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Hello fraters!


This is going to be a thread based around the progress of my new 5th edition army well, not exactly new- you see recently misfortune struck and the majority of my models were broken in a moving accident (read: all of my darn troops... <_< ), and so- I am starting anew for 5th edition.


I see this as an opportunity to get the models right this time around: that is NO moldlines, drilled barrels, scenic bases for all minis, inked/washed/weathered etc. and expand the list as time goes on.


<deleted links to wips that have since been remodelled, links to those wips on bottom of page>



Tomb guard

tomb guard with egeus wip

this will be a 9 man unit to accompany egeus in the LRC. I'll probably end up making more for further units of tomb guard (my more sinister take on sternguard) or for units of honor guard. These are 2 of the unit I brought with me to take pics of. The GS is my first attempts at doing robes, so tips to improve would be greatly appreciated. All I really have to do is just trim some arms and mount the bolters/combi weapons on them and the unit will be ready for priming and paint. <this is the old egeus the model of which i gave to a buddy for his budding diy army>

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didn't want a huge first post, so this is part two.


list of projects i want to accomplish (besides the wip ones listed above), these will be accomplished over time.


my HQs

6 razorbacks/rhinos (have 4 of the 6 rhino chassis, need to order the turrets)

4 units of tactical marines to replace the ones I lost

1 unit of sniper scouts

custom made telion and he'stan (bitz box bashing)

an Ironclad dreadnaught with a drop pod (too cool not to make a model of IMO)



here is a link to my wip index astartes article as well:



c&c would be greately appreciated, pics will be posted *hopefully* shortly, thanks for looking!



pics have been added!!! c&c would be awesome!

  • 1 month later...

Okay, well I wasn't able to put pics up by the 7th of last month, but I have made some progress, what with finals weeks and end of the semester projects eating up my time.

The good news? christmas break is nearly a month long, so plenty of time to work on my boys beginning next weekend!


List of projects I'm working on:

Remodelling of captain Egeus ("kantor counts as").



Ironclad dreadnaught-- based off a dark angels dreadnaught I have.

Venerable dreadnaught-- chaplain dread from the top of the thread. just need to base it and glue the weapons on, pics to come.

Tomb guard-- buying a second box of these guys, painting will begin as of tomorrow night.



4 tactical squads with a razorback. These are replacing my old marines that were carelessly killed in the line of duty by a moving box, so I have yet to buy them (just repainting the few odd bits i managed to save). So if anyone can provide some cool insight for how i can make the troops or transports look unique while uniform ma very well end up having the sergeant named after them!

1 tac. squad modelled as having "infiltrators" usr (for when i use sicarius.

1 scout sniper squad with "telion"


fast attack:

nothing on the slate, so im open to suggestions.


heavy support:

lost the order on the baneblade engine for the LRC, so that project is only about 80% complete. The immolator turret is a pain in the butt to get in to the front, but some greenstuff, plasticard and a bucket of patience sealed the deal.


2 vindicators, repainting the second for my new scheme.


a thunderfire cannon-- not sure how to model a custom one yet, so open to suggestions


Feedback is of course welcomed, have a good day everybody! :)


sorry for the delay, had to battle with the mrs over the use of the laptop, she had to finish a paper. Thanks for the patience!

For some reason it wouldnt let me post in the post above, so this isnt a shameless self bump :D


Here are the pictures i promised, albeit a few hours later (the mrs. had to finish a paper)


<pics were deleted from my da page>


Thanks for the patience guys, and nearly 600 page views, wow!

  • 3 months later...

well its about time i ressurected this thread now that ive actually accomplished some stuff. as usual comments and criticism are welcomed.


egeus remodelled:

egeus remodel 1


egeus remodel 2


land raider crusader remodel:

lrc remodel 1


lrc remodel 2


lrc remodel 3


more pics to come next weekend, as I hope to update this thread weekly from now on

well, as promised, another update (though I am still waiting for several pictures from my significant other to add :P )


as vash suggested, I made a photobucket account though you can still access my DA for the photos as well.


vindie repaint wip


more pics to follow.


Id really like some input as to what to paint on the dozer blade, I want to try for a muralesque scene like our forum brother ricky accomplished for his ultras army, but am in need of an inspirational pic. If it helps, this particular vindicator is named Zeal.



more pics! yay!


stern sergeant wip

a squad sergeant for the sternguard. need to prime it and add the combi-plasma before painting, but still-- it amuses me to use huron for the basis for a loyalist model. :sick:


banner squad 1

a banner bearer sternguard, I want to do something unique with my army, so every squad will be modelled with a banner or a relic. the skin appears darker than it is, due to a quick ink wash I did. I need to do the second skin coat for better pics, and add the secondary colors/inks.


varro wip

A very wip shot of my sicarius counts as, I mainly need inspiration for a power weapon, so c&c on that would be stellar. might change the head, but not sure (sicarius' is just so friggin smug...)


random chaplain

and lastly, a chaplain made from the helbrecht model i had lying around-- made for laughs (he needs a crozius)


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