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Any info regarding 'Hakanor's reavers'?


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Hi all!


Well i'm starting a Choas army and i've been searching for a scheme i like the look of and think would be both fun to paint and look good across my whole army.


Now i've been drawn to the Hakanor's reavers scheme in the chaos codex,mainly because it appeals to me visualy and it seems an interesting and fun scheme to paint.


Now i was wondering if anyone here could direct me in the way of any fluff,background or anything related to the chapter.


So anyone have any info to share?



Hakanor's Reavers are a group of Chaos Space Marines under the leadership of Hakanor, a Daemon Prince formerly known as the Chapter Master Prometian. The armour of these warriors burns with a magical heat, causing it to constantly crack and reform like lava.



* Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th Edition) p.20

Muskie's guide to painting Hakanor's Reavers: link


The rest is up to you to create.

Some more information can be inferred i believe:


Other than the obvious of them being lead by a daemon prince, they probably are undivided and are a renegade chapter not a succesor of a traitor legion (since the DP was originally a chapter master.) It is safe to assume that they are Undivided and not a specific cult. If they would have cult units is a different matter all together.

  Drudge Dreadnought said:
It is safe to assume that they are Undivided and not a specific cult.


I lean that way as well (or possibly a minor chaos god rather being genuinly undivided) at least fluffwise, I do like the idea of them having the Mark of Tzeentch ruleswise however, since they clearly have serious mojo holding them together.


I've never cared much for Daemon Princes (not sure why) but Hakanor just BEGS to be fielded using a LotR Balrog, possibly modified to be wielding twin scythes ala the Reavers emblem.

  Vodunius said:
  Drudge Dreadnought said:
It is safe to assume that they are Undivided and not a specific cult.


I lean that way as well (or possibly a minor chaos god rather being genuinly undivided) at least fluffwise, I do like the idea of them having the Mark of Tzeentch ruleswise however, since they clearly have serious mojo holding them together.


I've never cared much for Daemon Princes (not sure why) but Hakanor just BEGS to be fielded using a LotR Balrog, possibly modified to be wielding twin scythes ala the Reavers emblem.


I would second that as far as how awesome it could be if painted well. I say go for it.

I've never cared much for Daemon Princes (not sure why) but Hakanor just BEGS to be fielded using a LotR Balrog, possibly modified to be wielding twin scythes ala the Reavers emblem.


That is an awesome idea,one that i'll be definitley trying.


I'll be using my reavers as undivided,or though the Tzeentch does sound justified.


Thanks for the ideas! :devil:

  Vodunius said:
  Drudge Dreadnought said:
It is safe to assume that they are Undivided and not a specific cult.


I lean that way as well (or possibly a minor chaos god rather being genuinly undivided) at least fluffwise,


I like the idea of them being for a lesser chaos god (I don't know why).

Maybe a fire daemon or volcano god of some far flung planet.

Give them lotsa' meltas and flamers.

Converted oblits to look like fire/lava elementals

Or maybe even play around with salamanders (s/m's) rules (TL'ed meltas & flamers).


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