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How NOT to build a DIY Chapter (Collaborative IA)


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A Brief list of current ideas is in Post # 88


Ok gang...

We have tried to create our IA articles in the best fashion we can to tell the story of the chapters we find interesting. We have tried to help eachother out with ideas, comments, pointers, and points-of-view gathered from our exposure to the Warhammer universe over god knows how many man hours of reading and work. Some of us have worked to help others by writing articles and discussions that work to provide a format and instruction for others to create their own chapters (yes I mean you Ferrata...Sigisimund...Octavulg...Mol...and god knows who else). In some cases it has worked...in others it has not.


All that being said, I propose a new collaborative IA article, one that is not an example of what to do to do an IA well...rather, an example of what not to do for a DIY chapter. No, I do not propose a poorly written piece of trash...I propose a fully developed chapter, with fluff, with characters, with history, that is so over the top we all laugh at it!


Let's take a chapter idea...throw in as much of the kitchen sink as we can...add a Mary Sue/Gary Stu or two...mix in some Gingerbread and flavor with a Motherhood Statement or two. Oh hell...lets try for every blatant violation of the Turkey City Lexicon we can.


In order to do this, there would be two rules: 1) It must be coherent; 2) It must be entertaining.


By coherent I mean it must make sense...not from a tried and true fluff perspective (this whole thing should violate every fluff rule we know), but it must flow well enough to be readable (even if we do cringe with every paragraph).


By entertaining I mean it must illustrate why we do not want to do these things in our own attempts and still be fun/funny to read.


Now, dare I ask who is game? Who thinks they are willing and able enough to step up to this challenge? Who thinks they can create such a monstrosity that no one will want to attempt such a thing again?


....who thinks they can create a beast of a chapter that will have everyone who reads it ROTFUDLOL:cussHO (Rolling-on-the-floor-under-desk-laughing-out-loud-with-tin-foil-hat-on)....


Dare we attempt such a travesty?




- Going off-topic is not an option. If this thread goes off-topic we all will have no issues/gripes/complaints that it gets closed...it would be our fault anyway.


- Justify your ideas...the good idea fairy must be shot!


- If this thread is determined off-topic, I have no problem with it being closed/locked and will wash my hands of it.


- Female space marines are right out ( Remember, we still need to have it...well sort of...believable under fluff restrictions. Though there is no direct statement in fluff that I know of that bans female space marines, ALL the fluff I know indicates the process is tied to male hormones/anatomy. I WILL NOT LET THIS TURN INTO A MALE v FEMALE SM THREAD NOR A JUSTIFICATION FOR ANY SUCH THING. If it becomes that, I suggest an instant moderator lock and purge of the thread. This is insane enough...we do not need that insanity too. )


- Second Founding will be the earliest this...creature...will reach.


- Rmoody is exactly correct: we can't use any of the 'never use' fluff rules like missing primarchs/chapters. We can still use lost in the warp though.


- We must not overtly change/modify/violate any of the GW storyline fluff. ( Minor deviations are ok. Thus, there will be no destruction of Official Chapters/Legions/Organizations...though saving them at a DIY event/battle/location is fine. )


edited for confirmed chapter name

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Under the impression that we're breaking the fluff commandments to prove that a good chapter can be done as opposed to just comedic effect, I'm going to submit as a starting point:


Space Wolf Successors, led by an Inquisitor, vanishing in the Warp.

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Space Wolf Successors, led by an Inquisitor, vanishing in the Warp.


What about a second founding chapter that mixes Space Wolf and loyal Word Bearer geneseed, created secretly by Leman Russ during the Heresy and led by an Inquisitor, that vanishes in the warp? Maybe they get out of the warp above Macragge during the first Tyrannic war and save the Ultramarines.

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better yet... emperors gene-seed. second founding because they were made in secret by a rogue inquisitor...

and something about possessed chaos worshipping savage cannibalistic grey-knight terminator cults who they chase into the warp. they find an eldar portal rescue jaghatai khan, and come out in an abandoned dark eldar base under macragge ice, where in the find the lion-sword and kill a hundred-thousand tyranids with it

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What about a second founding chapter, make them a successor to the original ultramarines.


The ultramarines chapter (not legion) of the time is then totally destroyed whereupon this chapter becomes the founding fathers during the third founding of the current ultramarines. (so bringing into line the old fluff of ultramarines being third founding).


I hate to say, this is actually sounding viable - which wasn't my intention.

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This is great. Impossible, but totally logical and easy to work with! What if they use dark angels gene-seed but it is hidden from them and others for no reason what so ever and the records of it are deleted


So therefore, the ultramarines of today - and hence the vast majority of the astartes are then dark angel, not ultramarine derivative!! Great!!


