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So far my force is made up of a bunch of AoBR stuff, which is great because it was a cheap way to build up my numbers. Since I have 3 AoBR tac squads I decided to try and make my Sternguard more interesting/unique on the table. I like the official models, and will likely pick some up down the road to mix in, but for now I bought a tac squad box and some bits and started playing around with them.

I only have one veteran built so far. I am pretty happy with the way he turned out.



And a close up of the bolter, using a drink stirrer for the barrel extension and the IG grenade launcher for the magazine (saw that one on here somewhere)


And since my DIY chapter will be fighting the Tau primarily he has a trophy on his right shoulder pad


My GS work is not as great as it could be, but this is only the second time I have used it. His right arm is using rare earth magnets, something else I have only done once before, but that was on my scout bike which you can check out here

Any and all comments are welcome. I will update here as I get more troops built. Based on the time it took me for this guy some of them might be a bit less converted, we will see.

Edit: Spotted some flash on the legs in the photos that my tired eyes missed in person. That will be cleaned up before he gets primered.

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looks very nice, i love the action pose! if i were to offer any constructive critism i'd say the bolter barrel looks just a little too long, maybe trim it down a bit? also, personally think the tau helmet sticks out a bit too much, perhaps swap for a Tau hand or something less bulky? (just MHO, feel free to ignore totally! :P )


all in all, very nice job!

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First Combat Squad of my Tau hunting vets are mostly built. They are still missing some gs work and I need to decide on some shoulder pads, but here they are.


The sarge, looking kind of plain for now, but he does have a trophy Bonding Knife on his shoulder



One of the Brothers, reloading the drum mag on his bolter. He has a laser targeter...thing... made of Tau stuff under slung.



Brother Lefty, with electronic scope..or something..made of Tau stuff.



And finally, Brother Stabby


All comments welcomed, let me know what you think!

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Great dynamic assault type poses...

as others have said, cut down the bolter barrels about 1/2 of what they are.

I don't know how I feel about the xenos tech, nor the tau helemt on that one marine's pad...

why not represent their 'preferred enemy' by littering their bases with dead tau, helmets, guns, etc.

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the silencers are too long imo

especially on the bayonet dude the silencer is as long as the bayonet (tecnically rendering the bayonet useless :huh:)


the tau scope thing looks cool its a good idea i think you should file the tau sept logo down a bit


the tau targeter (with the grenade launcher ammo box) -which would look great as a shotgun attachment or if bulked you then could pass it as a grenade launcher!- anyway this one stands out from the bolter a bit, if you green stuffed a bit round (at least) the hilt end section so its bulkier it would look less out of place, i love the reloading pose though

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, it has been a while. I work at a University so this is a pretty hectic time of year, but I have gotten a (very) little bit of progress done.

Here is a group shot, after shortening the bolter barrels I think they are looking pretty good.


I also started working with green stuff a bit more, here are a few detail shots. What I have decided to do is make the right shoulder the 'fancy' one, using trophies, scrolls, or (when I get them) pre heresy shoulder pads. The left shoulder will likely stay plain, to give me a place to put the chapter symbol.




I am pretty happy with my first green stuff work. Hopefully I will get some paint on these guys before the holidays. I need to work out a cold weather primer solution (considering gesso, as I have read good things about it).

I keep spotting places that could use a once over with a file when I take pictures, so I know about the mould lines (bad elijahdprophet, no cookie!)

Anyway, let me know what you think!

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First 3 squad members painted up, still a few touch ups and basing to be done, but for the most part these are finished.

The blue bits you see are the Tau trophies they carry with them. I figure they left the trophies in the paint scheme of their enemy.

My highlighting and shading skills are still rough, and I need a finer brish for things like eyes, but I think these pass muster for tabletop use.


C&C appreciated!

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