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I spent a couple hours after work doing some more sculpting tonight. Now I just need to write a script for film. Anyway, just thought I'd show you guys some pictures of the Soul Grinder currently, and a chaplain I built! :o





Here is the Chaplain as well. No Chapter yet. Any ideas?



After this Soul Grinder, I'm not sure I want to do the same for the next! haha

No, I will, but no robes. :teehee: They didn't work out as well as I would have liked, oh well, it was an experiment and worth the try!


I agree, so I removed it! :teehee:

Now I just need to go fix some of the greenstuff! haha

So we return to this! :o


how about some chains in the style of a loin cloth?


" with the dismembered corpses of his victims , entangled in them "


You know that's not a bad idea actually, just make sure you can remove it easily while you're making it, just in case it doesn't work at all :P And yeah, robe didn't look all that great after all, good in theory though.

before you do anything else, i suggest going back to the arm....being a daemon is no excuse for not having functional limbs...honestly everything must conform to science, even fantasy/ sci-fi, at least to the extent that its believable, otherwise people will notice it


now, simple thing is get some pictures of body builders, look at their muscles, and recreate them...dont be happy with your first try, or you will never improve


the deltoid is off so it looks more like a big chunk of something instead of muscles or a body...if it is a big chunk of something make it more irregular so people see it as a big chunk, and not a poorly sculpted muscle, knwo what i mean?


next, when doing robes, its easier to do the basic shapes while its wet, then sand/cut it down to shape, add more if needed and then re-smoothen....having a blank sheet with no folds means it will be much more work to build it up...GS is the worst thing to use on a large model like that, not only because its expensive, but because you cant sand down the surfaces...and you want large smooth surfaces, or large textured surfaces, also the ability to cut and sand means you can get nicer shapes for most things


to texture you can take something and lightly stamp the surface, or roll it across the surface


lastly the GS that meets plastic has super rough joints that will show when primed/painting, you need to make sure they are SUPER smooth, either by using colour shapers to blend it into the plastic, or using some sort of sandable filler putty or some such

how do you fire the sculpey and keep its shape on the model? O.o



How about a tail?You could make that out of chain or vehicle parts?


Shoulder armour/pads would look cool. Especially if they matched the leg armour in style. Plasticard maybe?


Nice work so far.



Thanks for all the comments guys. Alex I'll address yours last as it's the longest.


Terminatorinhell; The sculpy on the base is baked in the open prior to being shaped. One completely cured I shape it and glue it to the base. There's a tutorial somewhere on the web, but I'll do my own soon.


Ezekiel: I like the idea about the tail, I'll see what I can throw together. If I had a defiler set too, I'd use the flail arms from it, but since I don't I'll try to figure something out.


The loin area, I think I am going to leave, empty. The more I look at it the more I do seem to like the space. Alex is right though, it's to large for GS, I'll be out an arm and a leg, and the other self hardening clay wasn't working well either. I removed the sculpted arm and created a new one using left over arms and the arm plate. That usually goes to the one on the legs.


Alex thanks for the tips, I'll work on the proportions and blending the GS into the plastic so it isn't a rigid line like you said. I'm going to blend in the GS. :P

I'm going to add some more armour plates to some areas. Namely the shoulders as they are a bit plain, but we shall see what happens.

Pics later possibly.

Well I did some more work on Soul Grinder, no detailed shots yet, but I'll take some tomorrow. I redid the arm and made it part of the machine and added tech-bitz underneath it. I've got some more blending in to do on the GS before calling is done, but it's getting there! :lol:

I just thought you'd like to see a size comparison to the Juggernaut and the Chaplain conversion I posted earlier! :)


Cheers! :)

Ask and you shall receive! ;)



Today at GW I picked up 20 Bloodletters, a third juggernaut, 3 New Chaos Characters, the Fantasy Chaos Character Dragon, a random Dwarf musician, and a Deathwing Command squad. The Dragon, I'm going to try and do some conversion work and make him a Daemon Prince. :) More Later.

Your work is ace.. and I could only wish to do work like yours.


I think a nice touch to the grinder would be a sleeveless coat of sorts made from the skin his victims[ think about Fabius Bile's coat of flesh for an idea of what I'm talking about ].

Malachi: I actually only spent $35 on all that! :)

I won an Ork Battleforce in the raffle, which I sold for $55, bought the Chaos Characters and 10 Chosen for $60, sold the Chosen for $30, the Dragon was free since my friend Dallas owed me $20 for a large amount of Forgeworld I sold him, I traded my Dark Elf battalion for the Terminators, and I used my $30 on the gift card and $30 from my bank account for the Bloodletters and a new pin-vice! :)


Hedron: Thanks :) I decided though that I like him better without anything like a coat or anything. :)

Hm, well, I'm not going to lie, I may have to use that in a later model! :D

Anyway, a small update, tonight I built 40 Bloodletters, 40 Flesh Hounds, and started on the Daemon Prince based on the Fantasy Giant! :) On another note, today I came home from GW with an unassembled Giant, 2 boxes of the new Chaos Warhounds to use as my Flesh Hounds, and a couple of other cool little models! :)

Here is the currently assembled army.



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