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Viva Metallica


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Sorry AngryJohnny, I haven't dared to do any vehicles yet. I will soon, because I have a Dreadnought to paint, and a Whirlwind, and my Apocalypse-only all-autocannon Predator.


But sadly, progress is slow, because Viva Metallica is so time consuming.


And the thing with the Salamanders is that I wanted my army to mainly be Crimson Fists and other Sons of Dorn (Soul Drinkers). But then again, they would look so cool, and melta weapons are their speciality.


Here's a pic of my 4 tactical squads, bottom left: Crimson Fists, bottom right: Soul Drinkers, top left: Salamanders?, top right, probably Crimson Fists again.


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Sorry AngryJohnny, I haven't dared to do any vehicles yet. I will soon, because I have a Dreadnought to paint, and a Whirlwind, and my Apocalypse-only all-autocannon Predator.


But sadly, progress is slow, because Viva Metallica is so time consuming.


And the thing with the Salamanders is that I wanted my army to mainly be Crimson Fists and other Sons of Dorn (Soul Drinkers). But then again, they would look so cool, and melta weapons are their speciality.


Cool, thanks for the Army shot!


Well I can't wait to see your vehicles painted - especially the Dreadnought! I bet it's going to look fantastic! I've got a couple of vehicles (2x Dreadnought, Vindicator, Predator & LR) for my Dorn successor that I'm scared to paint right now too - and I'm not even doing the metalic like you are so I understand. Still can't wiat to see them. (You should open a WIP for your vehicles, I'm curious to see the All-Autocannon Predator)


Slow progress is better than no progress, especially on an Army that looks so good. :)


You could always do the Melta weapon marines as good old Imperial Fists. The melta weapons suit them. I just really would like to see your "Viva Metallica" style in green. (I like green marines, that's why my IF successor, the Priory of Dorn is green) Looking forward to more!

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Last night I stayed up really late(early) till 3am and managed a few more marines in a painting blitz session:






I even did a test marine for the Salamanders squad:




And started a biker with flamer:





And finally, a group shot - minus the soul drinker, he's upstairs):



C&C please :(

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An advantage of this is a very clean looking job that builds its own highlights with its sheen and ink wash. You might want to try a bit of highlighting anyway though, just on the sweet spots, higher edges etc. Try taking a bit of mithril silver, mixing in a bit of the wash to make a more silver metallic, then use that to highlight. Might look interesting. Try it, I'd love to see the results.

In the meantime, that sallie looks incredible. The green seems to be a better choice than the blue....maybe it mixes better. In any case, it somehow seems brighter, cleaner and more realistic with green, improving the sallie beyond compare.

Very nice. I wonder how this could be appropriated for bronze metallics...using devlan mud for instance? The alst time I tried anything liek this was on the green bars of my brothers necrons (lazy little git assembled them all rubbishly, then made me paint the whole army. Never touches them anyway ><). Painted them silver and gave them a thick wash of purple ink, seemed to be faster at coloring it then these foundations if they require multiple washes. It just colored it really vibrantly and even after one wash. So much for improved coverage :D

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An advantage of this is a very clean looking job that builds its own highlights with its sheen and ink wash. You might want to try a bit of highlighting anyway though, just on the sweet spots, higher edges etc. Try taking a bit of mithril silver, mixing in a bit of the wash to make a more silver metallic, then use that to highlight. Might look interesting. Try it, I'd love to see the results.
I acually got an idea here. I know you use multiple washes here. The first wash the color would be the brightest off course. So if you make 3 washes then after the 2nd then paint mithril silver at the egdes just like you would highlight it. Then give it the last wash. I believe that would give it some nice looking highlights.
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An advantage of this is a very clean looking job that builds its own highlights with its sheen and ink wash. You might want to try a bit of highlighting anyway though, just on the sweet spots, higher edges etc. Try taking a bit of mithril silver, mixing in a bit of the wash to make a more silver metallic, then use that to highlight. Might look interesting. Try it, I'd love to see the results.
I acually got an idea here. I know you use multiple washes here. The first wash the color would be the brightest off course. So if you make 3 washes then after the 2nd then paint mithril silver at the egdes just like you would highlight it. Then give it the last wash. I believe that would give it some nice looking highlights.


That could work.


Tell you what, next marine, i'll try that. <_<

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Started to repaint the armour of some of my older models, started with my old Crimson Fist Captain:



And for those interested in the models behind:



I want you guys to think of a quote that resembles that picture of the captain and the robed imperial(represented by Cirdan from LOTR SBG) just a bit of fun over the new year change :D


EDIT: Forgot to add this:




I had to take this picture in the middle of a coat because it reminds me of an Ultra successor scheme that could be used. Every time I paint the first coat of blue on a marine, I keep thinking this, it's because I always paint the layers in 7 parts:


1. shoulder pads,

2. arms,

3. torso,

4. head

5. upper legs,

6. knees, lower legs and feet,

7. back pack,


It looks soooooooo cool for a scheme though. IMHO. :) What do you guys think?

