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How NOT to build a DIY Chapter (Collaborative IA)


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Knowing dark secrets of the Imperium no one else knows is also good.


Agreed, these guys are without a doubt onto the whole secret of the Unforgiven (being called constantly by the DA to lend a hand hunting the Fallen) and can probably settle the missing Primarch debate as well.

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I thought this was trying to be lousy. -_- Skipping the beliefs section would be good. Alternately, assume they worship the Emperor but don't actually say how. Knowing dark secrets of the Imperium no one else knows is also good.



Hold on Octavulg...youre saying this is not lousy? and here I thought we had violated most of the accepted rules already...maybe we are not trying hard enough.


If by lousy you mean poorly written, well I do not know how to do that...so I will stick with fluff violations and impossible situations.


I do think you and Flintlocklaser are onto something with the knowing dark secrets bit, but I am not sure how to incorporate that...maybe something the Inquisition told them? or is it unknown to any but the specific inquisitors that work with the Ultra Templars? How would this fit into the beliefs of the Ultra Templars?


These questions would also apply to missing primarch answers. As to the fallen...how would the UTs know about the DA schism...they were lost in the warp...(though this in and of itself could make it interesting to add...lol)

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I'd think that a big internal contradiction would be perfect for a badly done DiY, and a giant blunder in the chapter's history/timeline would be perfect for that! Don't forget to have them play a huge role in some battle that took place before they popped back out of the warp - and if at all possible, they should be pulling another chapter's fat (preferably a big First Founding one, like the Imperial Fists maybe?) out of the fire.


EDIT TO ADD: I meant to say 'huge role in some BIG CANONICAL battle.' That way they're interefering with the official background to the maximum allowable extent. For added zaniness, have them radically change the outcome too.... "By Russ! Without the help of the Ultra Templars, we might have had to keep coming back to Armageddon to fight these pesky orks. Can you imagine that, a Second Battle for Armageddon?" - Logan Grimnar, close personal friend and admirer of Ultra Templar Chapter Master Whatsisname

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Don't forget to have them play a huge role in some battle that took place before they popped back out of the warp - and if at all possible, they should be pulling another chapter's fat (preferably a big First Founding one, like the Imperial Fists maybe?) out of the fire.


hmm...the history already has them popping out and saving Ultramarines during a black crusade strike...not sure which black crusade this should be... So, adding another "lets save our founding brothers" moment somewhere? personally, I am not sure of the value of this..but I can be overruled.



Adding a big contradiction though could be fun....just not sure how or where

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Now, if we pull the Ultramarines out of a hole bigger than Hive Fleet Leviathan, then that'll be fun. Or possibly we'll teach the Iron Hands about elbow grease! But the Fists and Black Templars stay clean, I'll gladly make a chapter up just to sacrifice to the Ultra Templars, but until then, the Ultra Templars shall trample on all established fluff. Maybe they'll have an armory that surpasses the Auroras (who I love) or be more ferocious than the Space Wolves (who I love) or possibly break a siege that the Imperial Fists (Who I love very much) have been laying for months.


Knowing of the Fallen would be perfect. We'd be so in the circle, we'd know the final secret that Azrial himself does not know. Our Librarians will speak with the Emperor himself on his Golden Throne!


Man, I can't think straight right now.

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Now, if we pull the Ultramarines out of a hole bigger than Hive Fleet Leviathan, then that'll be fun. Or possibly we'll teach the Iron Hands about elbow grease! But the Fists and Black Templars stay clean, I'll gladly make a chapter up just to sacrifice to the Ultra Templars, but until then, the Ultra Templars shall trample on all established fluff. Maybe they'll have an armory that surpasses the Auroras (who I love) or be more ferocious than the Space Wolves (who I love) or possibly break a siege that the Imperial Fists (Who I love very much) have been laying for months.


Knowing of the Fallen would be perfect. We'd be so in the circle, we'd know the final secret that Azrial himself does not know. Our Librarians will speak with the Emperor himself on his Golden Throne!


Man, I can't think straight right now.



Obviously! :D We deffinately do not need to use a DIY to justify this DIY...besides, trampling on established chapters is more fun. (besides, who doesnt secretly like poking sticks in the eyes of ultramarines?) But, I am equal opportunity here. If we need to create a plot hole, it should be done against a first founding chapter action..not some DIY.