So everyone wants to be an ultramarine - and that's not so bad ;)

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That sounds like a plan - gives a good reason for the original chapter being destroyed.


Only problem with this is that we can't use any of the 'never use' fluff rules like missing primarchs/chapters. We can still use lost in the warp though.

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I'm okay for something like this to happen, but it will be watched carefully. For one, these types of threads will often decend into off-topic conversation or just a long list of 'Wouldn't it be cool...' instead of producing anything productive. Secondly, what is funny/cool to one person is really lame to another so again, these threads find it difficult to survive...Good luck.
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One thought I had on the drive home from work. Assuming the ultramarines idea is viable.


In keeping with this being as ridiculous as possible and using the sort of thing that no person in their right mind would attempt to get away with.


Assume that the original legion of ultramarines, like the chapters of today had a veteran component. Lets go ahead and assume that this was a whole chapter worth - the first chapter - and hence the primarchs most favoured.


Lets further make our second founding chapter the chapter based on this portion of the legion, i.e. the chapter that the primarch would have most worked with after the heresy. Lets further make the second founding version of the ultramarines only the second company, not quite as favoured as history tells us. Lets call our chapter 'Guilliman's First'


The ultramarines as such could still be the poster boys of the imperium and is the reason that when they are lost they are recreated for the third founding. Possibly the main reason for the third founding. Where Guillimans First went around doing the work of their primarch - until such time, sometime slightly after the third founding, they were lost in the warp and Guilliman deleted all record of them before adopting the new ultramarines as his own.


The death of the original ultramarines... I'm thinking geneseed problems - which would be a good reason, behind Gillimans back, to use some other tried and true line. Maybe we can go really over the top and make a roving band of chaos ultramarines.... better yet, Guillimans First are lost in the warp while chasing the distorted and mutated remains of the original ultramarines.


Seriously, it's going to take a lot of writing to make this both palatable and believable - but that was the challenge I think? Is there any major fluff that I've stuffed up that will make this completely unusable?

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I'm okay for something like this to happen, but it will be watched carefully. For one, these types of threads will often decend into off-topic conversation or just a long list of 'Wouldn't it be cool...' instead of producing anything productive. Secondly, what is funny/cool to one person is really lame to another so again, these threads find it difficult to survive...Good luck.


You are absolutely right Ferrata. If we are going to attempt this and pull it off we have to be careful how and what we pull together into this insanity. As I started this, I will say that:


"wouldn't it be cool if..." constitutes a "good idea fairy" moment...I was trained with the "always shoot the good idea fairy" mentality.


Therefore, I am going to say right now:


- If this thread is determined off-topic, I have no problem with it being closed/locked and will wash my hands of it.


- Female space marines are right out ( Remember, we still need to have it...well sort of...believable under fluff restrictions. Though there is no direct statement in fluff that I know of that bans female space marines, ALL the fluff I know indicates the process is tied to male hormones/anatomy. I WILL NOT LET THIS TURN INTO A MALE v FEMALE SM THREAD NOR A JUSTIFICATION FOR ANY SUCH THING. If it becomes that, I suggest an instant moderator lock and purge of the thread. This is insane enough...we do not need that insanity too. )


- Second Founding will be the earliest this...creature...will reach.


- Rmoody is exactly correct: we can't use any of the 'never use' fluff rules like missing primarchs/chapters. We can still use lost in the warp though.



I think I will be modifing my first post here with these (and any other) 'Rules' as we go...just to make it clearly understood.


YES this idea is nuts. YES this idea is supposed to be funny...but remember, the point is not to go overthetop on everything. The point of this should be to create an example of things gone wrong in DIY chapter creation so that we all can learn from the exercise and work to avoid any of these issues in future creations. That is why the Turkey City Lexicon should be a backbone for this thing, and why we need to remember to keep it within the 'general' bounds of fluff.


- We must not overtly change/modify/violate any of the GW storyline fluff. ( Minor deviations are ok. Thus, there will be no destruction of Official Chapters/Legions/Organizations...though saving them at a DIY event/battle/location is fine. )

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Ok then, Here is what we know so far:



GENESEED: Ultramarine


History: Lost in the Warp while attempting to return to Terra to assist in the defense against Horus and his Rebels. On return, were found by an Inquisitor who took them under his wing and brought them up to date with the results of the Heresy and now serves as an honored senior advisor (if not defacto leader) of the chapter...

Homeworld: (needs a name). Reference Post 35 and 37

Organization: Strictly Codex Adherent. It is a perfect book afterall.





Edited: 7 Nov to include reference for homeworld suggestion post

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