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Why aren't tabbards painted blue?


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I've seen Red tabbards, green ones, cream colored ones...why have there never been blue?


I know it doesn't fit MY color scheme, but I want to do it anyways. I had painted..half painted a librarian, and I felt the blue wasn't dark enough, but I had already done the tabbard in cream. So I gave the guy a blue coat of Necron Abyss, and it turned the Tabbard a light blue. It looks decent. I might want to keep it like that.


But why doesn't anyone ever have blue ones? (Maybe I can start ANOTHER trend(I've started some out of the WH40K world))

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I think its because blue goes badly next to green and is usually very bright in the GW paint range. Green is fits in well with the whole gritty nature of the 40k universe so blue isnt that common. As for blue tabbards....well I doubt that would look very good....superhuman fighters sporting this seasons new black - the blue tabbard!


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