Shortsonfire79 Posted June 22, 2012 Author Share Posted June 22, 2012 lhg033: Thanks for noticing that! After a bit of work trying to figure out what to do with the little towers, I finally settled to just get rid of the side ones and aimed the lances at the beasty. Thanks for the tip! Pulse: Thanks mate! And so, on with the work. My six week summer course is now one week in and so I've found little time to work on this. I've just been playing with small batches of tentacles. :D The hardest part was figuring out how to get them to look on the outer end of the ship. I think I've done a decent job. :P I really like how this single tentacle is taking down the angel at the bridge. I'll probably find more ways to incorporate singular pieces like that somewhere. I also want to find a way to make the forward most dorsal lance turret look as if it were hit by bio-acid, which is why it didn't manage to fully rotate around. Not sure how I'll go about doing that without making it look Nurgle-ified, so I'll brainstorm on that for a bit. I still have a while, right? :D The hive fleet that I'm thinking I'll go with are either Leviathan or Kraken (or something different all together) to help contrast the blue/black colors of the fleet. Thanks for lookin! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deathwing70 Posted June 22, 2012 Share Posted June 22, 2012 ...awesome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted June 22, 2012 Share Posted June 22, 2012 You should so enter this thing in Golden Demon in the Open or diorama catergory or something. Its pretty damned sweet really and I imagine it would do fairly well, due to the sculpting alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightHunters Posted June 22, 2012 Share Posted June 22, 2012 Short that is really, really nice work! Never really been in to BFG but that is just such a good representation of tyranid void combat badassary! Top work mate, top work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lachdannan Posted June 23, 2012 Share Posted June 23, 2012 Such a really good concept come to life. Such a great model, and fantastic sculpting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eberious Posted June 23, 2012 Share Posted June 23, 2012 Holy mother of Tyranid!, that is freakin sweet!. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shortsonfire79 Posted June 29, 2012 Author Share Posted June 29, 2012 Thanks guys. :D Alright, so heres the second time stamp, this time for painting. I burnt myself out on the green stuffing so I'm just calling it good here, there wasn't much else for me to do anyways. I've gone ahead and started the main coat of blue on the battleship. That was a challenge. I had trouble getting around some of the single tentacles, but overall I think it has turned out pretty well so far. The picture is really washed out which kind of sucks. I couldn't get a good one for some reason. I also took a stab at the Digits explosions... it wasn't a success, but it wasn't an overall failure. I think I may know how to paint them now, and since I used a Q-tip to paint the two pieces as testers, the ones painted by brush may turn out slightly better. Because I didn't want to add them to the ship before painting, I'm going to paint several in all yellow-orange-red colors for the fire and I'll lay gray/white ones on top of them to simulate the outer part of the explosion. There will probably not be a lot of smoke, I'll try to stick close to semi-realistic themes for this. Armageddon 1, Armageddon 2, Armageddon 3, Star Wars. Yeah the Star Wars one is iffy, but its still a decent space explosion.. And after drybrushing the IN cruiser I went on with laying down some colors for the nid ship. I've been following a how to on the TyranidHive and I've found that I only have one of the colors that the fella uses, so I've been trying to mix and match my eight paints to get things to work. The first layer, which was to look like plague brown came out like a keylime pie green... so I made another mixed with more red than yellow and got a bit closer, then layered on some goblin poo brown as Tinners puts it, but I think its Gryphonne Sepia. Now we're pretty close. More brown than yellow but I'm okay with that. ^ That large bottle to the right should be straight Bleached Bone. You may also notice that there are some chess pieces/drawings in that last picture. I've been messing around with some soft wood(you can see the fail on the right side of the pic) to carve some chess pieces. I'll work on it a bit. :P Thanks for looking! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 That's awesome :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lachdannan Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 That is so sweet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subtlebrush Posted June 30, 2012 Share Posted June 30, 2012 This is looking freakin' awesome man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shortsonfire79 Posted July 17, 2012 Author Share Posted July 17, 2012 Thanks guys! ;) I forgot to show my inspiration/teacher. This is the scheme I'm going for. The undertones I have right now aren't quite as orange as in the picture or as I want them to be, so I may go back and redo some shading if time permits. I'm struggling to finish the model first. This is where we've been sitting for a while. After about 7 coats of the top layer I finally got the solid color I wanted. I'll go back and highlight it again after I finish the tentacles (all the handling of the model is starting to rub off paint). I'm not really a fan of how the layering is looking so I may attempt to redo the