But then, all this sounds more like a discussion of the history section...beliefs section people beliefs!

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Don't forget to have them play a huge role in some battle that took place before they popped back out of the warp - and if at all possible, they should be pulling another chapter's fat (preferably a big First Founding one, like the Imperial Fists maybe?) out of the fire.


hmm...the history already has them popping out and saving Ultramarines during a black crusade strike...not sure which black crusade this should be... So, adding another "lets save our founding brothers" moment somewhere? personally, I am not sure of the value of this..but I can be overruled.


Ahh, I missed that, sorry. Ok, you've got the 'we save everyone else' thing covered then. I still like the big chronological screwup though - maybe just a throwaway line about all the stuff they did during the Age of Apostasy, right after telling us they reappeared from the warp several millenia after the AoA?

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I still like my 'actually founding first founding chapter' idea - but we are well past and greatly in contradiction of that - unless we have the whole chapter lost in the warp TWICE.


Of course the rest of the universe don't know about it and that would imply being lost until only a couple of centuries after the heresy.

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I think they should know the secrets surrounding all the Chapters of the 13th Founding, and, when not saving the Ultramarines and Holy Terra, should hunt the chapters that turned renegade. Because, of course, they also raided a fallen forgeworld in the EoT that happened to have the location of all those Chapters...coincidentally, they destroyed an entire Chaos Titan Legion getting such secrets, their only loss being a flat tire on one of their scout bikes.
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Hmm, beliefs beliefs. Perhaps adding onto the whole we talk to the emperor and were nice marines thing perhaps the Ultra Templars have learned through much of their lives that the Imperium must change its ways, and change their attitude towards the galaxy, in order to survive a massive power struggle that will create a war to end all wars; five times greater than the Horus Heresy.

Also perhaps not only have they found the Emperor's conciousness but as well have found that of the other dead (or MIA) Primarchs. They learn guidance from Sanguinius, skills in governing from Gulliman, tactics from the Lion and Horus himself. As far as Horus goes he has taken these last 10'000 years to reflect on what he had done. He along with the other dead Traitor Primarchs have all returned to the Emperor and have been excepted back. They however cannot control their fallen legions and have been forced to watch the evils they have rought for the last 10'000 years.

These things have given the Ultra Templars a more middle ground approach. They do follow the Imperium; however they realize that the Chaos forces are more slave now then a willful servant. Also on occasion the Ultra Templars have gone as far as kill Imperium soldiers trying to unknowingly hasten the power struggle's coming. As well the Imperial Guard and other Imperial forces have often accused the Ultra Templars of treachery and treason. However due to their extremely close link to the Inquisition the Ultra Templars remain unscathed by the accusations.

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the Ultra Templars have learned through much of their lives that the Imperium must change its ways, and change their attitude towards the galaxy, in order to survive a massive power struggle that will

...result in the complete destruction of the Imperium, destroying all that the Emperor and the Great Crusade stood for....maybe?


not only have they found the Emperor's conciousness but as well have found that of the other dead (or MIA) Primarchs. They learn guidance from Sanguinius, skills in governing from Gulliman, tactics from the Lion and Horus himself. As far as Horus goes he has taken these last 10'000 years to reflect on what he had done. He along with the other dead Traitor Primarchs have all returned to the Emperor and have been excepted back. They however cannot control their fallen legions and have been forced to watch the evils they have rought for the last 10'000 years.

or maybe the traitor primarchs have been convinced of the error of their revolt against the Emperor and have begged the UTs to intercede on their behalf, hoping the Emperor will forgive them and welcome them back, thus convincing the UTs that only they know the true way of the Emperor and are guided by his inspiration to convince all their Astartes brothers to....(my brain is burning..help!!)


These things have given the Ultra Templars a more middle ground approach. They do follow the Imperium; however they realize that the Chaos forces are more slave now then a willful servant. Also on occasion the Ultra Templars have gone as far as kill Imperium soldiers trying to unknowingly hasten the power struggle's coming. As well the Imperial Guard and other Imperial forces have often accused the Ultra Templars of treachery and treason. However due to their extremely close link to the Inquisition the Ultra Templars remain unscathed by the accusations.

