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How NOT to build a DIY Chapter (Collaborative IA)


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EDIT: I think that it would be best done if the characters are trying to do what they believe is the best only to royally screw up. Imagine Third Company Captain Igremus Arasticle coming down to Apocolyptogheddonroc's nineteenth moon to find it infested with squig riding humans who speak in grunts and hand motions (among which is the bird). Of course he would first try to bring them into the fold of the Imperium only to find that they don't understand him and he'll get into a whole mess of things inevitably ending with him destroying the moon.


Apoclyptogheddonroc will have thousands of moons, so the loss of one, two, or two hundred won't matter much.


Comedic effect again....bad Kinghongkong bad :D


Of course they are trying to do what they believe/are instructed to believe is best

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Alrighty then. Rainbow Lords seems to be the name of consensus so far...so Rainbow Lords it is.


Now Hubernator's task can begin...we need a color scheme here!


For all of us (and who ever else chooses to weigh in) its time to start into developing the history of the Rainbow Lords. This should also include how they were gifted Venus as their homeworld.


KingHongKong, since you gave us the description of Venus, why not work a bit on fleshing that out a touch?



Chapter Name: Rainbow Lords

GENESEED: Ultramarine


History: Lost in the Warp while attempting to return to Terra to assist in the defense against Horus and his Rebels. On return, were found by an Inquisitor who took them under his wing and brought them up to date with the results of the Heresy and now serves as an honored senior advisor (if not defacto leader) of the chapter...

Homeworld: Venus. A pristine and unscarred shining example of all that is right, good, and perfect within the Imperium...a single world that is what Terra would have been without the sprawling hive city that covers the planet... see KingHonKong's idea for the basics

Organization: Strictly Codex Adherent. It is a perfect book afterall. ???



For the Battle cry, how about: Be saved even though you are filthy? or I rise again with greater splendour ???


Or I rise again even though I am filty. [/kidding]


You've kind of shortened my name in that chart :D .


After the second founding, the Rainbow Lords, newly formed from the Ultramarine's legion under newly appointed Chapter Master (Ridiculously Long Name) traveled out amongst the stars with their fleet. Their Battle Barge, Thrice Refracted Light, traveled north to chase the traitors that betrayed the Emperor into the Eye of Terror. As they traveled they encountered terrible warp storms, in an unknown location the chapter founded a paradise world covered in beautiful flora with peaceful fauna. Having founded the world, the Rainbow Lords claimed the world as their homeworld and source of recruits.

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EDIT: I think that it would be best done if the characters are trying to do what they believe is the best only to royally screw up. Imagine Third Company Captain Igremus Arasticle coming down to Apocolyptogheddonroc's nineteenth moon to find it infested with squig riding humans who speak in grunts and hand motions (among which is the bird). Of course he would first try to bring them into the fold of the Imperium only to find that they don't understand him and he'll get into a whole mess of things inevitably ending with him destroying the moon.


Apoclyptogheddonroc will have thousands of moons, so the loss of one, two, or two hundred won't matter much.


Comedic effect again....bad Kinghongkong bad :D


Of course they are trying to do what they believe/are instructed to believe is best


Tell me it's not hilarious and tell me a name of a world which better captures the 41st Millenium than Apoclyptogheddonroc.

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It may capture the universe....but god its an ugly name. I am sure you can do better!


Been thinking about the Chapter Master name (or a name for any other obviously important character) and I think we must include Garyld Stewvart somewhere in the chapter leadership. If he is the chapter master, then I think I know where to get his information and how to write him up. If a captain or a trumped up sergeant, I think he will need to have done something obviously important and fluffily inconcievable enough to normal readers that he stands for all that a good Mary Sue/Gary Stu character should be...

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Chapter Master Englebert Flaptyback. Lost Legion Geneseed. Fusion of Russ and Sanguinius DNA to make vampire werewolf hybrid space marines then exposed to warp energy turning them into half daemons.
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In order to be gifted venus they must have done something incredible when they re-appeared from the warp.


Additionally, there must be something ridiculously wrong with venus to begin with in order for it to have remained unclaimed thus far.


