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How NOT to build a DIY Chapter (Collaborative IA)


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Ok then, Here is what we know so far:



GENESEED: Ultramarine


History: Lost in the Warp while attempting to return to Terra to assist in the defense against Horus and his Rebels. On return, were found by an Inquisitor who took them under his wing and brought them up to date with the results of the Heresy and now serves as an honored senior advisor (if not defacto leader) of the chapter...

Homeworld: (needs a name). A pristine and unscarred shining example of all that is right, good, and perfect within the Imperium...a single world that is what Terra would have been without the sprawling hive city that covers the planet...

Organization: Strictly Codex Adherent. It is a perfect book afterall.




One thing, second founding couldn't have tried to help with the heresy... Maybe first founding but became second founding on being recovered from the warp?

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second founding is a far back as we go. First is totally locked. first breaks all the rules


I wasn't saying one of the lost chapters. I was saying one of the ultramarine legion chapters that became lost so missed the second founding (where the ultramarines were split up) and were made second founding upon re-discovery.

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seeing as their homeworld is supposed to be beautiful and perfect, i should either have a really obvious name (i.e. Aphrodite) OR a really contradictory and ironic name (i.e. Armpit Primus)


I think Eden would be more appropriate than Aphrodite. Or it could be a hilarious steal like Alderaan :) .

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Ok guys. As I said before, and KingHongKong served to illustrate the point, I will have absolutely no problem at all if the moderators end up locking and killing this thread for reasons they see fit. This means KEEP TO THE RULES IN POST 1 and DO NOT GO OFF TOPIC. If this is closed for problems generated by contributors, I do not plan on attempting to restart this collaborative effort!!


Now, to Octavulg and Asmodeus: Certainly there will be deviations, but I am hoping to avoid deviations in the pure sense. This means these guys should follow the codex ORGANIZATION to the letter. So no special units within their structure at all...for no reason...ever. Nothing like the Tyranic War Vets...nothing like Sternguard or Vanguard...straight codex organization. I could be convinced otherwise, but at this point I think this is the way to go.


rmoody100 caught onto the 2nd founding idea to the letter. This seems to make sense to me, and would be in keeping with the vague history bit I threw out. If it is decided this is not feasable...then secondary suggestions will be entertained. I think we can pull this off.


As to the homeworld, oh yes, Aphrodite and Eden are sutibally cliched enough to be used, so someone is welcome to draft up a section on the homeworld from those perspectives...remember, the Turkey City Lexicon (and Feratta's guide) should serve as the spine to build off of. Remember, these two references suggest what to do and what not to do...we are going for effect (and plausability) not comedy!!!


As an alternative to these two, I would throw in the original Ultramarine (Ultra-marine for those who remember) homeworld as the home planet for these boys. The world of Ultramar (or Ultra-mar). This world was described in original fluff as a barren planet with dust seas...taking this, adding a bit of shock at how far/much the world has been ravaged...and flavouring with a pinch of indignation...would provide a suitable world to rebuild into a shining example of all that is good and right. The points I have against this are 1) Ultramar no longer exists as a planet in fluff; 2) Ultramar is within the Ultramar realm of the Ultima Segmentum; 3) Ultramar would be aweful close to Macragge and the current base of Ultramarine operations.



So...time to focus. For the moment let us focus on the Homeworld. This means we need to determine a solid name, location, and general description.



quick edit: @Kinghongkong: NO STAR WARS REFERENCES...This is strictly within 40k!!!

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quick edit: @Kinghongkong: NO STAR WARS REFERENCES...This is strictly within 40k!!!


Alright, well, in place of some biblical paradise or some Latin translation, we could just be straight forward and call it: Paradise or Paradice?


I've always been partial to the Easter Fringe, Tau, Tyranids, Orks, Chaos, Eldar, what can be more fun that that?


The planet will have hive cities, but nothing will be underground, the lowest level will be ground level and there will be no gang warfare. Everything is peaceful and every level has access to seeing the sun. In addition, the hive city runs completely on alternative energy, solar panels line the walls and windmills tower on the lower levels. Every room used for sleeping is comfortable for housing standard families of six, this includes parents, children, grandparents. Each level has restaurants, stores, libraries and schools. All children are educated to an exceptional degree, children known how to read and write by four standard years and begin advanced sciences and arithmetic at nine standard years.


The ground itself is fertile worldwide and produces the most beautiful flowers on this side of Armagheddon. Trees tower higher than the redwoods of old Terra. Researches on the world are all master botanists. Graveyards are kept outside with flowers grown by local groundskeepers. The seasons shift between Spring and Summer, the temperature is warm and comfortable always with a cool breeze. In addition to these fertile fields, the planet is covered in hundreds of naturally formed lakes. These lakes are the homes to hundreds of fish species with gorgeous colors. Fishing is a worldwide hobby.


The world maintains a planetary defense force numbering some several thousand men, each wears a modified bulky suit, originally intended for moving cargo. The suit runs on grass clippings and is armed with plasma rifles which never overheat and bolters with various specialized munitions.


