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{ARTWORK}Leman Russ

Mr. Nipples

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Heres some early wip shots of everyone's second fav primarch. "Leman Russ". I want this image to differ alot from previous works to show a colder more frigid view. So alot of blues will be used and well hes got some ice build up.




Details still workin on the snow and ice on his face





C@C as always

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Really beautiful stuff there nipples! :HQ:


That face just screams Leman Russ... it also screams badass, but what's the difference. ;)


The snow is perfect, the moon, everything so far that you've done... only thing missing is the belt of russ -_- something all the wolf lords don't leave home without, it's quite fashionable really. ;)


I'm trusting he'll be dawning his trusty blade over the spear correct? and what's with the wolf in the right hand corner?, is that for a little "icon" addition thingy or is that his other wolf in the picture ready to shred some unfortunate soul?

I, sir, hate you. :HQ:


Awesome work as always. Personally I think a braid or two in the hair would be a nice touch but thats just my opinion, and its far from necissary.


Can't wait to see this guy done!


P.S. look at the Ragnar Blackmane model for a good view of a BoR.


Wolf89 - Surely what Ragnar wears is also a BoR, just a different varient/design?

As for the belt ... all the others (one for each great company) were said to have been based off the one Russ wore.
as Ragnar is head of a Great Company. I do not have the codex so this is just a trail of thought.
The two wolves represent his fenris wolves, that one is jsut extra close to viewer.


That's what I thought originally, but I wasn't sure because he's all aggressive and such while Leman Russ seems to not notice so i wasn't quite sure.


As for the belt, the original belt of Russ I'm unsure what it looked like, but all the others (one for each great company) were said to have been based off the one Russ wore. If this is the case, and the GW sprues don't lie, that would mean it would be a skull (wolf skull) with cross bones.


For inspiration I suggest a local B&C's interpretation of his Leman Russ Conversion. http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh132/Mjolnir81/P6040162.jpg




Actually that belt he has on right now was the one of which I spoke earlier. :HQ:


-edit #2-


Ragnar doesn't wear the belt of Russ, Logan does, which I'm holding in front of me for reference which has a wolf skull, and two wings on it's sides.

beautiful work as usual, but the only part that bothers me is the tusks.



Most of the space wolf fluff and models suggests emphasis on the upper canines. I suppose the lower canines would be enlarged as well, and it's a good take on it, but he looks more like a boar, or an Ork than a Wolf.



Ok enough with the caps. The face of Leman is just amazing, i love the details so much and the snow and ice is a lovely touch, especially as his nose is starting to go red, hehehe.


Red hair ftw, might be an idea to add some snow and ice to his hair as well. :D

Wolf89 - Surely what Ragnar wears is also a BoR, just a different varient/design?
As for the belt ... all the others (one for each great company) were said to have been based off the one Russ wore.
as Ragnar is head of a Great Company. I do not have the codex so this is just a trail of thought.


Not sure, it's not listed as an item that he has, so I'd assume if he does have one then he doesn't wear it... either way it's different from Logan's who is wearing one, so I think it's safe to say if he goes off Logan's belt he'll be spot on. ;)

beautiful work as usual, but the only part that bothers me is the tusks.



Most of the space wolf fluff and models suggests emphasis on the upper canines. I suppose the lower canines would be enlarged as well, and it's a good take on it, but he looks more like a boar, or an Ork than a Wolf.


if you enlarged the upper canines, he would look like a vampire.

great work so far mr nipples. i second the view on him having a braid or two in his hair.



beautiful work as usual, but the only part that bothers me is the tusks.


That's exactly what I was going to say. At the moment I can't get the Hogfather out of my mind when I see him like that. He needs more fang and less tusk. Other than that, it looks like a fantastic start. I'm still recovering after the Legion of the Damned pic you did the other day.. You really should give us forewarning before springing something like this so soon!

I wish we could nominate people to do work on a The Great Crusade art book (Like a prequel to The Horus Heresy Visions books.), because then we could nominate you and it would most assuredly be epic.

Who at GW do I need to harass to make this happen? The Black Library probably?

See, I prefer the lower teeth being the primary ones.


Granted, I'm biased, and my english bulldog has that huge underbite where her bottom teeth are really large(which makes her look freakin sweet), but I prefer that.


Looking great there Nipples! You do the chapter honor.

Id like to be in as an artist/ trainee sculptor. I think I have a good knowledge base to sculpting but no where near being a FT sculptor at GW. I feel my art is more refined at this point, Ill be sending them some of my art soon.


Does anyone know how to prounce John Blanches last name? does it sound like ranch er what?


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