Therefore my thinking is that on returning from the warp they ended up reasonably close to venus just in time to stop a massive rebellion of some formally loyal part of the empire. It could be a second adaptus mechanus planet for example that has undergone massive genestealer infection. (that sounds a little to out there - but there must be some reason). Maybe it was under the control of some other marine chapter who have suddenly fallen into disrepute.


I personally prefer ultra templars - it just sounds that much more pretentious to me. Rainbow lords just sounds like someone trying to re-make the rainbow warriors.

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When emerging from the Warp the Thrice Refracted Light rammed into the side of a rebellious Imperial Cruiser destroying it outright. In the aftermath the Chapter realized that it was in high orbit above a world, not unfamiliar to them. The Rainbow Lords made landfall, they were greeted as heroes for saving them from exterminatius.


Eventually this will all make sense. Until then I will continue to ramble.

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I wondered if stating rainbow lords would get some attention. As it is, I have no problem readjusting to Ultra Templars, think we could have more fun there anyway....so...name changed with no issues. Ultra Templars is now locked in as the name for this crew.

The Outline so far

Chapter Name: Ultra Templars (this is the final name unless there is a GW/DIY chapter of this name already)

GENESEED: Ultramarine (this is final)

FOUNDING: 2nd (this is final)

History: Lost in the Warp while attempting to return to Terra to assist in the defense against Horus and his Rebels. On return, were found by an Inquisitor who took them under his wing and brought them up to date with the results of the Heresy and now serves as an honored senior advisor (if not defacto leader) of the chapter...(in progress)

Homeworld: Venus. A pristine and unscarred shining example of all that is right, good, and perfect within the Imperium...a single world that is what Terra would have been without the sprawling hive city that covers the planet... see KingHonKong's idea for the basics (post 35 on pg 2)

Organization: Strictly Codex Adherent. It is a perfect book afterall. ??? (in progress)

Beliefs: (in progress)

Battlecry:(in progress, suggested so far: Be saved even though you are filthy? or I rise again with greater splendour ???)

We are currently working on background/history of the chapter. In this, only one thing is known so far, Garyld Stewvart MUST be included as a character (chapter master? captain?).

King's ramblings are deffinately helping us out here...keep it up, but remember to keep the overall goals in mind as you do!!

My rough at a colorscheme...I am in no way locked here, just suggestion


Note squad type and helmet stripe indicate company. Yes, those are supposed to be gold plated weapons

Edit: Should the chapter badge be a templar cross inside the Ultramarine U?

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I see we're also breaking the feet different color than the leg armor taboo. Now will be disregard codex organization like red and white helmets or are we keeping those to make it even more ridiculous when they do something wrong? I do love my rambles :D .


So Garyld Stewvart is some crazy Gary Stu character that will embody all that is perfect. He'll be like that huge Space Wolf fellow except he won't die.


Druber Argus has to be fit in here somewhere. He is a veteran squad sergeant who often gets confused about which helmet he should wear, eventually adorning a white helmet with a red stripe.


Apoctribolypsulation shall be the name of the world with many moons until someone wants to combine Apocalypse, Ragnarok, Tribulation, Armagheddon or some other crazy words for the end of the world into one mad crazy word.

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I see we're also breaking the feet different color than the leg armor taboo. Now will be disregard codex organization like red and white helmets or are we keeping those to make it even more ridiculous when they do something wrong? I do love my rambles ^_^ .


well...the first run I had with these colors came too close to castelans...dont want that now do we. anywho...gw breaks the knee/feet color rule we seem so keen on at B&C so why shouldnt we do that here too?


So Garyld Stewvart is some crazy Gary Stu character that will embody all that is perfect. He'll be like that huge Space Wolf fellow except he won't die.


Dont forget he should embody and personnify all that is right, good, and perfect within the chapter. he is, after all, the best representative of the best chapter from the best world in the Imperium. Im working on him a bit at the moment (beats the political sociology class I need to work on).


Druber Argus has to be fit in here somewhere. He is a veteran squad sergeant who often gets confused about which helmet he should wear, eventually adorning a white helmet with a red stripe.

mmm...this name has potential too. only thing I have here is if we go with the colorscheme I posted, company color is by helmet stripe and by shoulder insignia (tac/vet/assault/dev). I suspect veteran status would be by a laurel wreath maybe? maybe we can convince Hubernator to play around some and see what he gets....


