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You better refresh this when you are done Kik, as i can see you ;)



Good news, my still un-named Dark Apostle is finished!!!


I am definitely happy with the model, although i'm sure i could have nit-picked the poor thing for ages, but i'd say it slides in quite comfortably at the table top requirement. As i get more confident with my general Word Bearers painting techniques, i may go back and do some touch ups here and there. However, for the LPC, he be a ready to start praising the words of the great Lorgar!








Random notes:


I am pleased with the red. It has the deep, rich red look i wanted for my WB. I'm also quite surprised by how far this model has gone (and changed from initial plans). This would be my first completed mini in a fair while, so here is hoping he isn't the last for several months either! The base isn't fantastic, but i didn't want to get too overboard since i haven't decided on the general base theme for the army, but hey, he still looks good! :D

:wub: :unsure: :blush:

Looks great!

Did you paint the latros sacrum on the book or is it modeled? I know thats a weird question but hey.

The banner looks great and he's certainley imposing.

You should be proud of this one, you've certainly insiped me to crack on with my own Word Bearers wehn I get back!

Good luck with this bad boy on the table, may the gods smile upon you and your dice rolls always be favourable ;)



Thanks guys :) ;)


@DD - Aha! The book does not have the Latros Sacrum on it but the Eye of Horus instead (it's a typical extra bits and bop piece from which kit i can't remember). Although now that you have mentioned it, it would be something to have pursued (might have to recall this for future reference).


I wanted a model that i could still create using what "limited" WB rulings i could use in the new codex (unlike the last one) so i tried to use as many referenced bits of wargear from the previous codex into the new one.


It's definitely an interesting piece (especially as my first completed model in ages), so it's far from super-excellent.


Now to try and finish of my WB test marine :lol:

With the LPC now finished, i was looking at my Painting Desk and noticed that i have a lot of stuff that i have left unfinished for some time now (for those with a very keen eye there are three lots of entries from previous B&C comps on there too :D).


Now that i can go back to a more "less pressured" stance on the painting I am going to try and clear up that desk a bit and hopefully start with the 2 WB marines and the single IH marine that are on that desk. I do have two marines not on that desk that i would also like to paint up (they will be a surprise ;)).


Plan for the remains of this weekend: Get to work on the WB and IH Minis!! :D

With the LPC Completed and my Dark Apostle done, i've been able to go back to the 'good ole favourites' (aka Painting Desk Spring Cleaning '09) and have made progress on the previously started WB marines and the lone IH model. Nothing major, but at least it's positive progress. Was quite surprised by how "easy" an IH marine is to paint, although it's the highlighting step that will end up causing you grief!


Anyway, quick snap to see they have paint on them:



What! Only one Iron Hand model! You should (read 'must') do more of 'em ;).

Nah, I'm kidding, take your time mate :). Glad that you realized the easiness of IH-painting.


I'm waiting for more progress from Iron Hands, and let's not forget Word Bearers :).


*edit* You asked for bone/cloth recipe at my thread. The recipe is Snakebite Leather->Desert Yellow->Rotting Flesh by layering, and wash with Devlan Mud. You can see it also on my WB tutorial ;).

Don't worry Kik, there be another IH model somewhere. It just hasn't made it over to the paint desk yet :D.


However, i have been randomly "picking" at things since i want to clean up my paint area for a quick re-shuffle and clean up of things. Once things look more manageable, i'm sure i'll try to crank out decent amounts of IHs!


I like your bone/cloth recipe. I'll have to see if i have the relevant paints and try to mimic your work :ermm:


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