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THE BILIOUS KIN - Flamer Chosen!


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My latest concoction has been a 5-man squad of Chosen Chaos Space Marines. I opted for a combo of 3 flamers and 2 power weapons, and based the squad on the Dark Angels Veterans boxed set. I have to say this is an awesome sprue; the robed bodies themselves are great, and you get loads of cool components along with them. I made considerable use of the incense-style censers on strings for example.


The robes themselves were treated to considerable amounts of stanley knife and pin vice weathering. I carefully shredded the edges of the plastic to give the cloth a ragged and ribboned look.


Power Weapons



Alt Angle: http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/ash...ot/100_1821.jpg

Sword Detail: http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/ash...ot/100_1822.jpg

- This guy was designed to double up as a Champion in case I decide to include one. Features include a head-swap from the CSM command sprue, the power sword from a Dark Angels terminator (drilled with the Mark of Nurgle), a reinforced shoulder-pad using Orky armour, and a power plant vent on the right shoulder (a feature present on the whole squad)



Alt Angle: http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/ash...ot/100_1824.jpg

- A small amount of green stuff changes the Dark Angels head a bit, and a Night Goblin blade makes his power weapon look a bit more brutish.





Alt Angle: http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/ash...ot/100_1815.jpg

- All three flamer guys have an Ork Burna Boy packpack (attached after considerable amounts of cutting and re-glueing). These WIP pictures are do not show it, but I connected the flamers to the backpacks with guitar string.

- The spurt of flame is a High Elf horse tail!

- As with the whole squad, the Dark Angels sprue was great for accessories like the parchment in this guy’s left hand.



Alt Angle: http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/ash...ot/100_1817.jpg

- Same sort of treatment as the other flamers – Ork, Dark Angel and High Elf bits, plus some green stuff.



Alt Angle: http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i211/ash...ot/100_1819.jpg

- The banner is a mutilated version of a typical Space Marine standard, with spikes and considerable weathering added.

- The green stuff on his left shoulder was initially meant to be an attempt at chain-mail, but it failed miserably, and ended up as a strange piece of fur! This was to cover up a Dark Angels cloth on the shoulder-pad.

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