Apoctribolypsulation shall be the name of the world with many moons until someone wants to combine Apocalypse, Ragnarok, Tribulation, Armagheddon or some other crazy words for the end of the world into one mad crazy word.


What is with you and these crazy planet names? :P I think we should leave battles out just now. lets try and get a working outline of the history before we flesh it out to add character to the chapter.

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I've been watching this awhile and it seems nice. As far as that whole crazy long hard to pronounce name thing goes perhaps a better name would be perhaps Selene the Greek goddess of the moon (considering it has over 900 moons). Just an idea other than that looks cool I hope this works out.
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I've been watching this awhile and it seems nice. As far as that whole crazy long hard to pronounce name thing goes perhaps a better name would be perhaps Selene the Greek goddess of the moon (considering it has over 900 moons). Just an idea other than that looks cool I hope this works out.


But you're not understanding that the important thing is not the insane number of moons but the fact that the world embodies all that is terrible in the 40k universe.

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I've been watching this awhile and it seems nice. As far as that whole crazy long hard to pronounce name thing goes perhaps a better name would be perhaps Selene the Greek goddess of the moon (considering it has over 900 moons). Just an idea other than that looks cool I hope this works out.


But you're not understanding that the important thing is not the insane number of moons but the fact that the world embodies all that is terrible in the 40k universe.


So we mess with people...take the idea of Selene and all its moons...rename it Serene, place it somewhere else (say...near Ultramar for instance). Have the UM unable to deal with the situation on their own...income the UTs to help, but instead they take care of the problem handily and leave the UM looking like they had no idea what was going on in the first place! In fact, can even include a quote or something from ol' Calgar himself saying how effective/efficient the UTs were in dealing with the situation and how it will serve as an inspriation for all UM's present and future.


Wham! Not only do we get a Mary Sue chapter moment, but we get a little bit of the Kitchen Sink, a little bit of Motherhood...and a whole heap of irony!

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um...king...can we wait til we get a good chunk of this written out before you go play in the deepend again? Captain Flowers the botanist is waaaay over the top... another one of those and your tin foil hat will be confiscated and this corruption will be forcefed into your brain! ;)


I should be able to flesh out our most wonderful Chapter Master Garyld Stewvart tomorrow I think. That should help with the history some too I expect.


If you don't mind KingHongKong, please collect the ideas we have come up with so far for the homeworld (Venus), smooth it out some and post the whole thing? That way we can see if there is more work to be done in there.


Anyone want to volunteer for messing around with the ideas we have for the history so far? I think we need to outline it a bit before we let ideas run rampant again.


Octavulg or anyone else with well thought out ideas that fit in theme so far are welcome to contribute anywhere...Chapter Organization has yet to be touched really...baring a short exchange on page 2 iirc...


Are we liking the color scheme as posted up in #62, or do we want to look for other ideas?


I would like to get the History, Homeworld, Organization, and color scheme pretty well outlined/written up before we start into the beliefs of this chapter. The way things are going I am almost scared how that will come out.



To anyone just joining in: Post #1 has the rules, please read these before you decide to add your contributions. Post #62 has the most up to date blurbs on what we have established so far, again please read this before you add your thoughts. We are still interested in ideas from around the B&C community...nothing above is solidly locked yet, just sitting and waiting as we develop more information.


To anyone thinking this is a good idea for your chapter: I am sorry.

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i might be able to work on the history later. Not now I'm too tired to accomplish anything solid and effective. Also my history ideas can sometimes take some time, other than that ill keep the Ultra Templars in my thoughts. Oh the Paint job looks fine IMO; if were going for the everything not to do chapter.
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Oh the Paint job looks fine IMO; if were going for the everything not to do chapter.


Oddly enough, that paint scheme fits within the ideas in Insignum Astartes, and among the chapters put up by GW proper. The only divergence there is the squad type insignias tend to be either black or white for most UM successors...company color is not normal for squad type marking

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Ok everybody i have taken the time to write some history for the Ultra Templars. Its definitely sizable, but I think the information given is helpful enough. Note! I did add some interesting names to the Inquisitors so if that goes against what we were trying to accomplish i don't object to them being changed. Other then that tell me what you think and tell me where changes are needed.


