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Very mean looking Apostle you have there Brother.

A nice mix of Fantasy, the only thing I can see is that the Torso may need bulking a little.

I also really like the red your using, always good to see more Sons of Lorgar.

I just hope mine turn out this good!


Kikkala: Dont you dare feel inferior. Your one of the god fathers of the Legion here besides, its not the size of your Crozius its the amount of converts you sway that counts ;)



The poor mini was never fully stuck to his base since i still had GS work to do (Which has been done today).


The torso looks fine now as well, with all the GS work that has been done, everything looks good, so i'll try to get a pic up within the next day or so.





Lets try sooner than later for the WIP pic ;)



It never hurts to stay on good terms with the Dark Council Kikkala :D


On topic ahem, the cloak looks nice. Definatly gives him a more imposing silhouette.

I think the arm looks ok though, the left arm makes it look small but it seems about right otherwise.

He's coming together nicely, very unique.

But I'm afraid like us the gods always hunger for more :tu:



Holy crap, TAS updated! ;) Love the Apostle, man. Great pose. The arms look fine - besides, one of 'em's mutated anyway. And I'll have to reconsider using some of the knight torsos, 'cause that one looks right at home there. :tu: The Gods smile upon you. :D


Jeez, I gotta get to work. :lol:

I had a quick multi-angle look of the model, and the arm actually doesn't look 'small' at all, unless you look at it in a particular angle.


Plus, as Raz said, his other arm IS mutated, so really he has no actual correctly proportioned arm. Interestingly enough, the Knights also look to have bigger arms than regular Marine arms.


I think i just have some very minor GS touch up to do on his waist line to cover up a wee gap between the torso and legs, otherwise, he's pretty close to being able to be undercoated. Of course, this alone will take me like 2 weeks :).


Hopefully once the color comes on, it'll help differentiate alot of the green bits as well, since they seem to be everywhere!

The Crozius part (and the arm it is attached to) came from the Fantasy Range (Chaos Knights to be more precise).


Good range of bits in there. Even parts of the horses, if you know what to do, can be utilised for some interesting conversions.

  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like i've done all the modelling work that i've needed to do, next up i believe is the evil painting side, since that will take me forever and a day to do.


I'm quite happy with the model (i think the only thing that doesn't sit 100% with me is the BP), but overall i think i've done a pretty ok job at putting this guy together.


Pics haven't included the backpack and his "book on a chain", but i'll be sure to include pics of those eventually.


Also thought i'd put up a pic of the back just to give an idea of what i did there.







I was looking at some of the pics after i took them and maybe it's just me, but i seem to have noticed a few million faults with the mini that the normal eye can't pick up.


I'm hoping once he has paint on, they won't be as bad. Next pic i might try to actually attach the backpack and everything (or even stand him on his base).

@Raz - I might look at the original Chaos TDA Lord just to get a visual source of inspiration for the tattering and see if i can do some without adding a '1 million and one' fault, heh.


@DD - Thanks :wallbash: I hope to get the painting process started very soon.

I think maybe the bottom of his cape could potentially use some more tattering


I tend to agree here, it's the 'roundness' around his right leg i think, everywhere else looks fine ^_^


Some of the impurity seals might want a bit of extra wax, or maybe just indent them a bit more but painted they'll scrub up fine either way. You''ll probably notice less (than a million at least) faults once undercoated.


Speaking of painting - 20 days left!!

For some reason i totally forgot about indenting them when i did them :(


Oh well, nothing a drill bit can't fix up.


I'll see if i can patch up the bottom end of his cape around the leg.



Gosh, 20 days to go? Oh boy, here we go again! :D

Just a quick pic update of some of the minor work i did (although it doesn't come up all too well in the pics).


Did some tattering to the edge of the cape, so it looks mor 'normal'. Also worked on the wax indent for the impurity seals as well. I'm pretty much happy with the state the DA is in now, so hopefully i'll start getting that paint slapped on real soon.


Also, bit of a minor teaser in one pic, since the DA is surrounded by two AoBR marines. Now whatever could those two marines be for, only time will tell :huh:





  • 3 weeks later...

Thought i should put a pic up of his current paint in progress phase. For some reason, he looks WORSE as a digital image than with the naked eye. However he is still far from complete (although he is progressing quite well). A few highlights and some washes here and there will probably set him up very nicely.


Surprisingly enough, i'm actually liking how he is turning out, although yeah, not too big a fan of how he looks on camera though...


Here are some pics!!




Major parts on his front end are highlights and washes since alot of stuff still look quite bland (eg Metal areas). Still need to toy around with his robes as well.




Major emphasis on getting his cloak sorted out, but this just goes back to the case of highlights and washes!


By Friday night (i hope) there shall hopefully be a much more significant improvement!

I'm glad to see your still working on this monster of an Apostle.

He's turning rather well Brother (a trademarked Disciple understatement :rolleyes: )

How are you planning on painting the Crozius?

Cant wait to see how you finish him off.



@Kik - Thank ye for the kind words :) Loving the wash sets. Used Gryphonne Sepia thus far, but i'll definitely be using Badab black for the darkening of the metal (and to go over the red as well). Used a red ink on the armor itself to really make it pop (and popped it did!)


@DD - Thanks :) Not sure how i'm planning the crozius. I might go for a more metallic look, probably more on the bronze side. The lower shaft, since it looks like it it was some form of 'wrapping' texture, i'll probably do in a typical bone-white type of color.


@Raz - Thanks :)




Tonight i hope to add some more color to the non colored areas (eg Hand and Crozius). Should hopefully be able to clear up a few other areas. Only thing i've learned from this experience is that i really dislike painting fully assembled models :D

And here be the last WIP pic before the Dark Apostle is completed.


Not too bad looking, but obviously still a wee bit away from looking finished.





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