The planet's primary export is flower seeds, some worlds rely exclusively on the world for their flowers and Armagheddon's terraforming after three wars relies almost exclusively on the planet. Valhallans, Elysians, Kriegers, Cadians, Tallarns, Mordians, Praetorians, almost every world, imports flowers, wood and seeds from the planet. The Emperor's Palace itself is decorated with these flowers, hand planted by the Emperor's Custodian Guard. A secondary export is fish, these are also shipped to Terra itself where the Emperor's Palace's fish tanks are filled with them, again maintained by the Emperor's Custodian Guard. Because of these exports and being home to a Space Marine Chapter, the planet is not called on to supply men for the Imperial Guard.



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The planet will have hive cities, but nothing will be underground, the lowest level will be ground level and there will be no gang warfare. Everything is peaceful and every level has access to seeing the sun. In addition, the hive city runs completely on alternative energy, solar panels line the walls and windmills tower on the lower levels. Every room used for sleeping is comfortable for housing standard families of six, this includes parents, children, grandparents. Each level has restaurants, stores, libraries and schools. All children are educated to an exceptional degree, children known how to read and write by four standard years and begin advanced sciences and arithmetic at nine standard years.


The ground itself is fertile worldwide and produces the most beautiful flowers on this side of Armagheddon. Trees tower higher than the redwoods of old Terra. Researches on the world are all master botanists. Graveyards are kept outside with flowers grown by local groundskeepers. The seasons shift between Spring and Summer, the temperature is warm and comfortable always with a cool breeze. In addition to these fertile fields, the planet is covered in hundreds of naturally formed lakes. These lakes are the homes to hundreds of fish species with gorgeous colors. Fishing is a worldwide hobby.


The world maintains a planetary defense force numbering some several thousand men, each wears a modified bulky suit, originally intended for moving cargo. The suit runs on grass clippings and is armed with plasma rifles which never overheat and bolters with various specialized munitions.


The planet's primary export is flower seeds, some worlds rely exclusively on the world for their flowers and Armagheddon's terraforming after three wars relies almost exclusively on the planet. Valhallans, Elysians, Kriegers, Cadians, Tallarns, Mordians, Praetorians, almost every world, imports flowers, wood and seeds from the planet. The Emperor's Palace itself is decorated with these flowers, hand planted by the Emperor's Custodian Guard. A secondary export is fish, these are also shipped to Terra itself where the Emperor's Palace's fish tanks are filled with them, again maintained by the Emperor's Custodian Guard. Because of these exports and being home to a Space Marine Chapter, the planet is not called on to supply men for the Imperial Guard.




Ok...wow...Kinghongkong I think you take the cake with this description. A little more icing and sugar should finish this out fine for a description. Paradise/Eden/Aphrodite seem too predictable of a name...And I have to say I am kind of partial to Octavulg's suggestion that it be in the Solar System...


So...baring any further arguements, I say KingHongKong has successfully outlined the description for the homeworld of this chapter...and I think we should name it ....Venus.... (unless anyone knows any fluff in current or past editions defining events/activities on Venus in Warhammer 40K?)



If there are no arguements against the name, then I propose saving this description and moving to working on the chapter history.

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Ok...wow...Kinghongkong I think you take the cake with this description. A little more icing and sugar should finish this out fine for a description. Paradise/Eden/Aphrodite seem too predictable of a name...And I have to say I am kind of partial to Octavulg's suggestion that it be in the Solar System...


So...baring any further arguements, I say KingHongKong has successfully outlined the description for the homeworld of this chapter...and I think we should name it ....Venus.... (unless anyone knows any fluff in current or past editions defining events/activities on Venus in Warhammer 40K?)



If there are no arguements against the name, then I propose saving this description and moving to working on the chapter history.


Thank you :o .

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No no, thank you King. You honestly had me wondering where I put my tinfoil hat as I read that. Deffinately over the top and right on flavor for what we should be aiming toward (or what we should not be aiming toward as it were).


All of this brought me to a sudden realization though...we have not named this group yet!!! In light of that (and to give Hubernator or whoever decides to chase a color scheme for us something to do) I propose we choose from the following names:

Vigilant Eagles

Golden Avengers

Rainbow Lords

Silver Sons

Royal Lords

Regal Brotherhood

Regal Brothers

Ultra Templars

Imperial Angels

...unless someone has a clearly perfect idea I think choosing from this list should work...naming these boys could get really out of hand otherwise.


so...next two areas of discussion are Chapter History and Chapter Name

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^ Huber, right on the money in my mind.




"We are Ultra Rainbow Templars, feel our wrath"

-Inquisitor Lord ............. Of the Ultra Rainbow Templars


(From your list Ghost my vote is Rainbow Templars, Ultra Rainbow Templars does seem a bit extreme)

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Well, though Ultra Rainbow Templars made me laugh (and gag), it does seem a bit...over the top. It's also just a little long I think.