edges at a later date. I'm not quite sure of how I'm going to go about painting the speckled area for the main tentacles. I wanted the sacks at the bottom to be pink, but the color wash I bought; Carroburg Crimson wasn't a pink like labeled...Its more of a deep deep purple-magenta sort of color. So once Keravin figures out how he's going about his pink skin, I'll probably copy his technique! Also thanks to Chris' (Deserter) generous contribution and Digit's kindness, I am now a step closer to my flagship's captain. Although after taking with Tinners for quite some time, I'm leaning towards the standing titan Princeps as captain and the Krieg commissar as the ship's commissar. Perhaps these bits will be used for bridge hands. Something like a chief petty officer, first mate, master of ordinance... I'll also be using Chris' term as well. The 'little gimpy vestigial legs' on the underside are in the process of receiving paint and hopefully will be done in a few days. Thanks for looking! The deadline is coming close, and I'm still devoting 12 hours a day to this Calculus course! Only two more weeks! Huzzah! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
almightyjesus55 Posted July 17, 2012 Share Posted July 17, 2012 D'awwwwwww the giant tyranid is giving the other ship a hug. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shortsonfire79 Posted July 23, 2012 Author Share Posted July 23, 2012 Thanks guys. :D Anyways, in the contest thread I had said that I wasn't anywhere near done, and I wasn't. But today instead of studying for the calculus exam on Wednesday followed by the final Thursday, I finished up 90% of the Space Dick Tentacle Monster. As I painted it, since it isn't glued onto the base yet I had to figure out a way to hold it where I wouldn't be rubbing the paint off of the carapace...this was my solution. Rather difficult but it worked. I painted the carapace and all the little gimpy vestigial tentacles as well as painted majority of the metals on the battleship. The metals haven't been highlighted yet and I need to add running lights. The explosions have been painted and I just need to figure out the best places to put them without overdoing it. I'm on the fence with the idea of putting some green paint on the second dorsal lance battery. I modeled it to look as if it had been hit with some bioacid, but I think green wouldn't really fit with the model. I'm thinking maybe some sort of pink but I'm not sure about how I'll go about doing that yet. Thanks for looking, hopefully I'll be finished before the comp deadline! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted July 23, 2012 Share Posted July 23, 2012 Dude mega cool. I second the motion that you enter it in the Golden Demons, or another project like it. I don't think I've ever seen a battlefield gothic scene submitted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted July 23, 2012 Share Posted July 23, 2012 I third said idea. This is all kinds of awesome and should at least be put out there for everyone to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HumanSupreme Posted July 24, 2012 Share Posted July 24, 2012 Shortsonfire79 said: The Conversion Beamer. I have no clue of what its supposed to look no one else does either (except you crazy players from way back when). I saw...Kikkila's with a Conversion Beamer on a bike... Mines too lame to be put on a bike. It doesn't have a body yet, thats PART of the barrel... I imagined it to have the outer things (pulse rifle barrels) to spin around the Lascannon barrel, to create some sort of energy field (or something)... I haven't worked too much on it yet. I like it. Keep going with this so I can steal the idea when you finish. Edit: Just noticed that post is from four years ago. I hope you finished it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wicced Posted July 24, 2012 Share Posted July 24, 2012 shorts, the nid from space looks even better than i imagined when it was still unpainted :lol: can't wait to see, what your mad laboratory will produce next :cuss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shortsonfire79 Posted July 30, 2012 Author Share Posted July 30, 2012 GooseDaMoose said: I second the motion that you enter it in the Golden Demons, or another project like it. I don't think I've ever seen a battlefield gothic scene submitted. Dark Apostle Thirst said: I third said idea. This is all kinds of awesome and should at least be put out there for everyone to see. Thanks guys, that makes me feel really great about this model. :) But we all know with my painting skills it wouldn't get very far. But thanks a lot!! HumanSupreme said: I like it. Keep going with this so I can steal the idea when you finish. Edit: Just noticed that post is from four years ago. I hope you finished it. Hah, yeah...this thread is older than I'd like to admit, especially with the amount of finished works produced (like...5 models, tops? :P) But thank you kindly. I think I worked on it a bit but I never really liked how it turned out. I'll have a looksee. Wicced said: shorts, the nid from space looks even better than i imagined when it was still unpainted ;) can't wait to see, what your mad laboratory will produce next ;) Thanks mate! I'll give you a hint on what I'm attempting next. No promises though, I'm partly stumped. Thank you guys. With the final comp date being tomorrow, I finally had to call it quits with this one. Thanks for looking. Full size pic I am going on a cruise for a week on the 4th, so I may or may not update before then! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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