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Justicar Conversion


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Hi there, I bought myself some Grey Knights about 2 years back [long time I know] I got 10GK'S in PA, 5GK'S in TA and a Dread. After painting the Terminators I'm ashamed to say I lost interest. I'm very much a guy who likes his army to be unique and I couldn't deal with converting the solid metal models with the skills I had. For about a year I didn't do any models but then after browsing the web a few months back I found DA WAAAGH website and got into converting orks [which were plastic] and even started using green stuff. Anyway last week I dug out my Grey Knights after some motivational reading of the space wolf omnibus [i was a space wolf collecor as a little kid] and set to work on making myself a Justicar to call my own. It's the biggest conversion to a metal model that I've done and I'm quite pleased with the result, I'm not as good a painter as alot of the people I see here but I hope you guys like my conversion anyway as I personally haven't seen too many GK conversions in my google searches.


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His name is Justicar Draigo, I decided he looked like Ivan Drago from Rocky IV so that's where the name came from :lol: I also like to think he has a russian accent when shouting the Emperor's words! The model is made from the standard justicar in PA and bits from the Dark angels chapter upgrade sprue plus greenstuffing. And yes....he has a Nemesis Force Baseballbat.

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@Seto: Yeah I suck at basing my models, the most I've ever done is like stuck a dodgy skull on one >.< so if anyone has some good tips or a tutuorial I'd be glad to hear from them.


@Matt: Sounds cool you should get a camera so we can see :) I feel bad for the Terminator walking about without any crotch armour though hehe.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some basing ideas:


1) Put some green stuff over the entire surface of the base, but rather thinly. Then use a knife or something else (I used a toothpick) to push a grid into the greenstuff. Now you have some rather good tiles or steel flooring. :D


2) Put greenstuff on the base in a wedge shape, with the narrow end in roughly the centre of the base, and the thick end hanging over the edge. Now cut with a knife around the edges of the wedge and then press deeply with a tooth pick iinto some of the cuts. This should end up looking like a rock thats sunk into the earth. It'll look a little dodgy, but not too bad.

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  • 2 years later...
I know this is a gravedig from2008, but after looking at the gamesworkshop store and having seen a specific greyknight grandmaster I feel like the original Draigo has become less :) citaedel has stolen his name! If it had been a character in a different army fine, but the exact same name in the exact same army is either a big ass coincidence or ideas are being pinched from these forums by the big fish :P long live the justicar! Down with the grandmaster! :)
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