For the sake of argument (and to quell the rising insanity of names) the list is now limited to:


Raibow Lords


Ultra Templars

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Well, though Ultra Rainbow Templars made me laugh (and gag), it does seem a bit...over the top. It's also just a little long I think.


For the sake of argument (and to quell the rising insanity of names) the list is now limited to:


Raibow Lords


Ultra Templars


Well the CSK...OD have a rather long name. Ultrarainbow Templars is so wonderfully hilarious. I really have such a great mental image of a tie dye space marine with chains and robes and a chapter symbol of the Ultramarine U inside the Templar Cross.


EDIT: They either have to wear MK 8/ Artificer Armor (super Mary Sue) or MK 5 (complete crap stuck together)!

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Ferrata would beat me to the punch here. You are absoultely right on the aim Ferrata. Instead of listing what not to do and why, we should be aiming at everything that should not be done...making it entertaining...and keeping it (barely) within the realm of possibility for 40k. Basically, make this insane fanfic bit...not overly cutesy chibi-marines....Ultrarainbow templars has me twitching and giving mental images of chibi-anime....deffinately not good...


Well the CSK...OD have a rather long name. Ultrarainbow Templars is so wonderfully hilarious. I really have such a great mental image of a tie dye space marine with chains and robes and a chapter symbol of the Ultramarine U inside the Templar Cross.


EDIT: They either have to wear MK 8/ Artificer Armor (super Mary Sue) or MK 5 (complete crap stuck together)!


Though the CSK...OD are indeed funny and have a decidedly long name, I think that was the point of that group...to be funny.


I was hoping to avoid funny by design (as with the CSK OD) and end up with funny by result. Remember the point here is not just to be entertaining, rather it is to highlight to the things that should not happen in an IA...in an entertaining way.

By entertaining I mean it must illustrate why we do not want to do these things in our own attempts and still be fun/funny to read.

Of course this means it will by default be funny...but overachieving names like "Ultrarainbow Templars" just wont do for this exercise. Remember, even though we are taking this thing to extremes, we do not want to push the idea beyond a certain point...that name deffinately would do just such a thing.


So again:

For the sake of argument (and to quell the rising insanity of names) the list is now limited to:


Raibow Lords


Ultra Templars



Now...as to armor, I do not think it really matters, unless someone is actually going to build models off this (which I would kind of be scared to see). I am not sure there is a need to describe or bring up what marks of armor the chapter would wear in an IA.


space marine with chains and robes and a chapter symbol of the Ultramarine U inside the Templar Cross.


I think you might have something here though King...this would work well for the Ultra Templars name...

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So, we're breaking a bunch of fluffy no-nos, giving them a homeworld that would make everyone else cry with envy, name that sounds somewhat ridiculous, Heroic marines that can do no wrong (or mess up horribly), and here's where we are.


I prefer Rainbow Lords (maybe we'll have a fellow named Skittles?). I'd also like some of the marines to be like Lucius (spoiled little pricks with the unparalleled skill). We'll have them campaign on Apocolyptogheddonroc (that's right, Apocolyptogheddonroc) which embodies all of the stereotypical 40k terrors.


If we do Mary Sue them, we could make comments like their Armory is thrice that of the Aurora Chapter, their Chaplains are the envy of the Black Templars, so on and so forth. I don't know if you want to Mary Sue them or not though.


:D breaking the universe I love into little tiny pieces is such fun.



EDIT: I think that it would be best done if the characters are trying to do what they believe is the best only to royally screw up. Imagine Third Company Captain Igremus Arasticle coming down to Apocolyptogheddonroc's nineteenth moon to find it infested with squig riding humans who speak in grunts and hand motions (among which is the bird). Of course he would first try to bring them into the fold of the Imperium only to find that they don't understand him and he'll get into a whole mess of things inevitably ending with him destroying the moon.


Apoclyptogheddonroc will have thousands of moons, so the loss of one, two, or two hundred won't matter much.

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Alrighty then. Rainbow Lords seems to be the name of consensus so far...so Rainbow Lords it is.

Now Hubernator's task can begin...we need a color scheme here!

My idea is kind of scary for this: (company color head stripe included)


For all of us (and who ever else chooses to weigh in) its time to start into developing the history of the Rainbow Lords. This should also include how they were gifted Venus as their homeworld.

KingHongKong, since you gave us the description of Venus, why not work a bit on fleshing that out a touch?

Chapter Name: Rainbow Lords

GENESEED: Ultramarine


History: Lost in the Warp while attempting to return to Terra to assist in the defense against Horus and his Rebels. On return, were found by an Inquisitor who took them under his wing and brought them up to date with the results of the Heresy and now serves as an honored senior advisor (if not defacto leader) of the chapter...

Homeworld: Venus. A pristine and unscarred shining example of all that is right, good, and perfect within the Imperium...a single world that is what Terra would have been without the sprawling hive city that covers the planet... see KingHonKong's idea for the basics

Organization: Strictly Codex Adherent. It is a perfect book afterall. ???


For the Battle cry, how about: Be saved even though you are filthy? or I rise again with greater splendour ???

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