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@metcalfedan: dude im not really into the shiny but your stuff is really good and if you want old fashion gw paints the original company that made them still sells here is some sites with coat d'arms paints.



also vallejo which im pretty sure are were most of those metallics are from


if neither have them sorry...

but yeah good stuff.

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Hey Metcalfden, I really like the salamander style marine.

Just curious though, as to how much you thin the ink down before applying it. Do you use a large brush to apply everything or a regular sized one?

just GW Washes straight from the pot :nuke:


@metcalfedan: dude im not really into the shiny but your stuff is really good and if you want old fashion gw paints the original company that made them still sells here is some sites with coat d'arms paints.



also vallejo which im pretty sure are were most of those metallics are from


if neither have them sorry...

but yeah good stuff.

cool thanks m8 :wub:


not to hijack, but I did a dread in the metallic colours.. first one on page 15 of the Dreadnought thread


It's not as clean and perfect as the marines here, but it still looks really good imo!

That's cool, I like it :HQ:


Looks really good already cant wait to see everything finisht . The scheme works really well .

Thanks Mick :lol:


Have you tryed my highlighting surgestion yet? I would really like to see how it goes

I tried it on the marine above, but the effect really wasn't that different. IMHO don't bother, just a waste of time :D



Oh and guys. I will do another update soon so, keep watching. :tu:

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First of all, the look you've worked out is wonderful.

This seals the deal, I'm going to make a Soul Drinker's Army.


You just undercoated em MS and then after the BB wash you put on three coats of Leviathan?


The ones you've done so far look fantastic, I really want to see what they look like with the gold and bone detail, keep us posted!




As soon as I get back to my paints i'm going to try and figure out a good way to highlight the armor, as I feel the final look could benefit from it.


EDIT: Did you happen to say that you weren't watering your Mithril Silver down? Just applying it straight from the pot?

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First of all, the look you've worked out is wonderful.

This seals the deal, I'm going to make a Soul Drinker's Army.


You just undercoated em MS and then after the BB wash you put on three coats of Leviathan?


The ones you've done so far look fantastic, I really want to see what they look like with the gold and bone detail, keep us posted!




As soon as I get back to my paints i'm going to try and figure out a good way to highlight the armor, as I feel the final look could benefit from it.


EDIT: Did you happen to say that you weren't watering your Mithril Silver down? Just applying it straight from the pot?


Remember to undercoat black then apply the mithril silver straight from the pot :D




Over the next year I'm planning on getting all of this painted if possible:








And for those who wanted to know about my yellow metallic:





The way I did it is:

1. black (yes black believe it or not) basecoat.

2. Mithril coat.

3. badab black wash.

4. I added 5ml of water to a standard pot of Sunburst yellow and shook it about a bit.

5. VERY (and I stress VERY) lightly drybrush this watered down paint over the armour.

6. Wash with gryphonne sephia.

7. then do other stuff like gun, detail etc.


I also started work on my command squad:




And decided my company champion need a re-pose :nuke:





And After:





I had to cut the back of the helmet off to get the helmet out do it could be turned, but I cut the front off a spare and glued them together. He was inspired by a company champion I saw in the Dark Angels issue of white dwarf.


Guess who's going to be painted next.


Thanks for looking :)

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I like the new pose of the Champion. I think I'm going to give mine a pose like that too. Looks like you have your work cut out for you on finishing these up. Which is good for us, lots of updates to look forward too. I gave the metallic a go with the green I use for my Marines, and I've got to say, it's a lot more difficult than you let on. My green is also too dark and by the time I was able to build enough layers for the green to be visible, it looked just like the rest of my paint, no metallic for me I guess. Oh well. LOL


Keep up the great work, I look forward to each update you do. (Still waiting on your vehicles :D )

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I would love to get this look to work for Space Wolves too.


On a whim, i went to this site to look for pics, and found this one:




Doesn't his armor look like something we could do with this technique?

Since there's no blue-gray wash perhaps we could just heavily water down some SW gray and do two coats of that, then to top it off with a coat of Hawk Turquoise, what does everyone think?


Or perhaps someone has another idea for doing a metallic space wolf?

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the yellow looks like it takes a bit of patience or else it will come out uneven, correct? I'm still going to give this a shot on my 1k sons just because the blue looks too perfect. I'll let you know how they turn out when I get a chance. thanks again for the great tutorial and great work!
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