Bah...and you were going so well nacho!! this brings the UTs back into line with an almost honest attempt at creating a genuine chapter (baring the whole Inquisitorial shield bit). obviously we cannot use this....


Hmmm...Think we can work this out a little better with some more thought. Nice starting points there sgtNacho!

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Remember that tale where the Iron Hands killed Guardsmen for running? Yeah, good. The Ultra Templars, we'd be covering the Guardsmen as they ran. We've saved Inquisitors! And we've saved Chapter Masters too probably. From the Ultramarines and other first founding chapters no less.
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See if we can work on this some:



The pristine and serene life on Venus allows people time to pursue their collective interests, every citizen working to aide one another through their daily routines in harmonious service to the Emperor. Under the beneficent eye of the Ultra Templars, these activities have brought Venus to be the shining example of the good of the Imperium, lighting the way for all the citizens to follow. The example set forth by the Ultra Templars in their firmly seated faith that theirs are the right actions and that the Emperor chose them to lead his lost children back to him, serves to guide the average citizen and inspires them to new acts of self sacrifice to the greater glory of the Imperium. Thus, the people of Venus are taught to love the Emperor and his emissaries, the Ultra Templars, and that the highest calling is to be called to become a member of the vaunted chapter.


The Ultra Templars have learned through their voyages that the Imperium must change its ways and attitude towards the galaxy in order to survive the Cataclysmic struggle that will destroy all that the Emperor and the Great Crusade stood for. So they continue to work to inspire their traitorous kin to return to the Emperor and seek his forgiveness for their sin. This has worked to a greater or lesser extent as the traitor primarchs Horus, Lorgar, and the Nighthaunter have been convinced of the error of their revolt against the Emperor and have begged the Ultra Templars to intercede on their behalf. With time, the Emperor will forgive them and welcome them back, but only with the help and guidance of the Ultra Templars. This convinced the Ultra Templars that only they know the true way of the Emperor and they are guided by his inspiration to convince all their Astartes brothers to give up their rivalries and return to a new golden age of enlightenment and expansion within the Imperium.


In battle, the Ultra Templars continue to follow the guidance and teachings of their Primarch. Having returned to the Imperial fold, the Ultra Templars were shocked that the Ultramarines and other progeny of Guilliman would eschew his tactics and teachings, forming instead into new organizations and over specializing in single forms of warfare. The Ultra Templars are thoroughly convinced that they stand as the true heirs to Guilliman’s legacy, following his codex to the letter and excluding extensive veteran formations in favor of retaining the single veteran company the codex allows.

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Not bad Ghostlegion however I noticed something missing from it. You spoke of the traitor Primarchs however you did not reveal anything about how the Ultra Templars actually speak with the Primarchs and the Emperor himself. You never really made the connection there, so it sounds as though the UTs just think this and haven't been told this by the Primarchs themselves.
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This has worked to a greater or lesser extent as the traitor primarchs Horus, Lorgar, and the Nighthaunter have been convinced of the error of their revolt against the Emperor and have begged the Ultra Templars to intercede on their behalf. With time, the Emperor will forgive them and welcome them back, but only with the help and guidance of the Ultra Templars.



Hmm...so this doesnt make it seem as though the UTs have spoken/worked with the primarchs? Looks to me as though those three primarchs asked the UTs to speak to the Emperor and ask his forgiveness....


Is it really necessary to go so far as describing a meeting between the UTs and the primarchs...then a meeting between the UTs and the Emperor in their beliefs?


Maybe I am misreading what I wrote...someone help?

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Shortly after returning to the Imperial fold after having been lost in the Warp, the Ultra Templars quickly reorganized themselves to better fit within the chapter structures laid out in by their Primarch following the Heresy. The Ultra Templars now are organized into ten companies, each led by a Captain and holding one-hundred battle brothers. The first company is composed of the chapter veterans and is the only company able to field brothers in Terminator armor. This company has rejected any modified formations and continues to fight in either Terminator or power armor, with the power armored brothers fighting in squad types similar to the rest of the chapter rather than attempting specialized veteran formations. The second thru fifth companies are the Battle Companies and are structured to mix Tactical, Assault, and Devastator squad types with dedicated transport vehicles and Dreadnought support. These companies are self-sufficient on the battlefield, each capable of meeting and defeating any threat directed against it. The sixth thru ninth companies are the reserve companies of the chapter. Each of these is composed of squads of one particular type. The sixth and seventh companies are tactical squad reserves. The eighth company is composed of assault squads, trained in the use of jump packs as well as bikes and speeders. The ninth company is the devastator reserve company. The final company, the tenth, is the scout company. Here new recruits train and learn until their modification into full battle brother is complete.

