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Hakanor's reavers army diary.


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So i've started my chaos army,and once everything i have is assembled and converted,i'll have a good 2250pts.

Here is what i have:


20 chaos marines

24 Berzerkers

5 plague marines

9 thousand sons

5 terminators

5 possessed

1 rhino

1 vindicator

1 dreadnought

2 obliterators

5 raptors

8 havocs


As you can see i'm still missing my hq choice as im have a tough time deciding between a daemon prince or a terminator lord.


Anyway,onto pics:


Squad 1









WIP dread






plague marines



Rhino and Berzerkers


Army shot as it stands



And off course,the 1 marine ive finished:



So as you can see i have a fair bit of painting to doo,and i'm hoping to get a decent portion finished before Xmas.


Thanks for reading.

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As you can see i'm still missing my hq choice as im have a tough time deciding between a daemon prince or a terminator lord.
Hakanor's Reavers

Leader: Hakanor [Daemon Prince], formerly Chapter Master Prometian.

See, it's decided for you!

Seriously though, you can't have Hakanor's Reavers without the big guy himself, right?


Plus, it would make for great modelling opportunities. :D

I'm going to go with the Daemon prince,afterall it's more in character with the chapter and someone posted a brilliant idea about using the balrog as a basis of the conversion.


Started 2 more marines earlier,and i'm going to start on the vindicator and plague marines during my 3 day weekend(yay!).


So i'll post pics once i've made some commentable progress.

Here is the latest progress on the painting front:






Obviously not as much done as i'd like,but once i get some stuff undercoated tomorrow(god i hope it doesn't rain!) i'll be painting 8 marines,a vindicator,a rhino and 5 plague marines! :unsure:

So expect some new pics! :P

Yeah,i'm going to try.

The rhino will be painted in Thousand sons colours though because it's the taxi for the squad of Thousand sons i have.


But the vindicator is going to be painted in the reaver scheme,so should be fun and easy to do.

Here are some WIP shots of what i did earlier tonight:




Hoping to finish this lot off tonight or tomorrow and then it's onto the vindi before more reavers and plague marines! :pinch:

Didn't get as much done over the weekend as i'd liked to have,but this is the progress i've made thus far:







So they are almost finished,just a few things left to do.


I still need to paint the implaed loyalist marine helmet on the banner bearers trophy spike,so does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?


Should get these finished today,and hopefully make some more progress with the Vindi.


Cheers for looking guys,and thank you for all the great comments! <_<

Thanks for the comment Captain Malachi,and good idea with the Salamanders chapter,a good bit of irony always helps with chaos!


Here are some WIP shots of a lord in PA for the 1K army i'm planning to have finished by X-mas.






Now he's toting a Deamon weapon,and i thought it was only right that i gave him a deamonic scythe,so i fashioned one from the icon pole and one of the berzerker scabbards.


Now obviously it's still WIP.

I'm planning to make it look semi-organic to represent the fact that its a weapon with a deamon bound inside.

Also i'm gonna extend the blade a little bit and try to get it looking a bit nastier.


Any ideas on how to model the scythe would be helpful and i'm always on the look out for ideas for other weapons that my other characters can carry.


Cheers for reading! :o

ok first things first, i love the painting, the lava/cracked armour effect rocks something awesome!!! now secondly that Dread look really nice, id like to borrow that idea for my Legion of the Damned, and i also love the way youre using loyalist bitz with your Chaos Marines. awesome work man. keep it coming. ~high fives you~.


catch you later.






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