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Showcase: Show off your Sternguard!


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Here is my WIP Blood Angels Sternguards/Veterans:







Some more detailed pics:












your mastery of color is amazing, friend. The red is deep and rich and the wings are perfect - but I'm really most impressed by the cloaks and cloth.


Just fantastic. Don't forget to make your own thread when they're finished!

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your mastery of color is amazing, friend. The red is deep and rich and the wings are perfect - but I'm really most impressed by the cloaks and cloth.


Just fantastic. Don't forget to make your own thread when they're finished!


Thanks for the massively generous words :D


I do have the progress of these dudes on the 'Blood Angels' and Work In Progress' Forums from their beginnings to now.




I have posted the link to their WIP thread in the BA sub forum.


Thanks again :lol:

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I just spent the last 45minutes looking at this thread, i'm glad I did 'cause there are some really nice looking miniatures in this thread. Makes me want to paint up some sternguard for my executioners army but i'm waiting until IA10 comes out to see if there is any different color schemes for them. Cudos to everyone who posted their work in this thread tho' really well done paint.

Respects, Emperorsaxe


lol I did the same thing, but then went and converted up some heavy flamers for my BA sternguard!

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  • 2 weeks later...

im making my sternguard squad, very soon as ive been using tacticals for far too long


my friends hate them becasue they all play chargy power armoured armies they have begrudgingly come to be known as the plasma guard if you want to know why


sternguard, 5 addittional sternguard, 2 plasma cannons (i have 11 others in my 2000 army) 8 combi plasma's, power fist

razor back, twin linked plasma guns and lascannon


if you dont charge me you will die against this if you do you will die also, i just hate vanguard squads of my friends bangles, because they can charge on the turn they come down but hey if they kill this squad they will die anyway with the 20 something other palsma weapons i have (7 of which are mounted on razorbacks)


before you say anything i have made up a warcry for them "You shall know the heat of suns!" so there isnt any "imma firin mah lazor!!!"

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here's one of mine heresy era style :)









is that muzzle from a scout bolt pistol? pin it on?

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  • 1 year later...

I may be a bit late to the party, but hopefully this is still relevant. My sternguard with heavy flamer.



Not my best paint job... but, he'll do.


That heavy flamer looks pretty ridiculous, but then again... no less so than most of the power weapons, thunder hammers, etc. that other marines are saddled with.

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Hehehe, just saw you're heavy flamer sternguard Gitsplitta.... its funny because I just made my sternguard flamers yesterday afternoon and one of them has this scouts head too.....he looks like a grufty vet that would play with fire!
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Here's my whole Mantis Warrior Tranquility sniper (sternguard) unit on their display base... along with my Kantor, also depicted as a Tranquility veteran.



It's a pretty big pic so if you zoom in on it the detail should show up decently.

Edited by Gitsplitta
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WOW, lots of nice troops in this thread - I will not deny my squad

Cimson Fists Sternguard, Squad STELIOS with their personal Razorback




Hope you like it



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WOW, lots of nice troops in this thread - I will not deny my squad

Cimson Fists Sternguard, Squad STELIOS with their personal Razorback




Hope you like it






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I'll join in too :)


This is the only one I painted so far, metal, not finecast:










I haven't decided on his company yet, hence the absence of the icon on his shoulder pad.


I have to say, there is a fantastic selection of minis on these pages, and glad someone resurrected the thread! :)


The sternguard/vanguard models are some of my favorite sculpts.

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WOW, lots of nice troops in this thread - I will not deny my squad

Cimson Fists Sternguard, Squad STELIOS with their personal Razorback




Hope you like it


Wow love it.



And you are even a triple-fellow german Templars/Witch hunter player. :)


But I dont collect Crimson Fists but Imperial Fists beside my Templars and Witch hunters. :tu:

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