History of the Ultra Templars

The Horus Heresy is coming to a close; as Horus’ Traitor Legions descend upon Terra. The Ultramarines legion are on the way to the fighting but doubt they can arrive in time.

Luckily a chapter of the Ultramarines known as the Ultra Templars have gained a fast Warp tide and are bound to reach Terra in time to assist the defenders. As they get ever closer to Terra the warp destabilizes around them.

The Ultra Templar’s Battle barge Emblazoned Sunrise along with her whole supporting fleet are tossed into unknown places in the Warp. The Ultramarines had sent scouts to try and assess the Ultra Templar’s location, but their results came up inconclusive. They decided that they had been lost in the warp forever and will be missed.

However as the Loyalist forces began to push the Chaos forces into the Eye of Terror. The Ultra Templars returned. The warp which had consumed them had spat them out into a very undeveloped star system on the fringes of Imperium controlled space.

The fleet entered the orbit of the planet. As they approached they received a hail from a vessel marked as the Black Inquisition. Apparently the ship was lead by a certain Inquisitor known as Rick Astley. The Ultra Templar’s leader Garyld Stewvart asked him. About the current state of the Imperium and what in fact an Inquisitor was. Inquisitor Astley was reluctant to reveal the true nature of the Horus Heresy. So he explained a few of the new changes brought about such as the Inquisition. The Inquisitor invited the whole chapter to the planets surface so he could talk with them and reveal the dark truth.

As the chapter feasted in the plains of the northern continent the Inquisitor spoke aloud on the top of a hill. He revealed the truth of the Battle of Terra, how the Emperor himself was practically killed and encased in the Golden Throne. He spoke of Horus and Sanguinius and their fates. Finally he told of Gulliman who had taken control of the war stricken Imperium. As the Marines listened they wept for all the dead suffered. The Ultra Templars took this very hard believing that they could have arrived to Terra in time to save them all.

When the Inquisitor spoke again he told them all of the Inquisition and how he would take care of them in this dark time in the Imperium’s history.

So Inquisitor Astley brought the Ultra Templars to Terra to meat with the High Lords of Terra along with many other high ranking officials. The officials of the Imperium then decided to grant the Ultra Templars any home world that they desired.

The Ultra Templars immediately made their choice, Venus, the shining star of the Sol System. Venus was untouched by the affects of war and due to excellent terra-forming projects, is the greatest agri-world in all the Imperium.

They allowed this and Venus would be their home world however the Ultra Templars were asked to do something first. They were sent with their Inquisitor to the Vronix system to quell a rebellion that was quickly growing out of hand.

Once the Templars reached the Vronix system they sped towards the major hive world of Vronix Prime. There they saw the horrors of war from orbit. Massive explosions on the surface, civilian transports being fired on by main Anti space batteries on the surface.

The Ultra Templars sprung into action, they released all available Thunderhawks full of their best space marines. On the ground the Chapter Master Garyld Stewvart and his command squad the Blinding Barracudas assessed the situation.

Apparently the hive city had been taken over by some mysterious Metallic Warriors. Civilians ran screaming to the space marines hiding behind them. One little girl dropped her teddy bear, luckily enough a tactical sergeant retrieved it for her.

The Robotic Warriors were using very advanced alien weaponry that fired green bolts of energy. This energy managed to disintegrate and vaporize matter to a very high degree making it very lethal.

As the Ultra Templars set up a base of operations the Robots attacked. Wave after wave, enemy after enemy, they attacked. Their rank and file troops were just as strong, durable, and heavily armored as any space marine. However The Ultra Templars used their extreme fighting prowess and great marksmanship abilities to destroy these monsters. Every bolter shot rang true, destroying them and annihilating their bodies. Although they would rise from the dead and continue the fight, the Ultra Templars continued to beat them down.

For hours and hours they kept coming almost never ending. Until finally after hours of fighting the last metallic monstrosity fell. The Ultra Templars had survived the battle without a single casualty.

