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I have finally started with my own 40k table. Plans and ideas in abundance, but don't expect a finished table within a year ;) . Feel free to use ideas or post some of your own!






Fantasy tree + 40k jungle trees = nicer jungle trees! :P



(magnets for easier storage, less vulnerable for damaging, and re-arranging for some variation)





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I too am planning a new modular table for the new year. I've been stockpiling stuff for it. I made one once in a few days, but I think it took another weekend or two to make the hills and trees. I've since made cliffs and will probably make some fortifications, but I also decided 2 * 4 although nice does not give as much variety so I've decided to go 1*1 and I found just the thing to build them out of.


I'm also going with the proverbial bombed out trench system and I want every squad to have personality and a unique theme. I sketched out the whole battlefield and I have ideas for certain sqaures.


I plan to put down the basic foam on every square plus a little sand and a coat of black, gotta get rid of the pink soon. Then I'll finish one square at a time...


I however am trying to get it done by the next Astronomi-con Vancouver so I need to crank out at square a week in the new year. I plan to use some premade bits, there is a lot of stuff on the secondary market, but a lot of my terrain will be cut insulate, sand, cat litter, balsa wood, foam card. Certain cool bitz will be focal points for certain squares.


I'll write/blog about it too so we can see how we both do, but I can't start until December, I got to fail my CFA exam first.

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Not 100% happy with this "foamboard" method, so in the end I will probably not use it, but if you don't try you can't get better ideas.


Got a better method, but it's a more hazardous one, ouch!


1 stitch. Styrofoam is tough nut to crack. Please don't do as I do, with 10 years of hobby experience, cut away from yourself!

But this is better IMHO:



With a structured piece of stone I make more structure.

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