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Hey Astador


Amazing work here, I think i may just have to loot this idea as it is a spectacular sight. :P


Cant wait until this thing is finished, will be checking back regualrly for updates *wink wink, nudge nudge* ;)


Hope you update soon



Cpt X

I'll post something more productive when you upload something new, in the meantime, what paint is that red?


Well the red is several* thin layers of Tamiya Hull Red. :D



*By several I mean a lot, like from the consistency of milk.


I didn't get a chance to upload the sketch as I am just so tired tonight. For sure tomorrow night though!

Well I'll give a little more on the female lord project tonight.

It's been done before, but I plan to use the Saint Celestine models with a pair of wings, perhaps some horns growing from between armour plates. The idea is coming together faster than my sketch of this Lord! *sigh* I have to many crazy Lord ideas in my head! haha

I've been thinking about ordering the FW Lord and some Khorne upgrades for my own little Christmas present! haha

  • 2 weeks later...


Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy with work for the past two weeks, but I've gotten a lot of work done! I built the rider for this model using the rider from the new Fantasy Juggernaut of Khorne! Also, coming will be a second Herald conversion since I now have 2 Juggernauts and nothing else to do with the extra. I picked up the Khorne Lord on Foot who will be holding a chain leading to the neck of the second juggernaut as he stands off to the side. :)

I'll have pictures tomorrow when it is daytime! I got most of the first juggernaut painted, just need to do some details, the khorne icon, the hooves, eyes, and teeth. :)

So look forward to the pictures tomorrow!!!!!


  • 2 weeks later...

Well not a lot has happened in the past couple of weeks! I've gotten most of the Juggernaut done and the rider started but still can't good pictures.

But I wanted to show you guys this!

Christmas came early here in Texas!



Not photographed is the $5 gift card in my wallet. The Flagellants were free. :)

And on the way from CMoN.


Wonder why it says Out of Stock? It's because I ordered the last one! :P


On another note, I am going to be doing some small commission projects, such as Valian(Sp?) The new Slaneesh champion, and Captain Sicarius. :P


More later!

Yeah, if you think the boxed models are cool, wait till you see this! :devil:



Now he just needs for me to build another arm and then fill the gaps and sculpt all over the model! -_- I need more Greenstuff for him! haha His partner will be joining him as soon as I decide it I like it enough otherwise I'll have 2 normal Soul Grinders and then him to run in Apoc.

Just wanted to give you guys something to enjoy while I go to work for 9 hours! :(

How are people making all these bipedal 'grinders/defilers?! I want one! excellent work Astador, looking forward to seeing more.


Well The Soul Grinder is complicated because of the body I'll tell you that! haha I know it's going t oneed a lot of sculpting, but I'll do a full tutorial when I do the second one! ;)


No work on it tonight, I just got home from work and am about to go to dinner and out with friends from Hollister Co.

I lied! I got home around 9 and set to work to do make more progress on the first Soul Grinder! Here he is, the GS is still curing, the base is a cd-rom protector and Super Sculpey. Most the gaps are filled and I worked on the waist area. I'll add a little more to the area when this part dries. I am thinking of adding a tabbard to the front and back or maybe a robe around his lower body. I think it may be kind of a cool concept. I'm going to toy with it a bit more. I need more GS before I can continue, so tomorrow I'll buy another pack and possibly a different sculpting clay that is self-hardening to make the robe!

Anyway, here are the pics!




C&C Welcome!!!!

Haha yeah, that does seem like I good image! I was talking to my friend Sam earlier and he asked about skeletons and bodies around the place under the rocks. I'll hopefully be able to gather enough, depending on the way they are placed I may just make push molds and hide them so you can barely tell! :devil:


Any recommendations for a different self curing putty that can make the robes out of? I'm stumped, and can't get milliput on a dime notice, I'd have to order it.

Here are some pictures of the Juggernaut and Skulltaker!

Ignore the base of the Juggernaut it's not going to be purple, we were playing with colours at GW.





And to add, I started Sicarius.

Not happy yet.


The picture is horrible anyway! haha


Sorry for the double post!

More later, I need more glue!

Well, even with no more comments I'll keep updating! ;)

Did some major work since the last group of pictures! Started sculpting the robe on the Soul Grinder and also the arm! :P

The robe looks rough but it is mostly intentional, I will be going over adding some folds and such with GS though! The arm is just the basic shape, but if should be done soon! It's a bit out of proportion, but I feel it works as the legs are large and the fact that he is a Daemon! Since they are after all entities beyound all comprehension their forms are not subject to the same proportions as a human!


Hm, his arm looks worse in the picture than it is in RL. I'll try for better pictures when I can!


I also got a lot further on the rider! :) I painted most the metallic parts today! The Helmet is gold without any Gold actually being used.



And I thought Since I reorganized my desk to accommodate my new lamp, I'd show you a picture of the War Forge!

The box in the background with the green is holding my brushes, sculpting tools, knife, a few projects, and all of the paints I use on a regular basis! The shelf above holds unfinished projects and a few unstarted ones. It contains a number of half painted models that will possibly someday be finished! :)



Hopefully this update will get some more comments! :P

Cheers all, and good night!

I'll comment =-D


I think, that I liked the Soul Man before he got the robe.. I know you said its still rough, so I hope that it'll look less like an apron at the end. =-D I think you wasted a nice large chunk of greenstuff on the hips, since you ended up covering them anyways...shame that. And his arm.."WRAAHH, feel my club of putty!!" Smoosh. Great looking JUGGERNAUT!!!

Hm, don't worry about the apron look! :HQ: It will go away when some folds are added, and yet it is true that it was a slight waste of GS, I think it was worth it, it gave me some practice using the GS. I did more work on the club of putty though! <_<

Removed it and put it on a pin-vice. Not sure how I'm going to attach it yet, but I'll figure it out. Hopefully you can make out the basic shape of the arm. Still needs more work, more definition will be added will GS. This clay is fun to work with, the arm was almost completely dry, but I added some water and molded it like it was fresh! :teehee: But it does harden completely!



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