the minis. Instead of painting ALL 20 one color at a time, take like 2-3 minis and paint them at once. This will produce the minis quite fast and if you still try to take your time with them they come out pretty good still.
  • 2 weeks later...

got my drop pod and scouts yesterday for my birthday, so decided to turn the drop pod into a dreadnought one for my (as yet unassembled or unpainted) mark iv dread.


here's a couple of pics:






it's not entirely finished, I still have to mount the deathwind launcher. It's a snug fit for a dread mini but for not having to buy a FW one I think it's reasonably effective.

Are you going to cut that pillar? Well..most likely, I don't know how you'll be able to fit the Dready without it.. =-D


Here...Australia is the only site that hasn't gone crappy yet.


There is a Tutorial on making Ravenwing bases for Drop Pod Dreadys.

Got my mark iv dreadnought assembled today, I've got parts to give him either a plasma cannon and close combat weapon or as an (illegal under new codex) 'furioso' dread with two close combat weapons, here's a couple of pics....


Close Combat:



Heavier Support:



I also got my 'counts as' Telion and the beginnings of his scout squad assembled today as well, pics to follow.


please feel free to leave c&c




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