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Nurglified AoBR Terminators!


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Since finishing the AoBR Dread, I've got my teeth into the loyalist termies that come in the box. They're very static plain models really, but I've added some green stuff and other components to make them more Nurgley.


The project has been a bit delayed by two things: 1) I need to get hold of some cork tile from somewhere so they have cool platforms to stand on; 2) I'm waiting for some fantasy Chaos Warrior Champion helmets to arrive in the post...


Here is what I have so far:


Generic Termies:


- The terminator helmets have been sawn off, and all the loyalist insignia has (hopefully) been removed too. I've added slight amounts of rot around the belly area, mainly to fill a puzzling gap under each chest plate.

- The Chaos Champion heads will be attached when they turn up

- The vents on the top of their armour are the barrels from old metal Tyranid Gargoyle guns, with green stuff surrounding.

- The entire squad has hooved feet.


Icon Bearer


- This guy has had much the same treatment, except a banner pole from the plastic Flagellants sprue has been added (plus bells).

- The belly is a bit more bulging, and the fuel tank from a Flamer is protruding from it.






- The champ is obviously based on the Terminator Captain model, and has a bit more going on. The Roman style groin-guard has been made into chainmail, and his stomach has two Flamer tanks rather than one.

- The crest/vent is a bit more elaborate - it is the whole tail section of a Tyranid Gargoyle (with the blade cut off the end of the main tail). I wish I had given the whole squad one of these, but I didn't think of it in time. Oh well, at least it stands this guy out as the champ.


~ ~


Now for the arms! I have gone for 4 power weapons and one chainfist, and twin-linked bolters throughout. If I decide I want more options, I'll probably just get another 5 AoBR termies off Ebay! (well under a tenner)


My favourite thing about the squad is that their power weapons are actually Flagellant flails - the perfect weapons for Nurgle in my opinion (as well as scythes)!



- The supporting hands have been cut from each shaft.



- These are the terminator left arms with the power fists cut off and replaced at the elbow with CSM chainsword arms.

- The chainfist is just a CSM power fist with a chainsword incorporated.



- These are the standard termie right arms, with bayonets on all the stormbolters and a number of accessories on the shoulderpad: horns clipped from unused CSM helmets, scrolls from the Flagellant kit, and an open Dark Angels book for the Champ's arm.


~ ~


I also plan to texture most of the flat armour areas (e.g. shin pads, edges of right shoulder pads) with the fine sand I've used on lots of my other models. It's a bit of a gamble but I think the grains are small enough to achieve a really crusty look without overpowering the models.


More updates soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

FINALLY, the Chaos Warrior heads turned up! Talk about stretching the 7-10 working days postage to the limit!


Anyway, the heads have been attached and all limbs glued on. The squad is pretty much ready to be sprayed, except for some texturing on the base, and I might also add some final areas of sand on the chest and neck areas of some of them.


So, presenting final WIP shots.........


CAPTAIN SPURCUS, Chief Man-at-Arms, Exalted Champion of Gresiloth, High Constable of the Mountain:













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