Out from the blackness of the hive streets however, came another silent figure. This robot was similar yet different to the others. He even spoke out. He told them that The Necron had captured this world for their C’tan gods, yet they were defeated. His body was that of a humans infused with the machinery of the Necrons. After he spoke all of the Ultra Templars bolters fired on him destroying his body in a pool of melted slag and eerie green blood.

The Ultra Templars gave this information to Inquisitor Astley. He told them that no man must know of these monstrosities and that they must be kept secret.

As the Ultra Templars returned home to Venus the bristling solar hive cities rose in cheer and applause as they paraded down the streets. Venus was their world and they had earned it.

They set up their Fortress Monastery in the high mountains of Rishi. Here they live out their days sending forces to those who required it.


In the 41st Millennium the Ultra Templars still reside on Venus. They still have an extremely influential Inquisitor, Inquisitor Jacques Clouseau, with great power within the Ultra Templars leadership.

Every Inquisitor of the Ultra Templars has been the apprentice of the previous one; starting at Inquisitor Rick Astley. So the Ultra Templars view Jacques Clouseau as their chapters patriarch figure. Likewise the Inquisitor views the Ultra Templars as his children who he must protect from the eyes of bureaucrats and politicians on Terra.

To this day almost every first founding chapter has been saved by the Ultra Templars. The Dark Angels on Galvinut, the Imperial Fists on Otembar, the Blood Angels on Sallazar. All have their marines aspire to the Ultra Templar’s greatness.

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What? I'll tell you now, you made me cringe, I applaud you. We've achieved something worthwhile. But in all seriousness:


1. Rick Astley is a no-no. Unless he's Rick Rolling Necrons, I feel ashamed to see an Inquisitor with that name. I'm sorry, but dear god, I think I now know how GhostLegion felt about Captain Flowers (who I love dearly and if he isn't made second or third company captain will make me cry).


2. Mary-Sue-ism to the maxx, ;) *Love*


3. Surely, the one we'd save the most would be our beloved Ultramarines?


4. What happened to the Thrice Refracted Light? I loved that battle barge, man.


5. Sergent pick up a teddy bear owns, he will be given a name and a history, I dub him Veteran Sergeant Flowers who will aspire to become second/third company captain ^_^ .


GhostLegion, please don't take away my Tin-foil hat!


So, in the end, we owned the Necrons before anyone knew about the Necrons on a Necron Tomb World with Necrons in it ^_^ . Shame you made no mention of Tomb Spiders, Immortals, or Emperor forbid, Flayed Ones and Destroyers!


We need Sergeant Flowers to say something here, something fresh, something new, something everyone will love, "GET UP, SO I CAN KILL YOU AGAIN!" :D . No casualties, we need to have some carless girl run out to try and hide and then Sergeant Flowers saves her and gives her her Teddy and then he picks up a multilaser* and kills the Necrons.


*Fine, he'll turn to the heavy weapons fellow in his squad and tell him to hand him his Emperor damned Heavy Bolter! And then he'll take a stroll down wash the crap out lane killing warriors, Immortals, a Less Necron Lord, some Spiders, he'll step on some scarabs and do this all while eating some everlasting gobstoppers taken from planet Wonka's Governor Willy.


Yeah, GhostLegion, when you take my hat, can I have it back in a week or so? I do like to ramble.


I don't understand what exactly happened to the marines, regarding the fact that they were separated from the Legion. How they were *awarded* Venus makes me sad, I liked it so much when a traitor ship, about to perform exterminitus was rammed by a Space Marine Battle Barge emerging from the warp. We'll be including that somewhere down the line.

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Oh yeah, sorry before I named the battle barge i looked for the Thrice Refracted Light and couldn't find out what the name was, of course whatever the group decides we should be well off.

If the group would like it the battle barge could end the Exterminatus on the return voyage from owning Necron face?

I had a feeling the whole Inquistor's names thing wouldn't work but i just needed something to fill in the blanks.

Obviously there were more Necron then just Pariahs and Warriors but I didn't think explaining every one was necessary.

I think we could give Sergeant Pick up the Teddy Bear aka. (Flowers) a short little kill Necrons left, right, up, and down sequence.

I didn't really know what to say about what they did during their time in the warp. Most likely a mixture of training, meditating, more training, poker, more meditating, and finally hop scotch.

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