Though Ultramarine in tradition and formation, the Ultra Templars look down on their parent chapter since their return to the Imperium. They see the Ultramarines as having strayed from the path set forth by Guilliman and view modifications to the traditional formations as a rejection of the Primarch’s teachings. This has caused the Ultra Templars to see only themselves as the true heirs to Guilliman’s legacy, and drives them to tenaciously adhere to the strictest interpretation of the codex astartes, if only to prove it need no modification or changes over the centuries.
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Valid point sgtNacho...maybe this then?




Shortly after returning to the Imperial fold after having been lost in the Warp, the Ultra Templars quickly reorganized themselves to better fit within the chapter structures laid out in by their Primarch following the Heresy. The chapter has rejected any modified formations and continues to fight in either without the specialized veteran formations the Ultramarines have taken to. Though Ultramarine in tradition and formation, the Ultra Templars look down on their parent chapter since their return to the Imperium. They see the Ultramarines as having strayed from the path set forth by Guilliman and view modifications to the traditional formations as a rejection of the Primarch’s teachings. This has caused the Ultra Templars to see only themselves as the true heirs to Guilliman’s legacy, and drives them to tenaciously adhere to the strictest interpretation of the codex astartes, if only to prove it need no modification or changes over the centuries.



looking at this, I actually think we are ready to pull the whole thing together into a draft IA now...

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As the Horus Heresy neared its peak and the loyalist legions of space marines rush to the defense of the Emperor and Terra, a chapter of the Ultramarines legion happened into a current in the Warp they believed would put them near Terra in time to be useful. Unfortunately, the swell turned into one of the few deep flows, pulling the battle barge Thrice Refracted Light down and leaving them becalmed, unable to move within the tides of the Emperyan. Searches for the barge and its escorts following the Battle of Terra reveal nothing of the fate of the chapter, and the full brotherhood is declared lost, leading to a prolonged period of mourning throughout the children of Guilliman.

Millennia later the Ultra Templars reappeared, their warp scarred battle barge and escorts arriving just as the might of the Ultramarines was about to crumble before a Black Crusade. With the sudden arrival of fresh Astartes, the Loyalist forces began to push their traitorous brothers back into the Eye of Terror. The Ultra Templars had returned.

Ultra Templar Space Marine

(Squad Type and Helmet Stripe indicate Company)

Following the triumphant defeat of the renegades, the combined fleet entered the orbit of an unrecorded planet, and the Thrice Refracted Light was soon hailed by a vessel of the Inquisition. The Master of the Ultra Templars was quickly determined to be a loyal son of the Emperor, and much was made of their return. But the Ultra Templars soon were made aware of the fate that had befallen the Emperor and his favored sons at the Battle of Terra, learning that even their Primarch had fallen in the shocking time that had passed since their disappearance. The leadership of the combined Imperial forces was shocked to learn the Ultra Templars were completely unaware of these events, but not as incredulous as the representatives of the Ultramarines Chapter were to find their long dead brothers suddenly returned to them.

Shortly thereafter, the Ultra Templars were brough to Terra, both in recognition of their auspicious arrival and to allow the High Lords to question the story of the chapter themselves. Assured the chapter was indeed loyal by the testimony of a then young sergeant Garyld Stewvart, the High Lords amended the rolls of Second Founding chapters to include the Ultra Templars, providing them both new heraldry and colors to separate and distinguish themselves from the Ultramarines. As an additional boon and reward for their saving of several companies of marines and Imperial Guard regiments when they returned, the Ultra Templars were given Venus as their new home. Venus, the shining star of the Sol System was untouched by the affects of war and, due to excellent terra-forming projects, remains the greatest agri-world in all the Imperium. Soon after establishing themselves on their new world, the chapter was sent with an Inquisitorial observer to quell a rebellion that was quickly growing out of control.

