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How NOT to build a DIY Chapter (Collaborative IA)


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riiiiiittttteeeeeee because we all want to part of the regular normality which just happens to be a bunch of super humans masacring abunch of other superhumans with powers that come from a hole in space whilst humankinds only hope is the form of a corpse attached to a golden thrown in a palace the size of a country.........................interesting aye


I do, your chapter smacks of ''better than you'' and of incredible weaponry and tactics that may seem entertaining to you but read as cilched and ham-fisted to the rest of us. Not to mention your chapter does not fit the mood of 40k veyr well. Your guys freely use xenos technology and foire on other space marines chapter to protect xenos. Even the most liberal space marines (Salamanders) despise xenos and go into battle with Litanies of Hate.



ham fisted, mary sue, hate ultramarines ....... you by any chance a texan ? lol and cliched..........but never used. as i love 40k but they are using unpowerd cliches aswell- and id rarther have a nuke that a bottle rocket


Nobody else will paticularily enjoy your chapter much ethier. :P

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Nobody else will paticularily enjoy your chapter much ethier. ;)

What he said! If every chapter and their dog could wipe out their enemies with an angry glance, it would make for a very boring WH40K. GW placed a limits on what space marines have at their disposal or can do, if you don't care about those limits then you are no longer talking about WH40K but your own fantasies, and frankly I doubt anyone here but you are interested in those.

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Nobody else will paticularily enjoy your chapter much ethier. ;)

What he said! If every chapter and their dog could wipe out their enemies with an angry glance, it would make for a very boring WH40K. GW placed a limits on what space marines have at their disposal or can do, if you don't care about those limits then you are no longer talking about WH40K but your own fantasies, and frankly I doubt anyone here but you are interested in those.


Well put.


Bloodtitan, if you really want help in making a chapter that everybody can enjoy then we are glad to help. We will not pour empty praise upon your own personal fantasies.

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Nobody else will paticularily enjoy your chapter much ethier. ;)

What he said! If every chapter and their dog could wipe out their enemies with an angry glance, it would make for a very boring WH40K. GW placed a limits on what space marines have at their disposal or can do, if you don't care about those limits then you are no longer talking about WH40K but your own fantasies, and frankly I doubt anyone here but you are interested in those.


Well put.


Bloodtitan, if you really want help in making a chapter that everybody can enjoy then we are glad to help. We will not pour empty praise upon your own personal fantasies.



*slow clap*

well thank you for proving it by reinforcing your statements by putting me down with mediocre insults ;) lucky to have guys like you -.........no really i mean it .......



btw you guys take it way to seriosly and it saddens me to to say it because i really do like dow and am willing to hear every one out. even though you guys totally arent

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*slow clap*

well thank you for proving it by reinforcing your statements by putting me down with mediocre insults ;) lucky to have guys like you -.........no really i mean it .......



btw you guys take it way to seriosly and it saddens me to to say it because i really do like dow and am willing to hear every one out. even though you guys totally arent


Well, I tried. ;)


You are not going to get anywhere with that kind of attitude. I have given my honest opinion and offered to help. You have responded with a condescension and mockery, If this is how you are going to act you will not get anywhere by blaming other people.

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Gree, you have a Chapter that is the loyalist analogue of a traitor legion. I think you can give bloodtitan a tinsy bit of leeway.


I don't have my chapter as invincible mary sues. I don't have them firing on other marine chapters in the defense of the Tau. I don't have a chapter who's leader has a necrodermis skeleton and is best friends with the Eldar and Tau and has bolters who can blow up Leman russes.


Besides my chapter was revised while ago. even at it's worst my guys where not as bad as his. when help was offered I took it and changed my chapter heavily, when I offered some basic help he ignored me and mocked me.

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This is an old discussion, an old debate. Does playing within the boundaries set by GW produce a long-line of boring, mundane chapters? I'm sure Aurelius Rex, Commissar Molotov, Rogue Trader, SCC, Sigismund Himself, Octvulg, Barrett, Nine_Breaker and everyone else who has their chapters in the Librarium (myself included) would disagree. But for now, let sheep rest.
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