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Recently I raided one of my local GW's (which happens to be roughly 20 miles away, same as the other) and picked up the new SM codex, a tac squad, the Emperor's Champion and Pedro Kantor.


When all the tinkering was done, I had a new company champion, a tac squad, a sternguard squad and....an unmade pedro kantor.


After I had finished all the rest, it as just sitting there, being lonely, and, not being very willing to do much more to my current army, I thought I'd do something i'd ever done before...begin a mainstream army.


So, for insparation, I made He'Stan.


here is his near-complete self












gauntlet and sculpted Sally symbol


C&C very much appreciated

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i'd second that about the scales, maybe you could take a few off and add some smaller ones around the outer edges... basically the scales should be larger in the center and get smaller as they radiate out, the central scales can also be done with a very small spike. try rounding them off a bit aswell. Sounds like a lot of work but i think the end result would be better.


Kudos on the symbol by the way.


didnt mean to throw a downer on the cloak because the model looks great as a whole, but i just think that small tweak would make it truly awesome.


keep up the good work dude...



thanks for the comments so far, an updated cloak is currently in the works using another sallyscale tip i saw somewhere, updated pics as soon as it is done


@Brother Gothard: It was an 8 pointed star of chaos, but then I clipped the spikes off and now its just a skull in a wheel that happens to have 8 spokes, the butt of the spear looked bare, so i felt like it needed something on it, and that was there when I raided my bits box

I think its an improvement over the old set, but IMHO the scales are STILL too big.


A suggestion I would have would be to get an unused WHFB black ark corsair torso (the old metal one would work too) and make a GS mold of the sea dragon cloak. You don't even have to do it completely around, just enough to make a 'stamp' for the scales on it.

quick update

The cloak, i think, should be ok once it's painted, so its been left as is. But the tabard I just couldn't get right, so it's been dropped and another sallie symbol has been mouted on the belts where one of Pedro Cantor's fist symbols resided, im leaving it for tonight, will revisit and hopefully finish tomorrow

After much fiddling, the model is nealy complete (bar a few details and the backpack)

The cloak is the same after the second version, but the tabard has been done away with in favour of a second salamanders symbol (sculpted, like the one on his shoulder)


without further ado, i give you, Vulkan He'Stan









Back (with unpainted backpack)



gauntlet and shoulderpad detail


the idea behind he gauntlet is that the flames come out of the skulls, the gol stuff is styalised flames

Making Vulkan has stirred me into an 'im going to finish this army to at least 1500 playable points so help me' sort of frenzy, in which vein, allow me to introduce Dreadnought Kirinus, the Twice-Dead















Kirinus is made from a salvaged dread that i reclaimed from my dead chaos army, legs from a sentinal i failed to make properly, and all sorts of leftover bits.


Brother-Sergeant Fornax appoached the neophyte sitting cross-legged in front of the towering form of Kirinus. He placed a hand on the young one's shoulder.

"Why do you gaze upon our sleeping brother when you should be in the forge, cultivating your skills?"

The neophyte scrambled to his feet and bowed to Fornax.

"I-I'm sorry Brother-Sergeant, I was just thinking on his name...Why Twice-Dead?"

Fornax went to the left of the dreadnaught and tapped on the shield there.

"This was the shield he was bearing when he died the first time. An eldar weapon went through his shield and sliced into his throat, nearly severing his spinal cord. He was pronounced dead by the apothecary, who was about to take his progenoids when Kirinus, at that point a company champion, sat up. It was declared a miricle. Some years later, he was hit by a heavy bolter round."

Forna walked around to the other sheild, tracing the large hole in the sheild with a finger.

"It punched through his sheild and hit him, exploding and taking out most of the left side of his body. He was interred in this and the rest is history."

Fornax clipped the neophyte around the head.

"Back to the forge, and you're on triple guard duty for ngligence."

i've done as well as i can do on the scales on his cloak, my skills with green stuff arent yet up to par on such things, when i get better, i will probably change it, but for now im keeping it as is in fear of maing it worse


Looks cool, the scales remind me of the soup dragon for some reason. Unless your from England you probably don't know what the hell I'm talking about.


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