In the Vronix system the Ultra Templars were startled by the destruction and desolation the rebellion had spawned. A rapid strike of Thunderhawk Gunships raced to the defense of the last remaining hive in the system, finding it besieged by the metallic skeletal hordes of the Necrons. Incensed these Xenos would attempt to defy the will of the Emperor and inspired by the righteous fire of the Great Crusade which still burned through their being, the Ultra Templars surged to the defense of the population. Wave after wave, enemy after enemy, the Necrons pressed their attacked. Their rank and file troops were just as strong, durable, and heavily armored as any space marine however, the Ultra Templars chose that moment to display their extreme fighting prowess and great marksmanship abilities to the full, destroying the Necron army in a single night. Every bolter shot rang true, every sword strike struck home, destroying them and annihilating their bodies. Even as the Necron horde worked to rise from the dead and continue the fight, the Ultra Templars continued to beat them down. Yet not all went as planned and the only casualty that day was the old master, the elder marine that had led the chapter for so long was no more. He was not mourned long, as his life had been a shining example to his brother marines even unto the end. Soon the chapter leadership named a new master, and the honors and trappings of leadership fell on the shoulders of then Captain Garyld Stewvart.

The Ultra Templars continue to serve as the bright star of the Adeptus Astartes, striking out from Venus in teams, squads, and companies to do the Emperor’s will and with the aide of their Inquisitorial allies. Each Inquisitor working with the Ultra Templars has been the apprentice of the previous one, continuing the storied partnership through the ages. These lucky inquisitors consider themselves privileged to have the wondrous opportunity to assist the Astartes find their way through the myriad of tired traps and troubles within the labyrinthine existence of the Administratum and other layers of bureaucracy. Likewise the Ultra Templars feed their pride with the knowledge that the Inquisition itself supports their decisions and actions, no matter the cause, no matter the result.


Still to be refined

General Description (cross reference post 88): The planet will have hive cities, but nothing will be underground, the lowest level will be ground level and there will be no gang warfare. Everything is peaceful and every level has access to seeing the sun. In addition, the hive city runs completely on alternative energy, solar panels line the walls and windmills tower on the lower levels. Every room used for sleeping is comfortable for housing standard families of six, this includes parents, children, grandparents. Each level has restaurants, stores, libraries and schools. All children are educated to an exceptional degree, children known how to read and write by four standard years and begin advanced sciences and arithmetic at nine standard years.

The ground itself is fertile worldwide and produces the most beautiful flowers on this side of Armageddon. Trees tower higher than the redwoods of old Terra. Researches on the world are all master botanists. Graveyards are kept outside with flowers grown by local groundskeepers. The seasons shift between Spring and Summer, the temperature is warm and comfortable always with a cool breeze. In addition to these fertile fields, the planet is covered in hundreds of naturally formed lakes. These lakes are the homes to hundreds of fish species with gorgeous colors. Fishing is a worldwide hobby.

The world maintains a planetary defense force numbering some several thousand men, each wears a modified bulky suit, originally intended for moving cargo. The suit runs on grass clippings and is armed with plasma rifles which never overheat and bolters with various specialized munitions.

The planet's primary export is flower seeds, some worlds rely exclusively on the world for their flowers and Armageddon's terraforming after three wars relies almost exclusively on the planet. Valhallans, Elysians, Kriegers, Cadians, Tallarns, Mordians, Praetorians, almost every world, imports flowers, wood and seeds from the planet. The Emperor's Palace itself is decorated with these flowers, hand planted by the Emperor's Custodian Guard. A secondary export is fish, these are also shipped to Terra itself where the Emperor's Palace's fish tanks are filled with them, again maintained by the Emperor's Custodian Guard. Because of these exports and being home to a Space Marine Chapter, the planet is not called on to supply men for the Imperial Guard.

Combat Doctrine

Still to be defined


Shortly after returning to the Imperial fold after having been lost in the Warp, the Ultra Templars quickly reorganized themselves to better fit within the chapter structures laid out in by their Primarch following the Heresy. The chapter has rejected any modified formations and continues to fight in either without the specialized veteran formations the Ultramarines have taken to. Though Ultramarine in tradition and formation, the Ultra Templars look down on their parent chapter since their return to the Imperium. They see the Ultramarines as having strayed from the path set forth by Guilliman and view modifications to the traditional formations as a rejection of the Primarch’s teachings. This has caused the Ultra Templars to see only themselves as the true heirs to Guilliman’s legacy, and drives them to tenaciously adhere to the strictest interpretation of the codex astartes, if only to prove it need no modification or changes over the centuries.


