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UMBRAL BLADES 19/11/2008 update


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well i thought i could sit and blood angels til the cows come home but i was wrong i abit bored of painting red ( last 3 armies had a lot of red paint them )



bored of painting the same old chapters so thought its time i will do one my self i didn't want it to be to difficult to paint as i want to finish an army not just start another one :D


here what i came up with (i know it looks alot like red scorpions i didn't realize til i was up loading my pics :) )








what do you think



here's a list of names i got off the name generator that i like


post any suggestions if you like


Shadow swords (likeing this one alot )

Shadow Lords (also this one )

Astral Knights

Omega Angels

Astral Acolytes

Death Raptors


but there all possible



plz C&C



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had a another go at the paint scheme


all tried out painting a beard/stubble but i may have to use brown's instead of Grey as it clashes with their armour











I'm enjoying painting them so far and there quick to paint:)


also i think i got a name :-


Emperor's Shadows


plz C&C about the painting as well as the name :whistling:


thx you to who has already replied :lol:



i may change the chapter symbole I'm only using that U because i had the nid vet's in my bits box :lol:

Sweet color scheme. Going from Emperor's Shadows, how 'bout Imperial Shadows? Ties the yellow in with the Fists.



i may do because i plan to have alot of scout which i will paint a little darker make it a black Op's army small and elite -_-

may have a same recruiting thing as the space wolves the harder you are the less you wear so you can get closer to the foe i may give all my scouts grey hair a beards LOL

i done a few more samples try out a scout im liking it results so far going to paint a termie 2moro i will see what a can come with



scout Ive got loads of them 30ish (dont ask how i got them cough--friends --cough.--stuff discount...!!cough lol ;) but that was years ago i never did paint any of them :) ) problem is that i got no snipers :D im searshing e-bay as we speak :geek:


anyway here the test scout i like the way the free-hand chapter symbol came out :) better than i thought (thank you to the person who did the tutorial )






normal dude with plasma gun I'm still not sure if I'm going to go gun casing's white mixed feeling ? i do like the the way the energy cells came out though:)











the gang so far






plz tell me what you think <_<





i think its coin toss for names "Emperor's Shadow" or "Imperial Shadows"


i know people are voting for Umbral Blades (or Umbral Swords)


but im not sure



anyway plz C&C


:nuke: FALLOUT1983 :nuke:

I like the scheme but have to agree with the suggestion for Umbral Blades (or Umbral Swords) if you're going to leave the Ultramarine iconography on the minis. If it were me, I'd be doing some shaving to get rid of them.




here how i thick i going to do my termie's




i had a look on Wiki Umbra=Shadow in Latin


and I'm getting used to Umbral Blades the name is growing on me also i was on clip art trying to make a chapter banner /symbol

came up with this:)



............................ "UMBRAL BLADES"...............................

i think that we have a winner :tu:



thx you for all your in put ;)

Good color scheme and great paintjobs so far.


Having said that...I have been retained by the Ultramarines Chapter. I will be sending you a "cease and desist" letter instructing you that the "U" device is a copyrighted symbol. Mr. Calgar and I have had several meetings about your blatant copyright violations and he will be acting promptly to protect the Chapter's intellectual property rights from dilution.


Now where is that damned paralegal...



OK just a quick update started the termie and 1 more scout got the armour almost done :D


pip termie







very pip scout



found some of the scout's i had i one of many bitz box's (i wish i labeled thing :( would make things 100 times easier :P)


i've ordered 10 sniper scouts and i need to find the rest of the scout hidden some where :)

also my 3x box's of AoBR (i have a ork army as well so the box set is win win for me :) )has came so i can start working out an army :)




you a welcome to C&C



............................ "UMBRAL BLADES" ...............................







just a quick update woke up 2hrs early for work so i finished off the termie i started :)














the last one is abit burry :huh:


plz tell me wot you think :)



:nuke: FALLOUT1983 :nuke:

Finnaly found all my scouts i had to dig round in my bitz boxs for hours


and it looks like ive got more than 30ish i found 60 scouts :) 20 with bolters 15 ,with shotguns 15, with Bolt pisoal and 10 ,with snpier





also found my tester for a ture-scale scout




its simple but it gives them the exrta hight :)




may have all of them in new chapter :)10th company or some thing like that





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