The pristine and serene life on Venus allows people time to pursue their collective interests, every citizen working to aide one another through their daily routines in harmonious service to the Emperor. Under the beneficent eye of the Ultra Templars, these activities have brought Venus to be the shining example of the good of the Imperium, lighting the way for all the citizens to follow. The example set forth by the Ultra Templars in their firmly seated faith that theirs are the right actions and that the Emperor chose them to lead his lost children back to him, serves to guide the average citizen and inspires them to new acts of self sacrifice to the greater glory of the Imperium. Thus, the people of Venus are taught to love the Emperor and his emissaries, the Ultra Templars, and that the highest calling is to be called to become a member of the vaunted chapter.

The Ultra Templars have learned through their voyages that the Imperium must change its ways and attitude towards the galaxy in order to survive the Cataclysmic struggle that will destroy all that the Emperor and the Great Crusade stood for. So they continue to work to inspire their traitorous kin to return to the Emperor and seek his forgiveness for their sin. This has worked to a greater or lesser extent as the traitor primarchs Horus, Lorgar, and the Nighthaunter have been convinced of the error of their revolt against the Emperor and have begged the Ultra Templars to intercede on their behalf. With time, the Emperor will forgive them and welcome them back, but only with the help and guidance of the Ultra Templars. This convinced the Ultra Templars that only they know the true way of the Emperor and they are guided by his inspiration to convince all their Astartes brothers to give up their rivalries and return to a new golden age of enlightenment and expansion within the Imperium.

In battle, the Ultra Templars continue to follow the guidance and teachings of their Primarch. Having returned to the Imperial fold, the Ultra Templars were shocked that the Ultramarines and other progeny of Guilliman would eschew his tactics and teachings, forming instead into new organizations and over specializing in single forms of warfare. The Ultra Templars are thoroughly convinced that they stand as the true heirs to Guilliman’s legacy, following his codex to the letter and excluding extensive veteran formations in favor of retaining the single veteran company the codex allows.


Needs more. Poorly written placeholder
The Ultra Templars are of Ultramarine geneseed, relegated to the Second Founding upon their return to the Imperium after millennia lost in the warp.


Still to be defined (cross-reference post 88 for ideas)

Of Garyld Stewvart, Chapter Master of the Ultra Templars

The early years of Garyld Stewvart in the Ultra Templars chapter remain a shining example of prowess and fortitude to be emulated by all newly risen scouts and battle brothers. From his legendary three day battle with an elder autarch of Beil-Tan, to his single combat subduing of a hive tyrant as a scout using only his chainsword, Garyld Stewvart proved time and again his perfection of the combat arts. It was no surprise to any of the Ultra Templars that shortly after becoming a full battle brother he was elevated to sergeant and given a squad to lead; and lead he did.

Not five years after entering the second company, Stewvart was inducted as its newest captain. His comrades and brothers in arms all knew that Stewvart was the leader they needed, cheering his rise and meeting his promotions with thunderous applause. Then the word came of the need for all loyal members of the Ultramarines legion to hasten quickly to the defense of Terra, the Heresy had struck. Unfortunately for the Ultra Templars, they did not reach the battle, instead appearing millennia later and light years from their intended destination. After appraising the situation and seeing a number of Ultramarine ships surrounded and being pounded by warped hulks of familiar vessels, Stewvart entered the frenzied fray, clearing a path to safety with his lone strike cruiser.

It was several years later that the Chapter Master of the Ultra Templars was killed by a Xenos blade that the chapter leadership identified Stewvart as the only possible successor. So then Captain Garyld Stewvart, with only a fist full of years as a commander, was named Chapter Master of the Ultra Templars. His powerful prowess and brilliant leadership proving time and again since his ascension that he is the most perfect leader of the preeminent chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, inspiring admiration from all who meet him.
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So I guess we need to edit the home world, geneseed, battle cry, and definitely flesh out the combat doctrine. I can work on the doctrine later if you'd like. Other than that I say we have a vote for the best battlecry and maybe add 1 or 2 more. Geneseed just needs a little (never a very big part of an IA article to me.) Home world just needs a little extra stuff added in.
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